Musical theatre students on stage
Photo: Emelie Sigelius

Secret of the Silver Heart

Culture and languages

Premiere of a video version of Secret of the Silver Heart ("Silverhjärtats hemlighet") featuring the musical theatre students at the Academy of Music and Drama. This newly written musical is about Gothenburg's history from the 16th century until today.

21 Jun 2021 - 4 Jul 2021
Streams on our YouTube channel:

Högskolan för scen och musik

Streams on our YouTube channel:

Inspiration comes from an exhibition about the birth of Gothenburg,  which was shown at the Stadsmuseum in 2016. The exhibition included a silver heart that was found during the excavations at Nya Lödöse church in 1916. Nya Lödöse was located where today's Gamlestaden neighborhood is. Its mysterious story aroused the idea of making a historical musical with this heart in the lead role.

A musical by: Jenny och Martin Schaub
Synopsis and some dialogue in collaboration with Mats Kjelbye
Orchestral arrangements: Axel Mårdsjö and Martin Schaub
Vocal arrangement: Martin Schaub
Directed by: Nina Norblad Assistant
Director: Emelie Sigelius
Choreography: Josefina Samuelsson, Nina Norblad and the students
Conductor: Daniel Lindén
Musicians: Matti Carlsson and Simon Gudmundsson
Lighting: Fredrik Magnusson
Sound engineer: Anders Kampe
Sound effects: Patrick Rydman
Stage technique: Mikael Eriksson
Singing educators and speech coach: Nina Norblad and Evelyn Jons
Support for costume ideas: Ina Nyholm and Jenny Beckman Producer: Hanne Wirde
Programme Manager: Kinga Szabadvary
Head of Unit: Catharina Bergil
Thanks to the Gothenburg Opera for lending us props

Rolls and performers:

16th century:
Ella Starling: Stina Olsson
Duncan Starling: Gustav Gälsing
Jakob: Nils Weibull
Daniel: Filip Vikström
Costermonger: Martine Rishaug Hellman

Alice Johansson: Petra Björkman
August Modin: Gustav Gälsing
Cassandra Tucker: Sesselja Mist Ólafsdóttir
Bartender: Martine Rishaug Hellman

Present time:
Linnea Lundbäck: Elvira Norbäck
Carl Jones: Simon Rubin
Gunilla: Martine Rishaug Hellman