Urban hållbar utveckling
Urban Sustainable Development
Om litteraturlistan
Detailed information concerning the literature for the course will be introduced when the course starts. At Masters level considerably more emphasis is placed on students conducting their own searches for literature but of course with the expert guidance of teachers on the course.
Main Book
Wheeler, S.; Beatley, T. (Eds)(2014). Sustainable Urban Development Reader. Urban Reader Series (3rd edition).
Articles / Books / Book Chapters (seminars and guest lectures)
Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport Policy 15:73–80
Berghauser Pont, M., Stavroulaki, G., Marcus, L. (2019). Development of urban types based on network centrality, built density and their impact on pedestrian movement. Environment and Planning B: Urban analytics and city science, 46(8): 1549–1564.
Elldér, E. (2024). Built environment and the evolution of the “15-minute city”: A 25-year longitudinal study of 200 Swedish cities. Cities, 149, 104942.
Fainstein, S.S.; Servon, L.J. (2005). Introduction: The intersection of Gender and Planning. In: Fainstein, S.S., Servon, L.J. (Eds.). Gender and Planning.* A Reader*. Rutgers university press, New Brunswick. (12 pages, available in Canvas).
Gil Solá, A.; Vilhelmson, B. (2022). To choose, or not to choose, a nearby activity option: Understanding the gendered role of proximity in urban settings. Journal of Transport Geography 99, 103301.
Hayden, D. (2002). Domesticating Urban Space. In: Wheeler, S.; Beatley, T. (Eds)(2014). The Sustainable Urban Development. Reader (3rd edition).
Hägerstrand, T. (1976). Geography and the Study of Interaction between Nature and Society. Geoforum 7: 329-334.
Jarvis, H. (2005). Moving to London Time. Household co-ordination and the infrastructure of everyday life. Time and Society, 14(1): 133-154.
Kronsell, A.; Smidfelt Rosqvist, R.; Winslott Hiselius, L. (2015). Achieving climate objectives in transport policy by including women and challenging gender norms: The Swedish case. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10: 703-711.
Ruwanpura, K. N.; Brown, B.; Chan, L. (2020). (Dis)connecting Colombo: Situating the Megapolis in Postwar Sri Lanka. The Professional Geographer, 72:1, 165-179.
**Other relevant texts (optional reading) **
Bowler, D.E.; Buyung-Ali, L.; Knight, T.M.; Pullin, A.S. (2010). Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical evidence. *Landscape and Urban Planning *(01 July 2010).
Ellegård, K. (2019). Thinking Time Geography: Concepts, Methods and Applications. Routledge (1st edition).
Jacobi, S. (2014). Urban Regeneration in Rio de Janeiro: Developing or Gentrifying the Favela? King’s College, London.
Montin, S.; Johansson, M.; Forsemalm, J. (2014). Understanding Innovative Regional Collaboration: Metagovernance and Boundary Objects as Mechanisms. In: Ansell, C; Torfing, J (Eds). Public Innovation through Collaboration and Design. Routledge, London.
Pacione, M. (2009). *Urban geography. A global perspective. *Routledge, London (3rd Edition).
Roy, A. (2005). Urban Informality: Toward an Epistemology of Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71:2, 147-158.
Sharifi, A. (2016). From Garden City to Eco-urbanism: The quest for sustainable neighborhood development. Sustainable Cities and Society, 20 1–16.
Trudeau, D. (2013). New Urbanism as Sustainable Development? Geography Compass 7/6: 435–448.
Zessa, A.; Tasciotti L. (2010). Urban agriculture, poverty, and food security: Empirical evidence from a sample of developing countries. *Food Policy *35, 265–273.
**Reports (mainly Swedish, optional reading) **
Boverket (2024). Den byggda formens betydelse Kunskap från forskning. https://www.boverket.se/sv/om-boverket/publicerat-av-boverket/publikationer/2024/den-byggda-formens-betydelse/
Boverket (2010). Mångfunktionella ytor, klimatanpassning av befintlig bebyggd miljö i städet och tätorter genom grönstruktur.
Göteborgs stad (2024). Luften i Göteborg. Årsrapport 2023, Rapportnummer 2024:10.