
Visit from EUI

CERGU will be welcoming guests from the European University Institute (EUI), November 9. From 10-12, our guests will present the research potentials of the Historical Archives of the EU, including the EUI post-doc program as well as archive researching scholarships. The seminar is open to all scholars with an interest in the archives and the post-doc positions at EUI.
The seminar will start with a 40-45 minutes presentation by Dieter Schlenker, Director, Historical Archives of the EU, EUI, followed by an open floor discussion. The seminar is hosted by the Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU) and moderated by Rutger Lindahl, Senior Advisor, CERGU.
During the same day, from 12-13, there will also be an open lunchseminar for students who are interested in the doctoral programmes of the EUI (in Hörsal Dragonen). Later in the afternoon there will also be a meeting about how to increase the interest in applying for the PhD-programmes from Sweden.

More information: http://cergu.gu.se/Aktuellt/Kalendarium/aktuelltdetalj/?eventId=70136556736