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- Klassiska traditioner mötte moderna inslag i årets doktorspromovering
Klassiska traditioner mötte moderna inslag i årets doktorspromovering
Av de omkring 160 nya doktorer som promoverades vid Göteborgs universitetet hade drygt hälften lagt fram sina avhandlingar vid någon av Sahlgrenska akademins institutioner. Promotor var seniorprofessor Inger Ekman, som under ceremonin också fick räcka doktorsdiplomet till sin egen dotter Nina Ekman.
Inför ceremonin fick Inger Ekman och de övriga promotorerna stöd av bland andra Gunhild Vidén, professor i latin, för att klara av de ceremoniella fraser på det klassiska språket som ingår i uppdraget som promotor.
– Promoveringen är universitetets viktigaste akademiska högtid och det var en stor ära att få vara promotor för Sahlgrenska akademin. Jag tycker att Göteborgs universitet skapat en traditionell och högtidlig promovering, men den är samtidigt modern och tillgänglig. Alla latinska fraser översättes till svenska på textremsor på de stora monitorerna så att alla kunde hänga med, berättar Inger Ekman, som också var promotor vid kreeringen av jubeldoktorerna som skedde några veckor tidigare.
Unika nya doktorer
Som promotor var Inger Ekman noga med att se var och en av de över åttio nya doktorerna i ögonen, och att få dem att känna sig sedda och unika när de kom fram för att ta emot sina insignier. En av doktorerna var dock extra speciell för henne, hennes dotter, Nina Ekman.
– Med åldern har jag blivit mer blödig. Jag trodde jag skulle gråta, men jag lyckades hålla masken när jag gav Nina hennes diplom. Under banketten efter promoveringen kunde jag glädjas vid samma bord som Nina och övriga familjen, säger Inger Ekman.

Liksom Inger Ekman forskar Nina Ekman om personcentrerad vård. Hennes mamma har dock inte varit inblandad i arbetet med avhandlingen, mer än att hon läst den. Avhandlingen presenterar en observationsbaserad metod för att mäta hur personcentrerad en verksamhet inom hälso- och sjukvården i praktiken är, och den belönades med priset Årets avhandling vid Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa. Nina Ekman fortsätter nu sitt arbete med att testa verktyget i praktiken på Östra sjukhuset.

Lyfte sällsynta hälsotillstånd
Under ceremonin promoverades även Anders Olauson, initiativtagare till Ågrenska Stiftelsen, till hedersdoktor vid Sahlgrenska akademin. Under Anders Olausons ledning har Ågrenska utvecklats till en viktig knutpunkt för forskning och utbildning vid Sahlgrenska akademin inom området sällsynta hälsotillstånd, med fokus på bland annat pediatrik, barnkirurgi och klinisk genetik. Anders Olauson var också under flera år engagerad i Centrum för personcentrerad vård (GPCC) som representant för den europeiska patientorganisationen ”European Patient Forum”.

Totalt hedrade Göteborgs universitet denna gång cirka 160 nya doktorer, hedersdoktorer och pristagare. Avhandlingarna som lagts fram handlade till exempel om komplikationer vid diabetes, mödravård söder om Sahara, psoriasis, det post-imperialistiska Storbritannien, AI-baserade metoder för att studera antibiotikaresistenta bakterier och perspektiv på studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser. Även jubeldoktorerna var inbjudna att närvara vid högtiden.
Universitetets studenter var i enlighet med traditionen universitetets representanter som marskalkar och fanbärare i processionen. Göteborgs universitets symfoniorkester, en jazztrio och solister från Högskolan för scen och musik ramade in högtiden med vackra musikinslag.

Suleiman Abuhasanein
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Optimizing the diagnostic process of urinary bladder cancer on standardized care pathway, computed tomography, artificial intelligence, and a newly developed urine-based cancer marker
Samuel Acreman
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Physiology and Pathophysiology of Hormone Secretion from Islets of Langerhans
Rebecca Ahlin
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: The role of plantfood components in pelvic-organ cancer survivors – From feasibility to effects in randomized controlled dietary interventions

Anna Amberntsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Vitamin D during pregnancy in relation to childhood growth, overweight and obesity
Tarik Avdic
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Peripheral artery disease and aortic complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Anna Axelsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Quality of Life and long-term side effects after anal cancer treatment
Eva Backman
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Basal cell carcinoma- real-life burden on healthcare and simplified destructive treatments

