
Ny bok: Making Sense of Consumption


Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap var värdar för 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2012. I antologin "Making Sense of Consumption" presenterar forskare som medverkade på konferensen en rad olika perspektiv på konsumtion och hur man kan studera fenomenet.

"Consumption can be seen as an intricate network in constant transformation involving a multitude of actors. It challenges the way we study consumption and consumers. In 22 chapters “Making sense of consumption” invites you to increase your understanding about what consumption is all about, how to study this elusive phenomenon and how to explore its sensual aspects.

This anthology aims to illustrate the versatility that characterised the 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research in terms of theoretical and methodological approaches, fields and disciplines. The result is an appetizing and intriguing overview of the research frontier of contemporary interdisciplinary consumption research in the Nordic countries. It is suitable for researchers, graduate students and professionals."

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Hansson, L. ; Holmberg, U. ; Brembeck, H. (2013). Making sense of consumption. Selections from the 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2012. Göteborg: Centre for Consumer Science, University of Gothenburg.