Lena MIcko
Photo: Kristian Pohl/ Regeringskansliet

The Minister of Civil Affairs in dialogue with political scientists


On Thursday, October 21, 2021, the Minister of Civil Affairs, Lena Micko, from the Ministry of Finance, visited the Quality of Government Institute at the University of Gothenburg.

"We had an informal meeting with the Minister of Civil Affairs yesterday afternoon and it was very rewarding discussions", Carl Dahlström, professor of political science, says.

The Minister of Civil Affairs Lena Micko is responsible for Sweden's municipalities and regions, Swedish consumer policy, public procurement and public administration.

On the Swedish Government Offices' website, her assignment is described as follows:

"As the Minister of Civil Affairs, one of my most important tasks is to ensure that the municipalities and regions have the necessary conditions to fulfill their tasks, not least that to ensure that citizens receive good and accessible welfare. For a united Sweden, it is also important to have state presence throughout the country."

The QoG institute conduct research related to the areas of responsibility of the Minister of Civil Affairs. The institute is world leading in research on corruption, the quality of government, and the importance of impartial and uncorrupted institutions.