Heithem Ben Amara
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Biodegradable magnesium implants, immunomodulation, and tissue repair/regeneration
Isak Berge
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Ge de ohörda rösterna upprättelse – framsteg och utmaningar vid involvering av sköra äldre personer i forskning om åldrande och hälsa
Sandra Bjerkne Wenneberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Short- and longterm outcomes after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Sara Bjursten
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Checkpoint inhibitor-induced adverse events in the CNS – T cell characteristics and biomarkers

Björn Bjurulf
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Psychosocial Aspects of Dravet Syndrome
Oscar Nils Cavefors
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Left ventricular dysfunction in critically ill patients
Hannah Colldén
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Androgens and progesterone in tissues and the gastrointestinal tract – Mapping of tissuespecific sex steroid levels in mice
Anna Corderfeldt Keiller
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Oxygen demand and neuronal biomarker release during extracorporeal circulation
Jakob Dahlberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: On incidence, diagnostic algorithms and in-depth characterization of thyroid cancer
Pia Dahlberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Repolarization studies in the long QT syndrome
Carlotta Dionigi
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: Functional characteristics of periodontitis and peri-implantitis lesions in humans

Emma Eckernäs
Farmacie doktor/Doctor of Pharmacology
Avhandling/Thesis: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the psychedelic compound DMT
Jon Edman Wallér
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Clostridioides difficile infections: Preventive strategies
Sofia Ekestubbe
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Diagnosis, mortality and professional life in patients with heart failure
Nina Ekman
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Development and testing of an observation-based method to assess person-centeredness in healthcare
Sandra Ferreyra Vega
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: DNA methylation profiling of CNS tumors; implications for clinical diagnostics
Marianne Flinck
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Femoral Shaft Fractures in Children and Adolescents; Stability, Residual Deformity and Recovery of Physical Function
Katarina Glise Sandblad
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Venous thromboembolism: Risk factors, comorbidities and treatment-associated risk of bleeding

