Modern hinduism
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Litteraturlista RT1245 Modern hinduism, 7,5 hp
Aukland, Knut. 2019. “Hindu Pilgrimage and Modern Tourism”. I Brekke, Torkel (red.) The Oxford History of Hinduism: Modern Hinduism. Oxford Scholarship Online: Oxford University Press. Sid. 125–140.
Frøystad, Kathinka. 2019. “Hinduism and New Age: Patrimonial Oneness and Religious Cosmopolitanism”. I Brekke, Torkel (red.) The Oxford History of Hinduism: Modern Hinduism. Oxford Scholarship Online: Oxford University Press. Sid. 141–161.
Hatcher, Brian A. (red.) 2016. Hinduism in the Modern World. New York, London: Routledge.
Karapanagiotis, Nicole. 2021. Branding Bhakti. Krishna consciousness and the makeover of a movement. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Oliver, Paul. 2014. Hinduism and the 1960s. The rise of a counter-culture. London, New York: Bloomsbury.