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The School condemns violence against students in Iran


During the last weeks we have received increasingly worrying information about the repression of student protests against the regime in Iran.

The protests started after the Mahhsa Jîna Amini was detained by the national moral police and later died in custody on September 16.

October 3 International media reported that armed security forces had surrounded demonstrating students at the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, shooting tear gas at them and arresting a number of students.

Link: Article in the Guardian

Link: Article in Al Jazeera

These actions are not only an assault on fundamental human rights but also on the academy as an independent force in society based on the freedom of thought and expression.

As dean for the school of Business Economics and Law, I am deeply concerned by this development. I extend my sympathy for all that are suffering from these actions and condemn all violence against students.

Per Cramér, Dean, School of Business, Economics and Law