Länkstig Hem News News All news published for the Centre for Health Governance. Seminarium Private healthcare insurance in a public healthcare system Ekonomihistorikern John Lapidus och hälsoekonomen Jens Wikström ger en fördjupad insikt i utvecklingen av privat… Startdatum 8 feb 2024 Workshop CHG workshop on the economics of health (care) May 25 The workshop consists of 6 presentations of ongoing research spanning on different questions related to the organization of… Startdatum 25 maj 2023 Seminar "Health economic aspects of person-centred care" On November 2, Hanna Gyllensten, Associate Professor, Benjamin P Harvey, PhD student and Salma Pardhan, PhD Student will… Startdatum 2 nov 2023 Seminar Enhancing the Quality and Productivity of Higher Education Meet Dr. Atsusi “2c” Hirumi, visiting researcher at Centre for Health Governance, spring 2023. Startdatum 12 maj 2022 Flera datum +