Göteborgs universitet

Degree Project Catalogue

Degree Project Catalogue är en katalog med förslag på examensarbeten för kandidat- eller masternivå på Institutionen för marina vetenskaper. Här finns examensprojekt inom marin biologi, marin kemi, marin geologi, oceanografi, samt tvärvetenskapliga marina projekt.

Om Degree Project Catalogue

  • Projekten presenteras enligt ämne.
  • Varje projekt presenteras på en webbsida.
  • Varje projekt har en kontaktperson som du kan kontakta för mer information om projektet.
  • Examensarbeten vid Institutionen för marina vetenskaper görs självständigt och ska skrivas och bedömas individuellt.


Kontaktperson för Degree Project Catalogue är Bastien Queste, biträdande universitetslektor i oceanografi. E-post: bastien.queste@gu.se

Kontaktperson för annonsering och uppdatering av projekt är Annika Wall, kommunikationssamordnare. E-post: annika.wall@gu.se


Marin biologi

Changes in genomic signatures of anthropogenic stress on revived diatoms from natural archives

Characterization of a Swedish new green algal species - Ulva, Chlorophyta

Characterization of the varying morphologies of the Swedish Sea Lettuces

Coastal bivalves - Conservation status and Pacific oyster invasion

Describing the diversity of cirratulid polychaetes from the Gulf of Oman

Development of an innovative method for forecasting cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) in a changing environment

Diversity of West African cirratulid polychaetes

Do male reproductive characteristics change seasonally in Littorina saxatilis?

Does sperm competition drive paternity in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus?

Evolution and adaptation of sperm in marine organisms

Explore trends in biodiversity with Citizen Science and artificial intelligence

Exploring abortion rates in hybrid zones between ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis in Sweden

Exploring Phytoplankton Diversity: A Microscopic Adventure with PlanktoScope

Feeding effects on reproductive output in the ögonkorall Lophelia pertusa

Genetic assessments of biodiversity in the Koster National Park

Greenhouse gas emissions from coastal marine sinks

How do female Littorina snails store sperm?

Human impacts on sperm in the sea

Interactions between non-native and native shore crabs on the Swedish west coast

Investigating chain forming diatoms in a natural field population and how they survive between blooms

Investigating which phytoplankton species that potentially can survive long-term dormancy in marine sediments

Marine Bivalves

Marine Microbial Ecology Projects

Microclimate and movement of Littorina saxatilis

Plant response to organic nitrogen uptake in Zostera marina

Reef effects on marine biodiversity in offshore wind parks

Regulation of reproduction in the sea lettuce Ulva fenestrata

Replanting cold water corals from bycatch in the Mediterranean, effects on reproductive output

Reproduction in deep sea and cold water corals using histological analysis

Sperm competition reduces fertilisation success in two sea urchin species - does this apply to other marine external fertilisers?

Towards a greener future: sustainable off-shore aquaculture of Swedish Sea Lettuce

Toxicity assessment of plastic materials

Using next-generation sequencing for conservation of eelgrass

Who is taking over coral reefs?