
GPCC-led EU Road map on Future Health Care published in the Lancet and is granted more funding


The Road map on Future Health Care created by the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care GPCC-led EU-project consortium We Care has been published in the Lancet. It maps out a suggestion on how to create health-care improvements in a financially constrained environment, and its focus lies on cost containment and quality of care. The project consortium has also just learned that it has been granted further EU-funding to continue its work.


WE CARE proposes to establish several health-care laboratories, each of which will test prototypes of completely new ways of conducting health care in regions or networks across Europe, in an innovative attempt to achieve future cost containment and quality of care. They have identified seven themes which they say need to be addressed within a concerted action across stakeholders and EU member states. The seven themes identified in the road map are: quality measures of health care; patient/person engagement; health promotion and disease prevention; infrastructure, service delivery, and organisational models; information technology to support quality, effectiveness, and efficiency; incentive systems that give new impetus to innovation; and contracting strategies that promote efficient and high quality care.

GPCC Centre Director Professor Inger Ekman has led the work of the We Care consortium, which consists of EU key players in the pharmaceutical industry, technology sector, academic researchers, and health professionals, together with patient representatives and politicians. She is naturally very pleased that the road map has been published in The Lancet, and that the consortium also has just learned that it has been granted new funding to continue their work. More details will follow here shortly.

Link to the Road Map in The Lancet.