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- Mattias Nylund
Mattias Nylund
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education and Special EducationAbout Mattias Nylund
Research Interests
I am involved in the research project What Happens to Schools When the Convention on the Rights of the Child Becomes Law?, led by Professor Andreas Bergh at Örebro University. In this project, we investigate the implications of the Convention on the Rights of the Child becoming Swedish law, as well as the broader question of what increased legal governance means for the education system at the national, municipal, and local school levels. I am also involved in the research project Teachers’ Interpretation and Application of the Curriculum and Other Governing Documents in Adult Education, led by Professors Andreas Fejes and Per Andersson at Linköping University. Commissioned by the Swedish National Agency for Education, we explore what factors influence how teachers in municipal adult education implement the curriculum and other governing documents in their planning and teaching. Additionally, I work on behalf of the Swedish National Agency for Education to examine the opportunities and challenges in designing vocational courses within basic municipal adult education. I also serve as a scientific advisor to the project The Production of Learning Inequalities: a Comparative Analysis of the Politics, Enactment, and Embodiment of Learning (LEARNER), led by Professor A. Tarabini and funded by the Spanish National Research Plan (2023–2027).
My primary research environment is KRIT, for which I served as coordinator from 2016 to 2024. I am also active in the research group FYRK. My studies are grounded in educational sociology and curriculum theory, with a specific focus on vocational education. A theoretical tradition that has particularly interested me is the educational sociology tradition rooted in Basil Bernstein's work.
Since the autumn of 2024, I hold the position of Head of Research at the Department of Education and Special Education. Since the spring of 2024, I have also serve as the Chair of the Program Council for the Vocational Teacher Education program. I am the coordinator for the Nordic network CRITPEN.
Teaching Interests
I teach at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate education, for example, in the Vocational Teacher Education program, the Subject Teacher Education program, as well as in the department’s master’s programs and doctoral education (where I am responsible for the course FOU1804, Sociology of Education, 7.5 credits).
I am the main supervisor for doctoral students Elisabeth Berg and Ammar Syed, who are part of the FinnFram graduate school.
Keywords: curriculum theory, sociology of education, vocational education.
Vad är väsentligt för att lyckas i arbetet som yrkeslärare?
En studie av yrkeslärarstudenters
Petri Salo, Mattias Nylund, Ingrid Henning Loeb
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2024 -
Civic education in VET: concepts for a professional language in VET teaching and VET teacher
P. A. Rosvall, Mattias Nylund
Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2024 -
Juridification – promoting democracy or systems of bureaucratic
Andreas Bergh, Mark Murphy, Mattias Nylund
ECER - 2024 -
En studie om hur lärare i komvux tolkar och tillämpar styrdokument i
Per Andersson, Andreas Fejes, Johanna Köpsén, Mattias Nylund
Presentation på konferens ”Mötesplats komvux 2023” 18-22 september. - 2023 -
Teaching in vocational subjects in Swedish adult education: A balancing act between curricula and labour market
Per Andersson, Fejes Andreas, Johanna Köpsén, Mattias Nylund
Paper presented at the NORDYRK-conference in Bergen, 7-9 June. - 2023 -
What is and has been the purpose and role of study and career guidance in Swedish compulsory school? An analysis of the curriculum 1962
Elisabeth Berg, Mattias Nylund
Paper presented at NORNet-conference in Åbo 4-5 October. - 2023 -
What role does class and ethnicity play in transitions from lower to upper-secondary school? A review of previous
Ammar Syed, Mattias Nylund
Paper presented at NORNet-conference in Åbo 4-5 October. - 2023 -