Ingela Grönbeck Lindén
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: The Oral Ability Instrument, OHAI. Development of an instrument to assess the cause of poor oral hygiene self-care in older adults
Lisa Gunnesson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Peri-operative management, surgical outcome, and prognostication in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
Priti Gupta
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Humoral lmmune Response with Focus on IgG Glycosylation-In murine models
Anna Gyberg
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Constructing patient safety: Exploring unsafe care events in hospital settings as reported by patients, relatives, and healthcare professionals
Hanna Göthberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Hearing in advanced age
Sara Hallström
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Diabetes Complications, risk factors, and glycaemic indices in persons with type 1 diabetes
Martin Hjellström
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Enhanced national ability to estimate internal contamination following a radiological or nuclear event
John Hutchins
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Spinal Foraminal Stenosis – Novel Methods and MRI in
Functional Positions to improve Diagnostics
Yuki Ichioka
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: Decontamination of implant surfaces
Jens Johansson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Diffusion MRI: Aspects of Reproducibility and Novel Segmented 2D and 3D Approaches for Higher Resolution and Geometric Fidelity
Christina Karazisi
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Congenital heart disease and cancer: Cancer risk, risk factors and outcomes after cancer diagnosis
Michelle Kha
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of kidney injury and regeneration
Carl-Jacob Khailat Holmberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Melanoma surgery in the era of modern immunotherapy
Linda Kluge
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Obesity and IVF outcome – The hope of improvements through weight reduction
Spela Kokelj
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Exploring the composition of the small airway lining fluid using breath analysis
Hana Komic
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Multiomic profiling of leukemic stem cells in myeloid leukemia: implications for immunotherapy
Georgios Kontogeorgos
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Parathyroid Hormone Hyper- and Hypoparathyroidism Effect of Treatment and Long-term Follow-up Studies
Jamie D. Kraft
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Endogenous and microbial modulators of inflammation
Linnea Kristenson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: NK cell recognition of malignant cells – a CRISPR approach to define novel mediators
Marta Laskowski
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Psoriasis: prognostic factors and self-assessment
Petra Linnsand
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Young Children with Autism in a Multiethnic Immigrant Population. Prevalance, Feeding Disorders, Early Detection and Intervention
Sandra Lod Dimenäs
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: Behavioral Intervention for Improved Oral Hygiene in Adolescents – A Person-Centered and Theory-Based Approach
Robert Lorentsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: How does the technical status of medical ultrasound equipment affect image quality?
Rong Ma
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Labile glutamate synaptic transmission onto CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons
Berta Marc De La Cruz
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Molecular mechanisms of human presynapse assembly – Role of liprin-a proteins in synapse organization and neurological disease
Maria Marinopoulou
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: The relationship between cognition and ESSENCE in childhood
Mikael Mide
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: A treatment seeking population with Gambling Disorder – Internet treatment, severity and gender
Louise Miller
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Gambling, alcohol and gender: Subjective effects and clinical characteristics
Nushin Mirzaei
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Superparamagnetic iron oxide for sentinel lymph node biopsy
Katarina Modig
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Complications and side effects of Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy with focus on anastomotic stenosis and urinary incontinence
Ann-Beth Nygaard Moller
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Midwifery care providers’ competencies in sub-Saharan Africa and global perinatal health outcomes
Adnan Noor Baloch
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Epidemiological aspects of health and work ability in the Swedish workforce
Olivia Näslund
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Meningiomasconsequences of incidental detection and novel classification
Jonas Ockell
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: On massive weight loss and body contour
Julia Olander
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: On Biological Response and Wear Particles around Oral Implants and Implant Components
Ann-Charlotte Persson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Objective and subjective outcomes from bone conduction hearing devices
Simon Pålsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Gallstone-related symptoms and quality of life in patients undergoing gallstone surgery – The Gothenburg Gallstone Questionnaire (GGQ24)
Malin Reinholdsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Physical activity and stroke – Associations and patient experiences
Azar Sadat Rezapour Javareshk
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Immune Cell Profiling of Colorectal Cancers: Unravelling the Connection to Treatment Responses
Karin Rilby
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Influence of stem design on total hip arthroplasty
Arman Romiani
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Improved radionuclide therapy of neuroblastoma. Preclinical evaluation of 177Lu-labeled somatostatin analogs
Jenny Samuelsson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Speech production and literacy in students with intellectual disabilties and communication difficulties
Sofia Sandgren
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: lnduction therapies in Multiple Sclerosis – Clinical and immunological follow-up
Charlotte Sandström
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Endovascular repair of aortic disease. Clinical and radiological outcomes
Darko Sarovic
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: A multimodal approach toward the biological categorization of autism – Development of theoretical models, classification methods, and biomarkers
Ulrika Schachinger Lorentzon
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Children who screen positive for language delay but not autism: from 2.5 to 6 years of age.
Edina Sehic
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Uterine tissue engineering: Translational approaches using animal models
Wilhelm Sjöland
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: The interplay between bile acids and gut microbiota in metabolic and hepatobiliary disease
Erik Stenkilsson Hoff
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Pharmacological therapy in obstructive sleep apnea – Methodology and interventional aspects of carbonic anhydrase modulation
Iris Stoltenborg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Neural circuit mapping of orexigenic systems
Mohammed Sultan
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Improving Disaster Management in Saudi Arabia Through Collaborative Exercises and Education for Nurses and Other Healthcare Workers
Annika Svahn Ekdahl
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain management. Tailored physiotherapy treatment strategies anchored in women's experiences and expectations
Negin Taghat
Odontologie doktor/Doctor of Odontology
Avhandling/Thesis: On Oral health before and after obesity treatment. Studies on clinical and patient-reported outcomes
Amar Taha
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: New-onset atrial fibrillation after coronary surgery: epidemiology, risk factors and long-term prognosis
Lilja Thórunn Thorgeirsdóttir
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia
Anna Turesson Wadell
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Diet as a complementary therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis – On the menu: An anti-inflammatory portfolio diet
Adam Viktorisson
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Physical Activity Before and After Stroke – Examining Stroke lncidence and Outcomes
Ulrika Wallbing
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Help Overcoming Pain Early (HOPE) – a person-centred intervention for adolescents with chronic pain in a school setting
Agneta Wallin
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Patient safety in radiology – Risk and preventive factors in the radiography process
Linda Wass
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Neoehrlichiosis – latent infection of endothelium and immune defense
Dani Zalem
Filosofie doktor/Doctor of Philosophy
Avhandling/Thesis: Structural Analyses of Carbohydrate Receptors for Enterotoxins and Adhesins of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli
John Åkerlund
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Aspects of Renal Cell Carcinoma – Association with end stage renal disease and surgical complications
Maria Öberg
Medicine doktor/Doctor of Medicine
Avhandling/Thesis: Understanding the role of the Parkinson's associated kinase LRRK2 in inflammation and infection