Göteborgs universitet

Visiting Professor: Diana Panke

Professor Diana Panke will be a REGG Visiting Professor at the School of Global Studies in September 2019 and in March 2020. Professor Diana Panke holds the Chair of Multi-level Governance at the University of Freiburg in Germany and has previously been an associate professor at University College Dublin in Ireland.

Professor Panke's research and teaching interests include international norm dynamics, international negotiations, legalization and compliance beyond the nation-state, European Integration, Comparative European Union Politics, as well as modern theories of international relations.

Her articles are published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Review of International Studies, Comparative Political Studies, the European Journal of International Relations, Cooperation and Conflict, International Politics, Comparative European Politics, West European Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, or the Journal of Common Market Studies. In addition, Diana Panke has published several monographs including The Effectiveness of the European Court of Justice: Why Reluctant States Comply (Manchester University Press), Small States in the European Union. Coping with Structural Disadvantages (Ashgate) and Unequal Actors in Equalising Institutions. Negotiations in the United Nations General Assembly (forthcoming fall 2013 with Palgrave).

Diana Panke
Diana Panke