Utbytesstudenten Nayana vid vacker sjö.
Exchange student Nayana Mysore Ramamurthy.

My exchange: an unforgettable adventure

What it’s like to be an exchange student? Why choose the University of Gothenburg? We asked Dr. Nayana Mysore Ramamurthy, exchange student from Nitte University, India who studies Health Economics at the Master’s programme in Public Health Science, a few questions about her exchange experience.

Thinking about an exchange? Here's Nayanas best tips:

  • Research the Destination before departure: Learn about the country’s culture, customs, language for a more better exchange experience.
  • Be Open-Minded: Embrace differences and be open to new experiences, perspectives, and ways of life.
  • Learn the Language: Even basic language skills can greatly enhance your experience and help you connect with locals.
  • Get Involved: Participate in local activities, clubs, and events to immerse yourself in the culture and make new friends.
  • Stay Flexible: Things may not always go as planned, so remain adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.
  • Document Your Experience: One should Keep a journal, take photos, and create memories to cherish for a lifetime.
  • Stay Safe: Be aware of local laws, customs, and safety precautions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
  • Seek Support: One shouldn't hesitate to reach out to program coordinators, fellow exchange students, or locals for support and guidance when needed.

About Nayana Mysore Ramamurthy

Name: Dr. Nayana Mysore Ramamurthy
Age: 28 years
From: Karnataka, India
Studies in India: Master of Public Health at K S Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Mangalore, India
Studies at GU: Health Economics course at Master’s programme in Public Health Science, Sahlgrenska Academy
Dream job: WHO or do research in the Public Health abroad field
Leisure interests: travelling, cooking, trying different cuisines
Nayana in four words: curious, adventurous, sociable doctor

Kaffe och kanelbulle - en klassisk svensk fika.
Coffee and cinnamon bun - a Swedish fika.
Nayana witnessed aurora in Sweden.