
NordTerror – The Nordic Terrorism Studies Colloquium


"Why the Nordic Resistance Movement Restrains Its Use of Violence", Tore Bjørgo, University of Oslo.

18 Feb 2021
15:00 - 17:00

The presentation will introduce research presented here.

"NordTerror – The Nordic Terrorism Studies Colloquium" is a new monthly zoominar series organised jointly by terrorism scholars at the universities of Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Helsinki and Oslo. The organizing committee of NordTerror consists of Mats Fridlund (chair) and Daniel Brodén (co-chair) from the Dept of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion at University of Gothenburg; Tore Bjørgo at Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX) at University of Oslo; Karen Lund Pedersen at Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST) at University of Copenhagen; and Leena Malkki at the Centre for European Studies at University of Helsinki.

NordTerror will meet monthly to listen to English presentations by researchers working on Nordic terrorism studies with a slant towards studies focusing on the historic (postwar) and near present. Each meeting will present recent or ongoing research and consist of an introductory presentation for 20-30 min followed by a discussion with the audience.