Konferenspresentationer baserade på CLASS-data
Georgetown University Roundtable on Linguistics-GURT, April 2012, Washington DC, USA
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Academic Language Proficiency Development among Swedish High School Students”
ASLA, May 2012, Linköping, Sweden
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Språk, undervisning och lärande – CLISS-projektet presenteras”
CLIL Conference, May, 2012, UAB Barcelona, Spain
Ylva Sandberg
“Semi-structured interviews with six teachers at two upper secondary schools: A small-scale study”
TRI CLIL 2012: Taula Rodona Internacional Content and Language Integrated Learning, May, 2012, in Barcelona, Spain
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
“Encountering English: A Case Study of Three Swedish Students in an English-Medium Upper Secondary School”
Bilingualism International Summer School, July, 2012, Bangor, Wales, UK
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
“Mapping Content and Language Integrated Learning in the Swedish Context”
2nd LinC Summer School and Workshop, September, 2012, Cardiff, Wales
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
“Welcome to the next step in your future! An Appraisal Analysis of School Marketing Texts”
Svenskans beskrivning 33, 15-17 May, 2013, Helsinki, Finland
Per Holmberg
“Att skriva svenska i engelskt språkrum”
Register II: Emergence, Change and Obsolence, May, 2013, Helsinki, Finland
Per Holmberg
“Learning the Register of Expository Texts: a Longitudinal Study in Swedish Upper Secondary School”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
Ylva Sandberg
“Strategies for Implementing CLIL at a Swedish Upper Secondary School: Three Teacher Identities Talk”
AAAL, March 2013, Dallas, USA
Liss Kerstin Sylvén & Amy Thompson
“Motivation and CLIL: Is there a Relationship?”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
“We don’t want to be rude, but we think people should speak English.” Swedish upper secondary school students talk about CLIL”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
Maria Lim-Falk
“CLIL education versus the Language Act in Sweden”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
Eva Olsson
“CLIL, extramural English and writing proficiency in academic registers: preliminary results from an ongoing Swedish study”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
Tore Otterup
“CLIL in a multilingual context”
ALP-CLIL Conference, June, 2013, UAM Madrid, Spain
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Receptive and Productive Vocabulary among CLIL and non-CLIL students”
The IRIS conference, September 2013, York, UK
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“The CLISS project. A methodological nightmare and a goldmine of data – an ongoing investigation of CLIL vs non-CLIL in Swedish schools”
BAAL, September 2013, Edinburgh, UK
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Building bridges between content and language CLIL investigated with a focus on academic language skills”
Second Language Research Forum, SLRF, 2013, Provo, Utah, USA
Liss Kerstin Sylvén & Amy S. Thompso
“‘Does English Make You Nervous?’ - Anxiety profiles of CLIL and non-CLIL students in Sweden.”
Mötesplats CUL 2013
Eva Olsson
“Hur utvecklas gymnasieelevers akademiska ordförråd på engelska om ämnesundervisningen sker på engelska respektive svenska”
WRAB – Writing Research Across Borders, 2014, Paris, Frankrike
Per Holmberg & Maria Lim Falk
“Paths to academic Writing”
WRAB – Writing Research Across Borders, 2014, Paris, Frankrike
Eva Olsson & Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Academic registers in English among Swedish students in upper secondary school”
NÄD-konferensen 2014, Göteborg
Eva Olsson
”Hur utvecklas gymnasieelevers förmåga att skriva ämnesanknutna texter på engelska om undervisningsspråket är engelska respektive svenska?”
Research School in Utrecht August 25-26 2014
Elisabeth Ohlsson
The Usage of Academic Words, a Comparison in a CLIL and a Non-CLIL Context in Sweden
Matters of the Mind – Psychology in Language Learning, PLL2014, Graz, Österrike. Paper
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“What does your L1 and L2 mean to you?”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
Content and Language Integration in Swedish Schools – the CLISS Project
Maria Lim-Falk
“Layers of Language Policy and CLIL education in Sweden
Britt-Marie Apelgren
“The Swedish CLIL student. A survey on Language Background, experiences and attitudes to content and language integrated Learning”
Per Holmberg & Eva Olsson
“Academic writing and vocabulary”
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud & Ylva Sandberg
“Language choice and language use in CLIL content lessons: Teacher and student perspectives”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Britt-Marie Apelgren & Per Holmberg
Constructing and Construing Written Argumentative and Expository Assignments in L1 and EFL”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Maria Lim-Falk
“Academic L1 and the influence of English CLIL instruction”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Ylva Sandberg
”Discrepancies between beliefs and practices? Swedish content teachers’ language use in bilingual education programmes”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
BethAnne Yoxsimer-Paulsrud
“Great expectations: Stakeholders’ perspectives on the English-medium option in the upper secondary school”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Elisabeth Ohlsson
"The Usage of Academic Words in Argumentative Texts Written in Swedish – a comparison in CLIL and non – CLIL contexts”
AILA 2014 World Congress, Brisbane, Australien
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
“Vocabulary proficiency and progress among CLIL and non-CLIL students - a longitudinal study”
THINK CLIL 2014, Venice, Italy
Maria Lim-Falk
“Students’ academic L1 competence in English-medium CLIL contexts in Sweden”
Second Language Research Forum, SLRF, 2014, Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Liss Kerstin Sylvén & Amy S. Thompson
CLIL and motivation revisited
A longitudinal perspective
AAAL Conference, March 2015, Toronto, Canada
Liss Kerstin Sylvén and Amy S. Thompson
A longitudinal study of CLIL and anxiety
Languages in Focus, LIF, April 2015, Cappadocia, Turkey
Amy S. Thompson and Liss Kerstin Sylvén
Motivational implications of a CLIL curriculum
EALTA 12th Annual Conference, May 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Liss Kerstin Sylvén
Effects of policy and practice on CLIL in Sweden
Faces of English, June 2015, Hong Kong
Eva Olsson and Liss Kerstin Sylvén
Development of Academic Vocabulary in English L2 writing