- Hem
- Centrum för Europaforskning
- Evenemang
- Europaforskardagen
Varje år arrangerar CERGU Europaforskardagen där aktuell forskning vid Göteborgs universitet presenteras, ofta inlett av extern talare av betydelse för seminariets årliga tema.
The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 fundamentally transformed the everyday life for Ukrainians. During the European Research Day 2023, CERGU researchers will explore the experiences of this change, both for Ukrainians that chose to stay in Ukraine and that chose to flee the war to other European countries.
This event will be held in English. All are welcome!
Time & Place: 5 December 2023, 15:00-17:00 (coffee from 14:30)
Room B32, School of Business, Economics, and Law, Vasagatan 1
Research comics and serious games: Experiences of Ukrainian displacement and resilience
Gregg Bucken-Knapp, Professor, School of Public Administration
Lives on hold: adverse outcomes of the EU's Temporary Protection Directive for Ukrainians seeking protection in Poland, Romania and Sweden
Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, Associate Professor in Sociology, and Svitlana Odynets, PhD in Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Work Science
Languages and Identities in Wartime Ukraine
Thomas Rosén, Senior Lecturer in Russian, Department of Languages and Literatures
European Research Day 2022: European Judiciaries
Courts are one part in the tripartite system of checks and balances of public powers. As the only unelected branch, the judiciary has a delicate balance to strike between, on the one hand, respecting the will of the people, as expressed by their representatives, and, on the other, upholding the rights of individuals and the rule of law against those same representatives.
In this year’s edition of European Research Day, CERGU researchers will share their ongoing research on judicial powers, how they contribute to democracy, and the effects they have on our European society.
This event will be held in English. All are welcome!
Time & Place: Tuesday March 22nd, 13.00-15.30
Room E44, School of Business, Economics, and Law, Vasagatan 1
13.00 Introduction
Klas Grinell, Director of CERGU, Anna W Ghavanini, Department of Law, University of Gothenburg
13.15 Keynote Speech
Christina Eckes, Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, University of Amsterdam
13.45 What happens when Member States Break EU rules?
Olof Larsson, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
14.00 If I go there will be trouble. On judicial passivity vs interventionism
Allison Östlund, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg
14.15 The Turkey Tribunal: Building moral authority by judicial means
Klas Grinell, Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion, University of Gothenburg
14.30–15.00 Questions and Discussion
15.00-15.30 Coffee
Recorded event:
Link to the entire recorded event:
13:00 Introduction
Klas Grinell, Director of CERGU and researcher, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg
13:10-13:30 European Unity, European Borders
Mats Andrén, Professor, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
13:30-13:50 Transnational Activism in Europe
Katarzyna Wojnicka, Researcher, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg
13:50-14:10 Catalan Borderlands
Ingmar Söhrman, Professor emeritus, Department of Languages and Literatures, University of Gothenburg
14:10-14:30 Borderlands within Europe: On the Politicization of the Vernacular
Katarina Leppänen, Professor and Head of Department, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg
14.30-14.50 Economic-Geographic Aspects of European Borderlands
Claes Alvstam, Professor Emeritus at Centre for International Business Studies, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
14.50-15.15 Discussion and Conclusions
13:15-13:20 Introduction
Klas Grinell, Director of CERGU and researcher, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg
13:20-14:20 Presentations
Transnational Activism in Europe
Katarzyna Wojnicka, Researcher, Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg
European Cultural Journals: A Borderland Between Arts, Journalism, and Academia—and Possibly the Site for a Culture of Reflection
Ann Ighe, Senior Lecturer, Department Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg
Borderlands within Europe: On the Politicization of the Vernacular
Katarina Leppänen, Professor and Head of Department, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg
14:20-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-15:30 Presentations
Catalan Borderlands
Ingmar Söhrman, Professor emeritus, Department of Languages and Literatures, University of Gothenburg
Brexit and the Irish Conundrum: Borders, Identity, and Sovereignty
Adrian Hyde-Price, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Brexit, Ireland, and the EU: Legal Perspectives
Andreas Moberg, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Gothenburg
15:30-16:00 Discussion and Conclusions
Europaforskardagen 2019: Contested Community
13:15-13:20 Introduction
Lisbeth Aggestam, Associate professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
13:20-14:00 Keynote: EU Foreign Policy in a populist context – an outlook to the 2019 European Parliament Elections
Christian Leffler, Deputy Secretary General at the European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union
14:00-15:00 Panel 1: Independence vs Community
Moderator: Adrian Hyde-Price, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Demands of Independence – examples from Catalonia, Scotland, Bosnia and Transylvania
Ingmar Söhrman, Professor emeritus in Romance languages, especially Spanish, Department of Languages and Literatures, University of Gothenburg
The Eurosceptic Challenge
Anna Wallerman, Associate senior lecturer, Department of Law, University of Gothenburg
United Kingdom: a member that never found its role in Europe
Jens Norrby, Doctoral student in History of Ideas, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:30 Panel 2: Electoral Contest
Moderator: Andreas Moberg, Associate professor, Department of Law and Deputy Director CERGU
Political discourse – Catalonia, Spain and EP elections
Eva Hoxha, Doctoral student, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Voting behaviour in European Parliament Elections
Linda Berg, Senior lecturer in Political science, and Director of CERGU
Campaigning for Europe – Election Posters in the 2014 European Elections
Bengt Johansson, Professor of Media and Communication studies, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg
16:30-17:00 Discussion
This event will be held in English. All are welcome!
