Göteborgs universitet

Student projects

An important part of biodiversity research is welcoming the future researchers into this research field. At the GGBC we have many different research projects going on spanning from palms in the Amazon to the animals of the Arctic Tundra...

Want to work with biodiversity for your degreeproject?


Interested in doing a degree project in Biodiversity? Contact soren.faurby@bioenv.gu.se


Former projects

Does fruit colour affect the geographical distribution of palms

Different fruit colours attract different types of feeding animals with different ability to spread the seeds. Here we investigated if palms with fruit colour that mainly attract more mobile animals have a larger geographical spread.

Adrian Hill, MSc in biology
Supervisor: Christine Bacon, GU


Relative impact of individual on global biodiversity loss

In this project, I am examining supply chain data to determine what products have more or less of an impact on global biodiversity loss. 

Louisa Durkin, MSc in Biology
Supervisors: Allison Perrigo GU, Alexandre Antonelli GU, Kimberly Nicholas LU


Effects of habitat fragmentation on conservation efforts of two threatened plant species, Eryngium maritimum and Mertensia maritima

This thesis intended to support conservation efforts of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) by examining the impact of habitat fragmentation on the fitness of the two species Eryngium maritimum and Mertensia maritima. In order to investigate potential effects of inbreeding depression on the declines of populations, cross-pollinations were done on plants of both species. The project was done in cooperation with the Gothenburg Botanical Garden and Länsstyrelsen in Gothenburg and on the Koster Islands. 

Hanna Schork, MSc in Biology

Supervisors: Mats Havström (Botaniska) and Mari Källersjö (Botaniska)


Is prey defaunation a potential cause of carnivore range loss and eventual extinction?

Defaunation has been emphasized as a likely threat to the conservation of carnivores, however not much is known. A new diet database was generated in collaboration with reserachers from the University of Sussex for the terrestrial members of the order Carnivora having mammals as a primary prey item, resulting in 20170 diet records collected from 566 published literature sources. To estimate the potential threat to carnivores from the loss of their prey, overlap range maps of predator and their primary and secondary prey species were created and these were compared to maps where prey species classified as vulnerable or worse by the IUCN were removed.

Hanna Svensson, MSc in Biology

Supervisor: Sören Faurby, GU


Project document

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