Lärares tolkning och tillämpning av styrdokument i kommunal
Per Andersson, Andreas Fejes, Johanna Köpsén, Mattias Nylund
2023 -
Adult educators’ interpretation and use of curriculum and other steering documents in Swedish second chance
Mattias Nylund, Per Andersson, Andreas Fejes, Johanna Köpsén
Konferensbidrag - 2022 -
Pedagogiska koder och medborgarfostran i
Mattias Nylund
Konferensbidrag - 2022 -
The Janus Face of ‘Freedom of Choice’ in Upper Secondary School
Marianne Dovemark, Mattias Nylund
A. Rasmussen & M. Dovemark (eds.) Governance and Choice of Upper Secondary Education in the Nordic Countries. Access and Fairness - 2022 -
The Janus face of ‘freedom of choice’ in upper-secondary school
Marianne Dovemark, Mattias Nylund
ECER, konferensbidrag - 2021 -
Critical Education in Vocational
Per-Åke Rosvall, Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman, Maria Rönnlund
ECER 2021 - 2021 -
Being and becoming a female student and worker in gendered processes of vocational education and
Kristina Ledman, Mattias Nylund, Maria Rönnlund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Gender and Education - 2021 -
Arbetsplatsförlagt lärande och
Maria Rönnlund, Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Utbildningen och
Maria Rönnlund, Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Yrkesutbildningens demokratiska uppdrag – möjligheter och
Per-Åke Rosvall, Mattias Nylund
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Yrkesämnen, pedagogiska koder och
Mattias Nylund
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Historiska perspektiv på yrkesutbildning och
Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman, Per-Åke Rosvall
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Läroplanen i kritisk belysning: Vilken kunskap för vilka
Kristina Ledman, Mattias Nylund
Yrkesämnena och skolans demokratiuppdrag, P-Å Rosvall, K. Ledman, M. Nylund & M. Rönnlund (red.) - 2020 -
Yrkesämnena och skolans
Per-Åke Rosvall, Kristina Ledman, Mattias Nylund, Maria Rönnlund
2020 -
Myten om den praktiske
Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
I Perspektiv på skolans problem. A. Fejes & M. Dahlstedt (red.) - 2020 -
Socialisation and citizenship preparation in vocational education: Pedagogic codes and democratic rights in
Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman, Per-Åke Rosvall, Maria Rönnlund
British Journal of Sociology of Education - 2020 -
Life skills for ‘real life’: How critical thinking is contextualised across vocational
Maria Rönnlund, Kristina Ledman, Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Educational Research - 2019 -
Vocational education, transitions, marginalisation and social justice in the Nordic
Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
European Educational Research Journal - 2019 -
Imagining societies through discourses on educational equality: A cross-cultural analysis of Finnish and Swedish upper secondary curricula from 1970 to the
Sirpa Lappalainen, Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
European Educational Research Journal - 2019 -
Balancing ‘flexibility’ and ‘employability’: The changing role of general studies in the Finnish and Swedish VET curricula of the 1990s and
Mattias Nylund, Maarit Virolainen
European Educational Research Journal - 2019 -
How do teachers interpret and transform entrepreneurship
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund, Jessica Wallin
Journal of Curriculum Studies - 2019 -
’Market relevance’ and the academic-vocational
Mattias Nylund
Neoliberalism and market forces in education: Lessons from Sweden. M. Dahlstedt & A. Fejes (eds) - 2019 -
Construction of ethnicity, immigration and associated concepts in Swedish vocational education and
Per-Åke Rosvall, Kristina Ledman, Mattias Nylund, Maria Rönnlund
Journal of Education and Work - 2018 -
The academic–vocational divide in three Nordic countries: implications for social class and
Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall, Elsa Eiríksdóttir, Ann-Sofie Holm, Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret, Anna-Maija Niemi, Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir
