
Call for papers till kommande temanummer "Managing Education" i SJPA


Call for papers till kommande temanummer "Managing Education" i SJPA

Special Issue in Scandinavian Journal of Public administration: Managing Education

Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration is committed to publishing peer-reviewed, high-quality research and is one of the leading journals in the field of Public Administration in Scandinavia. The Journal publishes four issues per year in English and presents articles on public administration with perspectives from political and management studies, economics or law studies.

Dead-line for submission: October 31 2015

Guest editors: Johan Alvehus, Kristianstad University, Hans Hasselbladh, Örebro University, Gustaf Kastberg, University of Gothenburg

Short presentation: Education policy is at the heart of every modern state and it also something that every one of us can relate to (and have an opinion about). Although the Nordic countries in many regards have developed along similar lines regarding the establishment of the welfare state there is a difference between the countries regarding tradition, initiated reforms and outcome when it comes to education. In relation to other sectors management and organization scholars seems to have paid less attention to this sector. However, this is about to change and the idea of the special issue is to enhance and intensify the extant research going on within the field. The issue is open regarding more specific empirical phenomena and encourages multiple theoretical perspectives.

Examples of topics are:

-Management of/within the profession of teachers

-The effects and consequences of NPM

-The relationship between profession, administration and market

-Shifts regarding focus on input, processes and output (outcome)

-The role of accounting and numbers in management of schools

-The relationship between different actor groups within schools

-Specific management reforms

-Comparative studies between countries


Questions/Information: For additional information regarding the special issue, please visit SPJA