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New 10X Genomics Chromium iX instrument at Clinical Genomics Gothenburg


A new 10X Genomics Chromium iX instrument is available for all single-cell sequencing services.

10X Genomics Chromium iX

Clinical Genomics Gothenburg is pleased to announce that there is a new 10X Genomics Chromium iX instrument available for all single-cell sequencing services. This instrument offers greater flexibility, enabling the processing of both fresh and fixed samples, including fresh or frozen tissues. Samples can be fixed and collected at different time points, then stored until they are ready for sequencing.

With this new instrument, we can now perform:

  • Single-cell gene expression: Provides single-cell transcriptome 3' gene expression.
  • Single-cell immune profiling: Enables the analysis of full-length, paired B-cell or T-cell receptor (BCR/TCR) sequences, cell surface protein expression, Antigen specificity and CRISPR screening, all from a single cell.
  • Single-cell ATAC: Analyzes thousands of unique open chromatin fragments genome-wide with single-cell resolution.
  • Single-cell Multiome: Performs direct measurements of 3' gene expression and chromatin accessibility from the same cell.
    10X Chromium iX instrument at the Clinical Genomics Gotehnburg

Single-cell sequencing services using Parse Biosciences kits

We are also offering single-cell sequencing services using Parse Biosciences kits. This method allows for single-cell whole transcriptomic analysis for fixed samples using the Evercode split-pool combinatorial barcoding principle, without the need for specialized instruments. For more information, please attend the SciLifeLab seminar for ParseBio single cell sequencing on September 26th, 2024.

Contact us!

Clinical Genomics Gothenburg is part of the Bioinformatics and Data Centre (BDC) and we welcome all types of single-cell sequencing projects. You can reach out to us at and we will assist you with project design, sample preparation protocols, and more.