University of Gothenburg

CRITPEN Newsletters

Newsletters from the CRITPEN research network.

2024: Critical ethnography: What can ethnography contribute with when exploring power-relations in education?

The idea is for researchers with a critical knowledge interest to meet and develop ideas concerning questions such as: What is critical ethnography? Why, and how, to do critical ethnography? How can ethnography help us to explore power-relations in education? What, and whose, knowledge is produced? 

We hope to gather researchers with a broad range of research topics and with different experiences of doing ethnographical research in different context. 

The workshop will start with two keynotes discussing these type of questions (representing different theoretical perspectives) and end with a discussion among the participants departing from lectures. Below you will find a short preliminary schedule for the workshop.

We hope to see you in June! 
Kind regards,

the CRITPEN Committee,
Mattias Nylund, Sirpa Lappalainen, Anna-Maija Niemi and Per-Åke Rosvall 

P.S. If you have colleagues that you think would be interested in the workshop and the CRITPEN-network, feel free to share this information with them.


  • 9.00-9.05: Welcome
  • 9.05-9-50: Lecture 1. Barry Down. Critical ethnography: Interrogating the messiness and taken- for-grantedness of everyday life.
  • 9.50-10.00: Break
  • 10.00-10-45: Lecture 2. Tuuli From. Power in place: Critical ethnographic exploration of socio-spatial relations in education
  • 10.45-10.55: Break
  • 10.55-11.20: Discussions; critical ethnography, networking, future plans for CRITPEN
  • 11.20-11.50: Shared discussion 
  • 11.50-12.00: Plans for the future? 

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2023: What are the implications of different theoretical perspectives in critical research?

An invitation to researchers to participate in a digital workshop on 11th May 2023.

On the 11th of May CRITPEN will arrange a workshop on the theme: What are the implications of different theoretical perspectives in critical research? The idea is for researchers with a critical knowledge interest to meet, discuss and develop ideas concerning questions such as: How do different theories guide our question setting and understanding of research problems? What are the implications of different theories; what are we seeing/ not seeing? How do theoretical choices frame our thinking and analysis?

The workshop will start with two keynotes representing different theoretical approaches and end with a joint discussion. First Riikka Hohti will talk about composting (multispecies) ethnography as a critical approach. Then Leesa Weelahan will talk about implications of realism for critical social science. Below you will find a schedule for the workshop, including information on how to take part. We hope to see you in May!

Kind regards,
the CRITPEN Committee: Mattias Nylund, Sirpa Lappalainen, Anna-Maija Niemi and Per-Åke Rosvall

P.S. If you have colleagues that you think would be interested in the workshop and the CRITPEN-network, feel free to share this information with them.


How to take part

Day: 11th May, 9-12 (CET/ Swedish time)              
Place: Zoom (a link will be sent to you after registration)
Register your participation in the workshop here, at the latest 5th May:
After registration, on the 8th of May, we will send you an email with a link to the Zoom meeting in which the workshop will take place.


9.00-9.05: Welcome
9.05-9-50: Keynote 1. Riikka Hohti: What else than hero stories? Composting (multispecies) ethnography as a critical approach 
9.50-10.00: Break
10.00-10-45: Keynote 2. Leesa Weelahan: The implications of realism for critical social science
10.45-10.55: Break
10.55-11.20: Breakout rooms. Discussion; implications of theoretical choices
11.20-11.50: Shared discussion
11.50-12.00: Plans for the future

For more information, visit the CRITPEN webpage

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Thank you all who participated at the workshop Methodological challenges in critical research the 13th and 14th of June 2022! We look forward to continuing the discussion.

2022: Methodological challenges in critical research

An invitation to researchers in Nordic countries to participate in a workshop 13th-14th June 2022 in Gothenburg

On the 13th and 14th of June 2022 CRITPEN will arrange a workshop on the theme: Methodological challenges in critical research. The idea is for researchers to meet and discuss methodological challenges and possible venues of tackling methodological problems, when conducting critical research. We encourage both junior (including PhD:s) and senior researchers, and collaborations among different generations of researchers, to take part in the workshop. Our ambition is that the workshop is the starting point for working towards a Special Issue on this theme in an international journal. Below you will find a short preliminary schedule for the workshop, including information on how to take part.

We hope to see you in June!

Kind regards the CRITPEN Committee,

Mattias Nylund, Sirpa Lappalainen, Anna-Maija Niemi and Per-Åke Rosvall

P.S. If you have colleagues that you think would be interested in the workshop and the CRITPEN-network, feel free to share this information with them.

How to take part

Day: 13th and 14th of June Place: Gothenburg, Pedagogen, Hus A (more details will come later)

Participants of the workshop are expected to post an abstract of 300-600 words that contains a description of a methodological challenge they want to discuss at the workshop. In the beginning of April, we will get back to all whom have registered as participants with more information on the workshop. We want to add that we cannot have an unlimited number of participants, i.e. it is not certain that everyone can participate. Further, our ambition is to help finance as much as possible of the costs of travel, accommodation, food, etc., but we will have to see what is possible depending on the number of participation registrations.
13th June
13.30 (optional): Welcome to the workshop! Coffee at Pedagogen, Hus A.
14.00-14.45. Introduction to the workshop
15.15-16.45. Session 1. Participants present their research interest.
Dinner at 18.30

14th June
09.00-10.00. Keynote: Ann Phoenix. Methodological challenges in critical research
10.30-12.00. Session 2. Round table discussion
12.00-13.00. Lunch
13.00-14.30 Session 3. Round table discussion
14.45 Conclusions/ closing words
CRITPEN is a Nordic research network with a critical knowledge interest that targets issues of social justice in education. The core aim of the network is to create new collaborations and jointly develop novel research ideas and innovative methodology in order to better understand the current development of educational phenomena in the Nordic countries important in a social justice context.

For more information, visit the CRITPEN webpage

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2021: What is critical research and why is it important?

An invitation to researchers in Nordic countries to participate in a workshop on 1st June 2021.

Collaborations among Nordic researchers with a critical knowledge interest are crucial and have historically proved important by providing a dynamic research environment that supports both junior and senior researchers. With the ambition to continue this tradition, we launch the network CRITPEN. As a start, we will have a day where we meet to discuss the meaning and role of critical research in the Nordic countries.

Theme of the workshop: “What is a critical perspective, and why is a critical perspective important in different research contexts?”


09.00-10.45 Introductory keynotes (Sirpa Lappalainen, Mattias Nylund, Aina Tarabini and Elisabet Öhrn).

11.00-11.45 Panel debate (Jenni Helakorpi, Lisbeth Lundahl, Berglind Ros Magnusdottir and Åse Røthing).

11.45-13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.45 Discussion continues in smaller groups.

14.00-14.30 Summarizing the discussions; What to do next with CRITPEN?


CRITPEN Committee: Sirpa Lappalainen, Anna-Maija Niemi, Mattias Nylund, and Per-Åke Rosvall

If you have colleagues that you think would be interested in the workshop and the CRITPEN-network, feel free to share this information with them.

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