Illustration av Albrecht Dürer - Melencolia I.
Illustration: Albrecht Dürer - Melencolia I.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Workshop: Irrationality and madness

Culture and languages

Welcome to our workshop Irrationality and madness. The workshop is part of the History of Philosophy and Classical Philology Research Seminar. All interested are welcome. Seminar language is English.

23 Jun 2021 - 24 Jun 2021
Online via Zoom, contact Filip Radovic to get the link

Good to know
If you are interested in attending please contact Filip Radovic,
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

History of Philosophy and Classical Philology Research Seminar

Workshop Programme

Wednesday June 23
09.00 – 09.15.
Welcome – preliminaries
09.15 – 10.15 Mika Perälä
Vice, incontinence and beastliness as cases of irrationality in Aristotle's ethics
10.20 – 11.20 David Bennett
Zeal and the Bounds of Reason, or, The Words of the Weirder Would-Be Prophets

Thursday June 24
09.10 – 10.10 Marke Ahonen
Galen on delusions and errors of judgement
10.15 – 11.15 Filip Radovic
Early modern philosophers on delusional belief

11.20 – 12.20 Gustavo Fernandez Walker
The sophist and the madman. Medieval Topics commentaries on arguing with an irrational opponent

12.25 –  Everyone on how to proceed