Poster från eventet
Photo: Hendrik Zeitler

Super Charged—Hopes and Protections on the Body

Culture and languages

We cordially invite you to the exhibition “Super Charged—Hopes and Protections on the Body” by BA and MA students at Jewellery Art (HDK-Valand Academy of Art & Design).

2 Feb 2023 - 4 Feb 2023
Four Gallery, Risåsgatan 5, Gothenburg
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For more information

Opening Hours:
Thursday 2 Februari, 5 - 7 p.m.

Friday 3 Februari, noon - 6 p.m. 
Saturday 4 Februari,  noon - 4 p.m .


The instinct to cover our bodies with strong magical things is one small reaction to the many uncontrollable events that impact everyday life. The exhibition “Super Charged—Hopes and Protections on the Body” investigates the hopes, desires, and fears that prompt us to create amulets and talismans as adornments and objects today.

In some pieces, wearers are instructed by the jewellery pieces to fulfil tasks to encourage magic. Which materials have been chosen to protect whom, from what, how, and what promises do we (makers and wearers) make?

Many different directions have been taken, but collectively these artworks are “super charged”.