
14.3 MSEK to CARe

JPIAMR has awarded 2 CARe research projects to bridge the knowledge gap on AMR transmission mechanisms.

JPIAMR has awarded 2 CARe research projects to bridge the knowledge gap on AMR transmission mechanisms. In total the funding amounts to 14.3 MSEK.

The project "Predicting cell-cell horizontal transmission of antibiotics resistance from genome and phenome" will be coordinated by J. Warringer from CARe. Scientists from Sweden, France, Belgium and UK will participate.

Researchers at CARe include Anne Farewell, Per Sunnerhagen, Edward Moore, Roger Karlsson, Erik Kristiansson and Jonas Warringer.

In the project "Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater: Transmission Risks for Employees and Residents around Waste Water Treatment Plants" will scientists from Sweden, Netherland, Germany and Romania collaborate.

The principle investigators from CARe are Joakim Larsson and Carl-Fredrik Flach.