
Barbara Czarniawska utnämnd till hedersdoktor vid Ålborgs universitet


Ålborgs universitet har utnämnt Barbra Czarniawska till hedersdoktor. ”Czarniawska har bidragit enormt till fältet organisationsstudier, särskilt inom organisering, komplexa organisationer, institutionalism, organisatorisk förändring och narrativa förhållningssätt inom samhällsvetenskaperna”, skriver universitetet på sin hemsida.

Universitetets motivering lyder:

“Barbara Czarniawska is a world famous and most appreciated and prominent scholar in the research community of Organisation Studies. She conducts research at world-class level, especially in that she applies a constructivist perspective on organising, and focuses on action nets. Her methodological interests concern field work techniques, and her narrative approach in social science studies is highly respected. Barbara Czarniawska’s Honory Doctorate in Organisation Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Aalborg University not only gives credit to her for her groundbreaking work; it also relates to the strong position of organisational studies at several departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences and to the increasing interest, relevance and internationalisation of Czarniawska's research. With numerous books, more than 125 articles and approximately 25,000 citations, Barbara Czarniawska is a most appreciated and prominent scholar in the research community of Organisation Studies. Her work within conceptualisation and empirical studies is highly recognised, as is her involvement in organisation and management practices. She has always been at the forefront in her field of research and has an excellent sense of "emerging trends". With her many original and innovative publications and her active participation in numerous academic foras, Czarniawska has contributed immensely to the field of organisation studies, particularly in relation to themes such as organising, complex organisations, institutionalism, organisational change and, not least, narrative approaches in social science studies.”

Det här är Barbara Czarniawskas fjärde hedersdoktorat. Förutom vid Ålborgs universitet är hon hedersdoktor vid Copenhagen Business School, Helsinki School of Economics och Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.

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