Undervisning på kognitionsvetenskaplig grund
Teaching based on cognitive science
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Litteraturlista PDA417
Coe, R., Rauch, C. J., Kime, S., & Singleton, D. (2020). Great teaching toolkit evidence review. Evidence Based Education (Öppet tillgänglig). https://evidencebased.education/great-teaching-toolkit-evidence-review/
Education Endowment Foundation. (2021). Cognitive science approaches in the classroom: A review of the evidence (summary). Education Endowment Foundation. (Öppet tillgänglig). https://d2tic4wvo1iusb.cloudfront.net/production/documents/guidance/Cognitive_science_approaches_in_the_classroom_-_A_review_of_the_evidence.pdf?v=1718624138
Jones, K. (2023). The researchED guide to cognitive science: an evidence-informed guide for teachers. John Catt Educational. (Utdrag, tillgänglig e-bok)
Kirschner, P. A., Hendrick, C., & Cavigliolo, O. (2020). How learning happens: seminal works in educational psychology and what they mean in practice. Routledge. (Utdrag, tillgänglig e-bok)
Lovell, O. (2020). Sweller's cognitive load theory in action. John Catt Educational. (Utdrag, tillgänglig e-bok)
Sherrington, T., & Caviglioli, O. (2020). Teaching walkthrus: five-step guides to instructional coaching. John Catt Educational. (Kort utdrag, tillhandahålls)
Sherrington, T., & Caviglioli, O. (2021). Teaching Walkthrus: five-step guides to instructional coaching 2. John Catt Educational. (Kort utdrag, tillhandahålls)
Sherrington, T., & Caviglioli, O. (2022). Teaching Walkthrus: five-step guides to instructional coaching 3. John Catt Educational. (Kort utdrag, tillhandahålls)
Weinstein, Y., & Sumeracki, M. (2019). Hur du får dina elever att lära sig: en visuell guide. Natur & Kultur. (Huvudbok, den enda boken som måste skaffas av studenter)
Woolfolk, A., & Karlberg, M. (2015). Pedagogisk psykologi. Pearson. (Kort utdrag, tillhandahålls)