
Politik, makt och motstånd

Politics, power and resistance

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Dryzek, John S. (2022) The politics of the earth: Environmental discourses. Oxford: Oxford university press (utvalda sidor)

Gamble, Andrew (2020) Att studera politik. Studentlitteratur, 102 s.

Jagers, Sverker C. och Matti, Simon (2021) Politiken för miljö och hållbar utveckling. Studentlitteratur, 144 s.

Scoones, Ian, Leach, Melissa, Newell, Peter (2015) The Politics of Green Transformations. London: Routledge (utvalda sidor)

Lilja, Mona och Vinthagen, Stellan (red) (2021) Motstånd: en introduktion. Irene Publishing, ISBN 9789188061515 349 s

Artiklar och bokkapitel 

Avelino, Flor (2021) ‘Theories of power and social change. Power contestations and their implications for research on social change and innovation’, Journal of Political Power, 14(3): 425-448, 23s. DOI: 10.1080/2158379X.2021.1875307

Burman, Anders (2017). ‘The Political Ontology of Climate Change: Moral Meteorology, Climate Justice, and the Coloniality of Reality in the Bolivian Andes’. Journal of Political Ecology 24: 921-938, 17s.

Burman, Anders (2022) ‘A Taste for Ecology: Class, Coloniality and the Rise of a Bolivian Environmental Movement’. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 17 (2): 193–218, 25 s.

Dwivedi, Ranjit. (2001). Environmental Movements in the Global South: Issues of Livelihood and Beyond. International Sociology, 16(1), 11-31. 20s.

Dobson, Andrew: trajectories of green political theory, interview, (2014) Natures Sciences Societes, 22(2) 132-141, 11s.

Eckersley, Robyn, (2022) Greening states and societies: from transitions to great transformations. In Trajectories in Environmental Politics (pp. 242-262) 20s. Routledge. Available online:

Ellis, Elizabeth (2016) 'Democracy as Constraint and Possibility for Environmental Action', in Teena Gabrielson, and others (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory 505-519, 14s.

Forestier, Oana and Rakhyun, Kim (2020) ‘Cherry-picking the Sustainable Development Goals: Goal prioritization by national governments and implications for global governance’ Sustainable Development 28 (5): 1269–1278.9s.

Fung, Zali, and Vanessa Lamb. (2023) ‘Dams, Diversions, and Development: Slow Resistance and Authoritarian Rule in the Salween River Basin’ Antipode 55(6): 1662–1685, 23s.

Grant, Zack P. and Tilley, James (2019) ‘Fertile soil: explaining variation in the success of Green parties’ West European Politics 42(3): 495-516, 21s. DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2018.1521673

Haugaard, Mark (2021) ‘The four dimensions of power: conflict and democracy’ Journal of Political Power 14(1): 153-175, 22s. DOI: 10.1080/2158379X.2021.1878411

Henriksson, Malin och Kaijser, Anna (2017) ‘Att ställa andra frågor – intersektionalitet och feministisk politisk ekologi’, kapitel 7 i Politisk ekologi. Om makt och miljöer Studentlitteratur, 206-230, 24s.

Humphrey, Mathew (2013) ‘Green Ideology’ in the Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies, 422-438, 16s.

Hysing, Erik (2013) Representative democracy, empowered experts, and citizen participation: visions of green governing, Environmental Politics 22(6): 955-974, 19s. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2013.817760

Koch, Max, (2021) ‘The state in the transformation to a sustainable postgrowth economy’, in The Political Prospects of a Sustainability Transformation 115-133, Routledge. Open Access. 18s.

Kronsell, Annica and Hildingsson, Roger (2022) 'Green State Theory: Approaches and Critical Issues', in Colin Hay, David Marsh, Michael Lister (eds) The State: Theories and Issues (Bloomsbury) 145-166. 21s Pdf from teacher.

Lidskog, Rolf and Sundqvist, Göran (2022) ‘Lost in transformation: The Paris Agreement, the IPCC and the quest for national transformative change’ Frontiers in Climate (vol 4-2022).

Machin, Amanda (2022) ‘Climates of democracy: Skeptical, rational, and radical imaginaries’ Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13(4) e774, 13s.

McKay, Ben M. (2018) ‘The politics of convergence in Bolivia: social movements and the state’. Third World Quarterly 39 (7): 1247–1269, 22s.

Meyer, David. S. (2003). ‘How Social Movements Matter’ Contexts 2(4): 30-35. 5s.

Mollett, Sharlene och Faria, Caroline (2017) ’Att bråka med genus inom feministisk politisk ekologi’ i Politisk ekologi. Om makt och miljöer. Studentlitteratur, 174-204, 30s.

Peterson, Abby, Thörn, Håkan & Wahlström, Mattias. (2018). Popular Struggle and Democracy in Scandinavia. In: F. Mikkelsen, K. Kjeldstadli & S. Nyzell (eds.) Sweden 1950–2015: Contentious Politics and Social Movements between Confrontation and Conditioned Cooperation (pp. 377-432) 55s Palgrave Macmillan.

Robbins, Paul (2020) ‘Environmental Subjects and Identities’, chapter 11 in Paul Robbins’ Political Ecology: A Critical Introduction (third edition), Wiley: Oxford, 17s (OA)

Rüdig, Wolfgang, and Javier Sajuria (2020) ‘Green party members and grass-roots democracy: A comparative analysis’ Party politics 26(1): 21-31, 10s.

Sabato, Sebastiano and Mandelli, Matteo (2023) ‘Towards an EU framework for a just transition: welfare policies and politics for the socio-ecological transition’ European Political Science

Staggenborg, Suzanne (2016) ‘Theories of Social Movements and Collective Action’ Social Movements. Oxford University Press, 14-30, 16s.

White, Damian F. (2019) ‘Ecological democracy, just transitions and a political ecology of design.’ Environmental Values, 28 (1): 31-53, 22s.

Young, Iris Marion (2001) ‘Activist challenges to deliberative democracy’ Political theory 29(5): 670- 690, 20s.

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