Medlemmar i forskargruppen Landskap och planering
Nedan hittar du medlemmarna i forskargruppen Landskap och planering.
Marie Stenseke
Professor in Human Geography
Research interests
- Rural Land Use Planning and Management
- Nature Conservation Management and Planning
- Nature Based Outdoor Recreation
- Public Participation
- Landscape Research
- Conceptualizations Around Human – Environment Interactions

Oscar Jacobsson
Postdoctoral researcher in Human Geography
Research interests
- Historical geography
- Human-Environment interactions
- Political ecology
- Water management
- Agriculture and forestry

Charlotta Capitao Patrao
Doctoral student in Human Geography
Research interests
- Regional Planning
- Regional Development
- Spatial Planning
- Public Transport

Shelley Kotze
Doctoral student in Human Geography
Research interests
- Urban Ecology
- Urban Green Space Planning and Infrastructure
- Integrated Processes of Planning and Management
- Processes of Social and Cultural Integration

Oskar Abrahamsson
Doctoral student in Human Geography
Research interests
Landscape and Mobility
Outdoor Recreation
Spatial Planning

Per Hallén
Senior lecturer in Economic History
Research interests
- Economy Change and its Impact on Urban Green Space
- Outdoor Recreation in a Long-term Perspective
- Change in the Use of Coastal Landscapes

Robin Biddulph
Associate Professor in Human Geography
Research interests
- Land Reform
- Natural Resource Management
- Tourism Geography
- Political Ecology

Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist
Associate Professor in Social Anthropology & Senior Lecturer in Human Ecology.
Research interests
- Governance of Natural and Heritage Resources
- Human-Environment Interactions
- Gastronomy, Tourism and Creative Entrepreneurship
- Rural Development
- Place and Locality

Ebba Lisberg Jensen
Associate professor in Human Ecology
Research interests
- Ecological Literacy
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Outdoor Education and Recreation
- Urban Ecology

Associated members
Andreas Skriver Hansen, Researcher, Center for regional- & turismeforskning
Mattias Sandberg, Specialist, Skogssyrelsen
Mikael Ring, Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg
Mirek Dymitrow, Senior Lecturer, Linnaeus University
Thomas Beery - PhD, Researcher, Kristianstad University
Lesley Head - Professor, University of Melbourne, Visiting Professor 2012-2014
Gunilla Almered Olsson – Professor, University of Gothenburg