Göteborgs universitet


The theme for SimPro2022 is the participants experiences from simulations. In their talks, the conference keynotes discuss aspects of teaching and learning in simulated environments, putting focus on different approaches they used to explore the participants perspectives on simulated experiences. The invited presenters report empirical studies on training in simulated environments and discuss the participants’ view on simulation. As a result, the conference identifies critical features of simulation practice and outlines how results can advance simulation pedagogy in professional education.

Keynote speakers

Marcus Samuelsson is associate professor at Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning at Linköping University. His research interest focusses classroom management from teacher and students’ perspective, efficient teachers’ leadership, and virtual practice from simulation training. He conducts teaching, instructions, and research with virtual practice. Over the year Marcus, in several research projects has created simulations as well used established simulations to overcome the experienced gap between different part of teacher training and to prepare preservice and in-service teachers for a better conduct of work. 


Jessica Lindblom is associate professor of human-computer Interaction at at the department of Information Technology, Uppsala University. She is also an associate professor of informatics, School of Informatics, University of Skövde, Sweden. Her research interests are social aspects of embodied, situated, and distributed cognition, and their implications to interactive technology. She has over the years, together with colleagues, created and conducted various kinds of simulations in Swedish municipalities in order to cultivate the crisis management practices for various professional roles from a learning perspective. In her talk, she will focus on the emotional and lived embodied experiences of the participants as well as how the researchers coped with them during these simulations, especially the complex role of acting as an on-the-fly facilitator. 

Foto: Peter Holgersson

Invited presenters

Elin Nordenström is a senior lecturer at Department of Education, Communication and Learning at University of Gothenburg. Her research draws on detailed analyses of video-recorded training situations in the tradition of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Her work concerns feedback in video-assisted post-simulation debriefing for interprofessional team training in healthcare as well as simulations for training maritime pilots in shiphandling.

David Sjöberg is an associate professor at Unit of Police Education at Umeå University. A starting point for Sjöbergs’ studies is that not only the scenario but also the preparation and the debriefing must be included in the analyses. Another premise for Sjöbergs’ work is that activities and individuals cannot be studied as separate entities. His research focusses on simulations in police education and what they mean for developing professional knowing.

Marte Fanneløb Giskeødegård is an associate professor at the Department of Ocean Space and Civil Engineering (NTNU). She holds a PhD in social anthropology, specializing in organizations and work. She is the project leader of PROSIM, a comparative research project on the use of simulation in nautical studies, health science and bio engineering.

Mads Solberg is associate professor at the Department of Health Sciences in Aalesund (NTNU). A cognitive anthropologist, his work mainly explores the role of technology in healthcare, and the epistemic foundations of simulation-based education.

Björn Sjöblom is a senior lecturer in war studies at the Swedish Defence University. He has a background in game studies and is currently focused on research on game-based learning in military education. His present research project is about debriefing in wargaming, highlighting how these practices serve to develop officer cadets' learning of military tactics.

William Gyldensten is a PhD candidate at the university of South-East Norway. His research is about cloud simulation in maritime education and will contribute to define the possibilities of cloud simulators. He also has 12 years of sailing experience from both the navy and the merchant fleet.

Morten Bustgaard is associate professor in nautical operations at University of South-Eastern Norway. His research area is focused on cloud-based simulations in maritime training, involving the development of cloud-based simulator exercises in cooperation with Kongsberg Digital. He also has served 10 years in the merchant fleet as navigation officer.

Conference Organizer

Charlott Sellberg is associate professor in Applied IT and Learning at Department of Applied IT at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research draws on embodied, situated and socio-cultural theories of learning to study the use of simulations for training and assessment currently across three professional domains: maritime, healthcare and bioengineering education.