
Svensk förvaltning: Traditioner, institutioner och politik

Swedish Public Administration: Traditions, Institutions and Politics

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Asker, Björn. (2009). Hur Riket Styrdes: Förvaltning, Politik och Arkiv 1520- 1920. Stockholm: Riksarkivet. (Samma bok finns även med utgivningsår 2007 – det går lika bra med den upplagan.)

Artiklar och bokkapitel
Ahmed, Ali T. & David Stasavage (2020). Origins of Early Democracy. American Political Science Review, 114(2), 502-518.

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Ehn, Peter. (2015). The Public Servant. Pierre, J. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, chapter 24, 17 pages.

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Grzymala-Buse, Anna. (2020). Beyond War and Contracts: The Medieval and Religious Roots of the European State. Annual Review of Political Science, 23: 19-39.

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Karaman, Kivanc, & Şevket Pamuk. (2013). Different Paths to the Modern State in Europe: The Interaction Between Warfare, Economic Structure, and Political Regime. American Political Science Review, 107(3), 603-626.

Kickert, Walter. (2011). Distinctiveness of Administrative Reform in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Common Characteristics of Context, Administrations and Reforms. Public Administration, 89(3), 801-818.

Kokkonen, Andrej & Anders Sundell. (2014). Delivering stability – primogeniture and autocratic survival in European Monarchies 1000- 1800. American Political Science Review, 108(2), 438-453.

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Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik, & Kutsal Yesilkagit. (2011). Differential legacy effects: Three propositions on the impact of administrative traditions on public administration reform in Europe East and West. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(2), 311–322.

Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik, & Kutsal Yesilkagit. (2011). Differential legacy effects: Three propositions on the impact of administrative traditions on public administration reform in Europe East and West. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(2), 311–322.

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Peters, Guy B., Jon Pierre and Desmond King. (2005). The Politics of Path Dependency: Political Conflict in Historical Institutionalism. The Journal of Politics, 67(4), 1275-1300.

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Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. (2015). Getting to Sweden, Part I: War and Malfeasance, 1720-1850. Scandinavian Political Studies, 38(3), 217-237.

Rothstein, Bo & Jan Teorell. (2015). Getting to Sweden, Part II: War and Malfeasance, Breaking with Corruption in the Nineteenth Century. Scandinavian Political Studies, 38(3), 238-254.

Sager, Fritz, Christian Rosser, Pascal Y. Hurni and Celine Mavrot. (2012). How Traditional are the American, French and German Traditions of Public Administration? A Research Agenda. Public Administration, 90(1), 129-143.

Salter, Alexander W. & Andrew T. Young. (2019). Polycentric Sovereignty: The Medieval Constitution, Governance Quality, and the Wealth of Nations. Social Science Quarterly, 100(4): 1241-1253.

Schück, Hans. (2003). Sweden under the dynasty of the Folkungs. In Helle, K. (editor) (2003a). The Cambridge History of Scandinavia Volume 1: Prehistory to 1520. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 392-410.

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Spruyt, Hendrik. (2002). The Origins, Development, and Possible Decline of the Modern State. Annual Review of Political Science 5(1), 127-149

Stasavage, David. (2016). Representation and Consent. Why They Arose in Europe and Not Elsewhere. Annual Review of Political Science, 19: 145-162.

Sundström, Göran. (2015). Administrative Reform. Pierre, J. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 315- 331.

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Yesilkagit, Kutsal, and Jörgen G. Christiansen. (2010). Institutional Design and Formal Autonomy: Political versus Historical and Cultural Explanations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20(1), 53-74.

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