Time & Place: April 2, 13.15-17.00
B32, School of Business, Economics, and Law, Vasagatan 1
Europaforskardagen: European Disintegration
13:15-13:30 Introduction
13:30-14:45 Ideological disintegration
Emerging illiberalism: ideological opposition to liberalism in Poland and Hungary
Dr Katarzyna Jezierska, Senior Lecturer at the International Programme for Politics and Economics, University West
What does the Commission consider to be a 'clear risk of a serious breach of the rule of law in Poland'?
Andreas Moberg , Associate Professor in International Law, University of Gothenburg
Manichaean manipulation: Europe between apocalypse and redemption in the imagination of the identitarian right
Andreas Önnerfors, Associate Professor in the History of Sciences and Ideas, University of Gothenburg
14:45-15:15 Break
15:15-16:30 Structural disintegration
Exit, voice or loyalty? Prospects for EU foreign policy cooperation post-Brexit
Lisbeth Aggestam , Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Between lawfullness and the people: disintegrating political organization in the name of democracy
Karolina Enquist Källgren , Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion, Co.director of Studies, Centre for European Studies
Europe - division and cooperation
Mats Hellström
Brexit - The Main Legal Problems
Joakim Nergelius Professor of Law, University of Örebro
16:30-17:00 Discussion
Key Note: A Cultural Perspective on European Borders
Johan Fornäs, Södertörn University
Panel 1: The making (and breaking) of cultural borders
Katarina Leppänen (Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion)
Sune Bechmann Pedersen (Department
of Economy and Society)
Per Cornell (Department of Historical Studies)
Karolina Enquist Källgren (Department
of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion)
Moderator: Mats Andrén (Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion)
Panel 2: Cultural borders and European integration
Ingmar Söhrman (Department of Languages and Literatures)
Angela Kölling (Department of Languages and Literatures)
Klas Grinell (Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion)
Bengt Larsson (Department of Sociology and Work Science)
Moderator: Ann Ighe (Department of Economy and Society)
Keynote: Cecilia Malmström, European Commission
Panelists: Jan-Olof Jacke, CEO Astra Zeneca, Sweden Andreas Dür, Professor, University of Salzburg
Per Cramér, Professor, University of Gothenburg Niklas Gustafsson, Chief Sustainability Officer, Volvo
Group Chair: Claes Alvstam, Professor, University of Gothenburg
15 March 14.30 - 16.30
Malmstenssalen, School of Business, Economics and Law,
Vasagatan 1, Göteborg
Europaforskardagen 2015- Migration to and within Europe: Mobility and Transnationalism
13.15-13.20 Moderator’s Welcome: Gregg Bucken-Knapp (University of Gothenburg)
13.20-14.00 Keynote address, Professor Thomas Faist (University of Bielefeld,
Germany) A Transnational Perspective on the Social Question
14.00 – 15.00 The Dynamics of Migration to, and within, Europe
Oksana Shmulyar Gréen (University of Gothenburg)
Families Apart in the Enlarged Europe: Intra-EU Labor Migration to Sweden and the Institutional Context for Circulation of Care
Anja Karlsson Franck (University of Gothenburg)
Migration, Securitization and Corruption in Greece: What is the Potential Relationship?
Karin Zelano (University of Gothenburg)
From Brussels Corridors to City Streets: The Urban Implications of Free Movement Migration
15.00 – 15.20 Coffee break
15.20 – 16.10 The Challenges of Mobility: Voices from the Field
Michael Ryan Andersen (International House Copenhagen, Denmark)
Become a Copenhagener! An Introduction to the City of Copenhagen’s Mindset about Attracting and Retaining International Talent
Rocio Rodriguez Cardona & Linus Karlsson (University of Gothenburg)
Through My Eyes: A Project that Challenges the General Story of Migration
16.10 – 17.00 Discussion
Europaforskardagen 2014: Norden i Europa
Moderator: Claes Alvstam (Göteborgs universitet)
13.15-13.20 Inledning av Katharina Vajta (Göteborgs universitet)
13.20-14.20 Panel 1
Edgar Platen (Göteborgs universitet): Var finns Norden? Dess framställningar i tyskspråkig samtidslitteratur
Johan Järlehed (Göteborgs universitet): Norden och autenticitet i skandinavisk turistreklam
Kommentatorer: Klas Grinell (intendent för globala samtidsfrågor på Världskulturmuseet i Göteborg) och Anton Jansson (Göteborgs universitet)
14.20-14.40 Fika
14.45-15.45 Panel 2
Susanne Dodillet (Göteborgs universitet): Norden i tysk pedagogik och skolpolitik
Ulla Björnberg (Göteborgs universitet): Utmaningar för familjepolitik i de nordiska länderna
Kommentator: Linda Berg (föreståndare för CERGU)
15.45-16.30 Öppen diskussion
Europaforskardagen 2013: The EU as a global actor: A force for good in the world?
13.15-13.20 Welcome note by CERGU
13.20-14.00 Keynote Speech by Ian Manners (U of Copenhagen) The EU's Normative Power in Global Politics
14.00-15.20 Panel I
Fredrik Söderbaum: Europe as Performative Power (University of Gothenburg)
Maria Stern: Racing and Gendering 'Europe' (University of Gothenburg)
Patricia Lorenzoni: Europe and sacrificial violence (University of Gothenburg)
Chair: Daniel Naurin (University of Gothenburg
15.20-15.40 Coffee
15.40-17.00 Panel II
Ole Elgström: Norm negotiations: The EU and Africa (Lund University)
Anja Franck: Fostering gender equality and labor rights in Southeast Asia (University of Gothenburg)
Ann-Kristin Jonasson: Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean (University of Gothenburg)
Chair: Claes Göran Alvstam (University of Gothenburg)
Europaforskardagen 2013