University of Gothenburg

ISREV 2021- Programme

Programme ISREV Session XXII 2021. Late changes in the program will be communicated by errata lists that will be sent to all registered participant by email.


Monday 26 July

9.00-9.30 Greetings and introductions, Christina Osbeck

9.30-11.00, Plenary session Alexander Hanan
Religious Education in the public sphere. John Hull Memorial Lecture
Chair: Gloria Durka, President of ISREV
Respondent: Mary Hess

11.00-11.30, Break

11.30-12.45, Collegial sessions 1

12:45-13:45, Lunch

13.45-15.00, Collegial sessions 2

16.00-17.00, Eveneing programme
Book launch session, Geir Skeie

If you want the programme in PDF-format

Schedule ISREV 2021 (pdf)

Tuesday 27 July

09.00-09.30, Notifications

09.30-11.00, Plenary session Tremblay, Stéphanie
Beliefs and lived secularism among Quebecers from the Catholic majority
Chair: Julian Stern
Respondent: Unser, Alexander

11.00-11.30, Break

11.30-12.45, Collegial Session 3

12.45-13.45, Lunch

13.45-15.00, Collegial sessions 4

16.00 – 17.00, Evening programme
Journal session – Julian Stern

Wednesday 28 July

09.00-09.30, Notifications

09.30-11.00, Plenary session Du Preez, Petro
The religion and education policy of South Africa is moribund!
Chair: Arniika, Kuusisto
Respondent: Sporre, Karin

11.00-11.30, Break

11.30-12.45, Collegial Session 5

12.45-13.45, Lunch

13.45-15.00, Collegial session 6

17.00-18.30, Panel Discussion    
John Valk & Stephanie Tremblay (moderators)
The implications of social distancing to religious, worldviews and values education. A scholarly response. Interactive panel discussion

Thursday 29 July

09.00-09.30, Notifications

09.30-11.00, Plenary session, Ter Avest, Ina
Narratives in Need of Narrators; RE in a Secularised/Secularising World
Chair:  Schweitzer, Friedrich
Respondent: Fukaya, Jun

11.00-11.30, Break

11.30-12.45, Collegial Session 7

12.45-13.45, Lunch

13.45-15.00, Collegial session 8

16.00-1700, Evening program    
Social evening, Kristian Niemi, Leslie Francis

Friday 30 July

09.00-09.30, Notifications

09.30-10.45, Plenary session, Bert Roebben
Religious Educational Leadership in Times of Upheaval. How to build sustainably on insights from the past?
Chair: Mualla Selcuk
Respondent: Vivienne Baumfield

10.45-11.00, Break

11.00-12.15, Collegial Session 9

12.15-12.45, Break

12.45-14.00, ISREV AGM.  
Julian Stern, General Secretary of ISREV