Education Inquiry - 2018 -
Gendered distribution of ‘knowledge required for empowerment’ in Swedish vocational education
Kristina Ledman, Per-Åke Rosvall, Mattias Nylund
Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2018 -
Systemet med fritt skolval måste bytas
Magnus Dahlstedt, Anderas Fejes, Dennis Beach, Nihad Bunar, Sara Carlbaum, Marie Carlson, Marianne Dovemark, Håkan Forsberg, Martin Harling, Ann-Sofie Holm, Magnus Hultén, Sven-Eric Liedman, Christian Lundahl, Mattias Nylund, Eva Reimers, Anders Trumberg, Victor Vesterberg
Svenska Dagbladet - 2018 -
Gymnasieskolan som
Mattias Nylund
M. Dahlstedt & A. Fejes. Skolan, marknaden och framtiden - 2018 -
Yrkeslärare som värdebalanserare - Värdekonflikter mellan skolans och arbetsplatsens läroplan i
Emma Arneback, Mattias Nylund
Utbildning och lärande - 2017 -
Lärare eller hantverkare? Om betydelsen av yrkeslärares yrkesidentifikation för vad de värderar som viktig kunskap på Bygg- och
Mattias Nylund, Björn Gudmundson
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2017 -
The vocational-academic divide in neoliberal uppersecondary curricula: the Swedish
Mattias Nylund, P. A. Rosvall, K. Ledman
Journal of Education Policy - 2017 -
Imagining society through educational equality? An analysis on Finnish and Swedish upper secondary Curricula 1970-
Sirpa Lappalainen, Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Paper presented at the NERA-conference in Copenhagen 22-25 Mars - 2017 -
The role of general subjects in Swedish and Finnish VET-curriculum 1990-2016. (Paper presented at the NERA-conference in Copenhagen 22-25
Mattias Nylund, Maarit Virolainen
NERA-conference in Copenhagen 22-25 Mars - 2017 -
A curriculum tailored for workers? Knowledge organization and possible transitions in Swedish
Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Journal of Curriculum Studies - 2016 -
Class, Gender and Knowledge. Knowledge Discourses in Vocational
Mattias Nylund, Kristina Ledman, Per-Åke Rosvall
ECER-conference in Dublin, 23-26 August - 2016 -
Which values emerge in apprentice
Emma Arneback, Mattias Nylund
Paper presented at the NORDYRK-conference in Helsinki 10-12 June - 2015 -
Hur kan studenternas referenshantering utvecklas i ett
Ingrid Henning Loeb, Mattias Nylund, Anette Wahlandt
HKG2015 - 2015 -
Sätt kunskapsfrågan i centrum i svensk
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Skola och samhälle (http://www.skolaochsamhalle.se) - 2014 -
What counts as important knowledge in upper-secondary vocational programs, and why? On the social and political dimensions of content organization into vocational routes in Sweden and how they resonate in contemporary
Mattias Nylund
Paper presented at the conference Vocational Education and Training - Emerging Issues? Voices from Research, 12-13 May 2014, Stockholm, Sweden - 2014 -
Kunskapsfrågan och klassfrågan är bortglömd i de nya
Fejes Andreas, Mattias Nylund
Arbetarbladet - 2013 -
Kunskap och klass har glömts
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Norrköpings Tidningar - 2013 -
Nya gymnasiet missar
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Östgöta Correspondenten - 2013 -
Yrkesprogrammen förstärker klassmönstren i
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Eskilstuna Kuriren - 2013 -
Yrkesprogrammen leder till ökade
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Göteborgs Posten - 2013 -
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Lärarnas tidning - 2013 -
Yrkesutbildning, klass &
Mattias Nylund
2013 -
Kunskapsfrågan och klassfrågan
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Jnytt - 2013 -
Yrkesprogrammen ger för smal
Andreas Fejes, Mattias Nylund
Tidningen ETC AB - 2013 -
The relevance of class in education policy and research. The case of Sweden's vocational
Mattias Nylund
Education Inquiry - 2012 -
Gymnasiereformens konsekvenser för den sociala fördelningen av kunskaper i de yrkesorienterade
Mattias Nylund, Per-Åke Rosvall
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2011 -
Framtidsvägen. Vägen till vilken framtid för eleverna på gymnasieskolans
Mattias Nylund
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2010