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- Centrum för Europaforskning
- Working Paper serie
Working Paper serie
CERGU:s Working Paper serie har som uppgift att kommunicera pågående forskning vid CERGU.
Serien välkomnar bidrag från alla discipliner och från olika teoretiska perspektiv med både kvantitativt och kvalitativt inriktad forskning. Rapporterna, som kan vara på engelska eller svenska, publiceras regelbundet via CERGU:s hemsida men går också att söka fram i Göteborgs universitets elektroniska tidsskriftsdatabas GUPEA.
Arctic Exceptionalism under Scrutiny: A qualitative content analysis of the increasing securitisation in the European Arctic
Lena Debanck
Forged in Crisis? Assessing the EU’s Evolving Actorness on Energy Security in Light of Energy Supply Crises
Imke Johanna Pohl
Negotiations in the Council of the European Union
First Results from the 2021 telephone interview survey with member state representatives to Council preparatory bodies
Markus Johansson, Olof Larsson, Rutger Lindahl and Daniel Naurin
A European State of Mind
Rhetorical formations of European identity within the EU 1973–2014
Louise Schou Therkildsen
Fit & Fair for 55?: A frame analysis of fairness arguments on the EU’s 2021 emission reduction proposals within the Council of the European Union
Katharina Pfeffer
An Empirical Approach to Separation of Powers Research in the EU: Introducing the SepaRope Judiciary Dataset
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Allison Östlund, Camilla Pedersen, Sarah Kaddar, Izel Karahan
European Migration Policy: The new Pact on Asylum and Migration through the Lens of Human Rights Compliance, Solidarity, and Accountability
Finja Lübben
Welfare Chauvinism, A Privilege of the Wealthy? A Cross-Country Study on the Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Social Spending on Welfare Chauvinism
Clara Lundén
Cooperation and Negotiation in the Council of the European Union
Markus Johansson, Daniel Naurin and Rutger Lindahl
Performing EU Foreign Policy Leadership: A Dramaturgical Approach
Lisbeth Aggestam and Elsa Hedling
‘Against the Envy of Less Happier Lands’. British Federalism and the Search for a New Role for Britain, 1884-1949
Jens Norrby
The relationship between national and European identification, and trust in EU institutions
Soetkin Verhaegen
Cooperation and Expected Policy Compliance in the Council
of the EU
Markus Johansson
The European Union and China in the Economic Security Dilemma: How the dynamic development of trust alters trade cooperation
Lucie Buttkus
Domesticating St Adalbert: Episcopal Power and Holy Husbandry on the European Peripheries during the High Middle Ages
Wojtek Jezierski
Explaining Voter Responses to Mainstream Parties’ Moderation Strategies
Jonathan Polk and Johannes Karreth
Sustainable Capitalism in the Making? The Marshallian Citizenship Conceptualisation Expanded in a European Circular Economy
Louise Warenius
Party Responsiviness to Public Opinion in New European Democracies
Raimondas Ibenskas and Jonathan Polk
Forms of Social Capital in the European Middle Ages. Angels, Papal Legates, and the Scandinavian Aristocratic Elites, 12th-13th Centuries
Wojtek Jezierski
Not indicted, and yet they do care. Why EU Governments file Observations to Cases before the ECJ
Julian Dederke
Towards a Framework for Analysing Party Leadership Selection
Nicholas Aylott and Niklas Bolin
Why are Members on the Way out of Their Political Youth Organization?
Karina Kosiara-Pedersen
Intraparty Disagreement and the Survival of
Florence So
What Parties do in Parliament: Improve ownership scores, follow, or lead public opinion?
Pontus Odmalm
Is Everyone Enjoying the Party? Examining ideological incongruence among 10.000 Swedish party members
Ann-Kristin Kölln and Jonathan Polk
Patterns of Party Change in Central and Eastern Europe, 1990-2015
Raimondas Ibenskas and Allan Sikk
Understanding Intra-Party Politics through Text Analysis of Social Media: Three applications to the Italian case
Andrea Ceron
Maintaining Family Ties - Preference divergence between sister parties
Zachary Green and Matthias Haber
Feminist Initiativ - Just another left party or something new?
Sofie Blombäck and Jenny de Fine Licht
Reconsidering the EU's 'Democratic Deficit' A Deliberative Perspective
Christina Schmahl
Åsiktsstruktur i EU-attityder
Frida Vernersdotter
European Leadership in Transition and Crisis
Edited by Lisbeth Aggestam
The Welfare State’s Effects on Marginalized Group Outcomes: Child poverty, Single parent income, and Youth unemployment
Alison Rovny
Regulatory Reform on the European Gas Market: Does it make a Difference?
Hans-William Ressel
The 'Other' Dimension: Contents, Connections and Sources of Party Competition along the Socio-Cultural Dimension in Europe
Jan Rovny and Jonathan Polk
Tvenne gånger tvenne ruttna gärdesgårdar. Om urminnes hävd och vattenkraft
Christina Olsen Lundh
Coding observations of the Member States and judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU under the preliminary reference procedure 1997-2008: Data report
Daniel Naurin, Per Cramér, Olof Larsson, Sara Lyons, Andreas Moberg and Allison Östlund
The More the Merrier?
Maria Forslund
Reducing Refugee Numbers through European Integration?
Swedish Party Politics and the Harmonisation of the European Asylum Policy
Andrea Spehar
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Vote Choice in Domestic and European Elections
Jonathan Polk och Ryan Bakker
The Evolution of Political Networks: Evidence from the European Union
Robert Thomson, Daniel Naurin and Marta Smolen
Ethnic Minorities Ethnic Minorities and Left Party Response: Explaining Party Competition in Eastern Europe
Jan Rovny
A theoretical framework for analyzing the electoral fate of new political parties in the European Parliament
Sofie Blombäck
I domstolens fälla? Den liberala intergovernmentalismen mellan utstationeringsdirektivet och Laval-domen
Olof Larsson
European Borderline and Turkish Schizophrenia - An analysis of Turkey's orientation to the European Security Strategy and human security and its impact on the EU-Turkey relationship
Karl-Fredrik Ahlmark
Nr 07:02
Network Capital and Cooperation Patterns in Committees and Working Groups of the Council of the EU
Daniel Naurin och Rutger Lindahl
Nr 07:01
Är kärnavfall ett bekymmer för EU eller medlemsstaterna?
-om kärnavfallsfrågan och principen om nationellt ansvar i EG-fördraget och Eurotom-fördraget
Thomas Erhag
Nr 04:1
Innovative Performance in the CEE Countries
Peter Akre Johansson
Nr 03:2
Gemenskap, utanförskap och inflytande i EU:s ministerråd
Rutger Lindahl/Daniel Naurin
No 03:1
The Post-Laeken Process in an Academic Perspectiv
Per Cramer/Sverker Gustavsson/Clas Wihlborg
No 01:1
Regional Benchmarking
Jörgen Gren
Nr 00:1
Samlad EU-kompetens
Linda Berg/Rutger Lindahl
Nr 99:2
Aktiva kommuner?
Linda Berg
Nr 99:1
Kulturstöd genom EU:s strukturfonder
Magnus Adolfsson