
The Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events is the new collaborative partner of the Centre for Tourism


The Centre for Tourism is happy to announce that we have signed a letter of intent for collaboration with the Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events (Nätverket Hållbar Besöksnäring). We believe that a fruitful collaboration will be established together with the major network in Sweden focusing on sustainable tourism development.

The Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events is a network that aims to inspire, educate and support business leaders to accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable tourism and event industry. The network has a holistic approach that considers the tourism and event industry as part of the solution towards a sustainable society. Some of the members of the network are Göteborg&Co, Event in Skåne, Håll Sverige Rent, Visit Stockholm, Svenska Mässan & Gothia Towers and Stockholmsmässan.

The Centre for Tourism and the Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events will collaborate in the areas of knowledge exchange, knowledge development, and though joint activities, such as common project applications and workshops.

“- To collaborate with the industry is the basis for what we do” - says Erik Lundberg, head of the Centre for Tourism. “It is an excellent opportunity for us to create new knowledge together, participate in common research and development projects and to learn from each other.”

“- I am certain that a closer cooperation between the industry and the academy will benefit both partners in many ways. Through this collaboration, our members will have the opportunity to access the latest research findings and also be part of research”, says Katarina Thorstensson, chairwoman of the Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events.

For more information about the Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events, see www.natverkethallbarbesoksnaring.se

For more information about the collaborative agreement between CFT and the Swedish Network for Sustainable Tourism & Events, please contact Kristina Lindström (Kristina.lindstrom@handels.gu.se ).

Text: Erik Lundberg