
Gry Gater

Scholarship Officer

International Centre
Visiting address
Rosenlundsgatan 4
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 100
40530 Göteborg

About Gry Gater

I have studied Programme in Public Administration at the University of Gothenburg. Since 2010 i have worked at the University of Gothenburg, first at the Department of Psycology as Study administrator / International Coordinator / Study Consellor. After that I worked as the International Coordinator at the Department of Political Science. Between 2015 and 2022 I wored as a Scholarship officer at Finance Division. Since September 2022 i work at the International Centre in the Team Student Recruitment.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Adlerbert Scholarships at University of Gothenburg
  • Adlerbertska Foreign Student Hospitality Foundations schoalrship at the University of Gothenburg
  • Secretary of the Scholarship Board at the University of Gothenburg