
Scientists at CARe receives funding for using artificial intelligence to improving the diagnostics of antibiotic resistant bacteria

The aim of the project is to use artificial intelligence to replace diagnostic tests, which has the potential to save time and reduce costs.

A deep learning model for prediction of diagnostic information will be developed, validated and finally evaluated using case-studies at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The project, which has a total budget of 2.9 MSEK, is primarily funded by Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR) and is a collaboration between CARe, Chalmers, Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre. Several CARe-members are participating in the project, including  Erik Kristiansson (coordination), Anna Johnning, Lisa Helldal, Ingegerd Adlerberth and Juan Salvador Inda Diaz.