Avancerad nivå
7,5 högskolepoäng (hp)
Kort om kursen
This is an advanced course in Pragmatics, a field of linguistics concerning the scientific understanding of how language is used. It provides an in-depth understanding of basic pragmatic concepts, how pragmatic theories are developed under the guidance of current scientific methodologies, and how to conduct sound pragmatic analyses of authentic linguistic materials. The course will also introduce the history of pragmatics, and its relationship to sociology, psychology, and language technology.
Om utbildningen
Kursen ges på engelska. Besök vår internationella sida för mer information.
Behörigheter och urval
Kurs i semantik à 7.5 hp, t. ex LI1404 Semantik och pragmatik, LI1417 Formell semantik eller motsvarande.
Högskolepoäng, max 165 hp.