
13 million SEK to project on diversity in the performing arts


The project titled Expansion and Diversity: Digitally mapping and exploring independent performance in Gothenburg 1965–2000, has been granted funding from Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council). The three year project will be led by Astrid von Rosen (PI, Associate professor of art history and visual studies) and Cecilia Lindhé (CI, PhD in Comparative Literature and Director Centre for Digital Humanities), and both coordinators of Centre for Critical Heritage Studies (CCHS) Embracing the Archives cluster. The project is a collaboration between Dept. of Cultural Sciences (KUV), Centre for Digital Humanities, Centre for Critical Heritage Studies and the National Library of Sweden.

The project aims to take on the urgent challenge of accounting for diversity in late 20th century performance history. Using data from digitized newspapers, the project will explore the following research question: How can a more inclusive history of independent performance be created by combining historiographical and urban analysis with the capabilities of new information technologies? Drawing on previous research on independent performance in Gothenburg 1965–2000, the city will be used as a case study to investigate the unresolved historiographical problem of accounting for diversity within the expanded performance field.

The project will, in collaboration with the National Library, digitize Gothenburg newspapers and an online database combining scholarly and digital expertise will be constructed. Consequently, new research questions as well as digital methods and models will emerge to help include and make accessible a cultural heritage engaging many different people.

Find the extended news text in Swedish here.