
Utveckling, fattigdom och fördelning

15 högskolepoäng (hp)

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Böcker och bokkapitel

Adams, William Bill (2020). Green Development: Environment and Sustainability in a Developing World. London: Routledge. kapitel 3, 5, 12.

Benería, Lourdes, Günseli Berik and Maria S. Floro (2016). Gender, Development and Globalization.
Economics as if All People Mattered. New York: Routledge. kapitel 1, 3, 4, 6

Hammett, Daniel (2024). Global Development: The Basics. London: Routledge.

Hasselskog, Malin (2009). Development Intervention on the Ground. Inherent rationales of aid and their encounter with local dynamics in three Cambodian villages. Göteborg: University of Gothenburg (PhD dissertation). s. 75-92.

Hettne, Björn (2008). Vad är utveckling? Stockholm: SNS Förlag.

Artiklar m.m.

Chambers, Robert (2006). ‘What is poverty? Who asks? Who answers?’, Poverty in Focus, International Poverty Centre. page 3-4.

Ciplet, David, Danielle Falzon, Ike Uri, Stacy-ann Robinson, Romain Weikmans, J. Timmons Roberts (2022). The unequal geographies of climate finance: Climate injustice and dependency in the world system. Political Geography.

Eriksen, Siri et al (2021). Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance? World Development 141.

Fjellheim, Eva Maria (2023). “You Can Kill Us with Dialogue:” Critical Perspectives on Wind Energy Development in a Nordic-Saami Green Colonial Context. Hum Rights Rev 24: 25-51.

Hickey, Sam (2008). The return of politics in development studies I: getting lost within the poverty agenda? Progress in Development Studies 8(4): 349–58.

Horner, Rory (2020). Towards a New Paradigm of Global Development? Beyond the Limits of International Development. Progress in Human Geography 44 (3): 415-36.

Gulrajani, Nilima (2022). Development Narratives in a Post-Aid Era: Reflections on Implications for the Global Effectiveness Agenda, WIDER Working Paper 2022/149. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER.

LKAB (2023). Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth metals is located in the Kiruna area.
Pressmeddelande 12 januari 2023. earth-metals-is-located-in-the-kiruna-area/

Lockwood, Erin (2021). ‘The international political economy of global inequality’. Review of International Political Economy, 28(2): 421-445.

Mawdsley, Emma (2019). South–South Cooperation 3.0? Managing the consequences of success in the decade ahead. Oxford Development Studies 47(3): 259-274.

Regeringen (2023). En strategi för norra Sverige och för omställningen. Debattartikel publicerad i DN och på regeringens hemsida 11 januari 2023. omstallningen/

Sametinget (2021). Vindkraft i Sápmi (uppdaterad 2021). Länkar också till dokumentet Sametingets syn på vindkraft i Sápmi (2009).

Sametinget (2021). Gruvor i Sápmi (uppdaterad 2021). Länkar också till dokumentet Sametingets syn på mineraler och gruvor i Sápmi (2009).

Scholte, Jan Aart and Fredrik Söderbaum (2017). A Changing Global Development Agenda? Forum for Development Studies 44(1): 1-12.

SVT (2023). Samebyn om LKAB:s planer: ”Vi offras för att lösa EU:s beroende av Kina och Ryssland”. Nyhetsinslag 23 januari 2023. s-planer-vi-offras-for-att-losa-eu-s-beroende-av-kina-och-ryssland

Tapscott, Christopher; Yijia Jing; José A. Puppim de Oliveira (2019). BRICS and international development assistance Towards divergence or convergence in development assistance amongst North and South donors? Public Admin Dev 39:167–173. DOI: 10.1002/pad.1871