
University of Gothenburg wins Science Slam


Allison Perrigo during her three-minute-long presentationThe University of Gothenburg won this year's edition of Science Slam at the Science Festival through Allison Perrigo, coordinator at the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, when a crowded Pustervik voted for the most informative and entertaining research presentation.

Science Slam is a yearly venue at the Science Festival and challenge researchers to summarise their complete work to a three-minute-long presentation before a general audience. This year the audience gave their highest score to Allison Perrigo from the University of Gothenburg.

With great passion Allison Perrigo described the Water Bear, a tiny animal that has both a unique look and ability - they can shrink wrap their DNA so that their genetic material is protected from changes in temperature. Allison Perrigo explained to the audience that during vaccine transports an ability like that could mean everything to preserve the vaccine's effectiveness.

She ended her presentation with an appeal to the audience to care about and protect biodiversity so that we can have more opportunities to mimic nature's unique qualities.

Seven researchers participated in Science Slam 2018:

Daniel Slunge, University of Gothenburg,
Tuve Mattsson, Chalmers University of Technology,
Sam Dupont, University of Gothenburg,
Kamran Rousta, University of BorĂ¥s,
Karin Norling, Chalmers University of Technology,
Allison Perrigo, University of Gothenburg,
Tomas Olovsson, Chalmers University of Technology.