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- Inger Ekman
Inger Ekman
Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsaOm Inger Ekman
Om Inger Ekman
Inger Ekman doktorerade 1999 vid Umeå universitet, och blev 2007 professor i omvårdnad vid Sahlgrenska Akademin vid Göteborgs universitet. 2006-1010 var hon prefekt vid institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa, och 2010-2012 prodekan vid Sahlgrenska akademin. Inger Ekman grundade och förestod Centrum för personcentrerad vård vid Göteborgs universitet - GPCC (www.gpcc.gu.se) mellan 2010 och 2019. Hon är sedan 2019 senior professor i vårdvetenskap.
Forskning Inger Ekmans forskning är fokuserad på kommunikation och symptom hos patienter med långvarig sjukdom, och utvärdering av effekter och påverkan av personcentrerad vård i olika kontexter i relation till patienter, närstående och personal.
1. Kommunikationsdelen behandlar patienternas egen syn på sitt tillstånd och sin behandling. Inom detta område utför hon både deskriptiva studier och interventionsstudier om samstämmighet och utvärdering av hur patienter och professionella inom hälso- och sjukvården uppfattar förskriven behandling.
2. Studierna om symptom är explorativa (vilka ord använder patienter för att beskriva försämring av sin kroniska sjukdom?), förutsägande (patienters självrapporterade symptom förutsäger försämring) och intervenerande (t.ex. effekter av djup och långsam andning på andnöd vid kronisk hjärtsvikt).
3. Dessa två forskningslinjer har sammansmält till ett bredare forskningsprogram, personcentrerad vård. Detta innefattar även organisationsforskning. Hennes forskning finansieras bl a av Hjärtlungfonden, Vetenskapsrådet och ALF medel.
Inger Ekman koordinerar sedan 2016 det europeiska initiativet COST CARES (http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15222 ) i vilket man arbetar med en handlingsplan för forskning och innovation för en framtida hälso- och sjukvård med kostnadskontroll och god vårdkvalitet. Denna planeras nu i ett COST projekt, med 28 länder som partners och implementeras i form av testbäddar i 5 länder. Inger koordinerade även detta projekts föregångare We Care, som samlade ”key-players” i Europa från akademi, hälso- och sjukvård, näringsliv, patientorganisationer och politik, för framtagande av ovanstående handlingsplan.
Inger Ekman har publicerat över 140 artiklar i vetenskapliga tidskrifter.
Undervisning Föreläsare och examinator på forskarkursen Begrepp av betydelse för personcentrerad vård – filosofiska grunder. Inger Ekman föreläser ofta på större konferenser och i implementeringsprogram för personcentrerad vård i olika hälso- och sjukvårdsmiljöer.
Klinisk verksamhet Anställd 20 % vid Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset/Östra/medicin geriatrik.
Nyckelord Personcentrering i hälso- och sjukvård, Personcentrerad vård, hjärtsvikt, kronisk sjukdom, sköra äldre, teamarbete
Key components in implementation of person-centred care for older people in out-of-hospital settings- An extended abstract of a systematic review
Zahra Ebrahimi, Harshida Patel, Helle Wijk, Inger Ekman, Patricia Olaya-Contreras
Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred Care - 2024 -
Have my back as I get back to work-Experiences of stakeholder support in returning to work after sick leave due to chronic pain: A qualitative interview
Åse Lundin, Inger Ekman, Paulin Andréll, Mari Lundberg, Sara Wallström
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Self-efficacy and healthcare costs in patients with chronic heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary
Elin Blanck, Laura Pirhonen Nørmark, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Lilas Ali, Karl Swedberg, Hanna Gyllensten
ESC heart failure - 2024 -
Balancing between being the most valuable player (MVP) and passing the ball: a qualitative study of support when living with chronic pain in
Veronica Lilja, Sara Wallström, Markus Saarijärvi, Mari Lundberg, Vivi Anne Segertoft, Inger Ekman
BMJ open - 2024 -
Flip focus and emphasise patient resources in person-centred care over the telephone-A retrospective descriptive
Kerstin Ulin, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Inger Jansson
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2023 -
Integrated care in cardiovascular disease: a statement of the Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions of the European Society of
C. F. Ski, S. Cartledge, D. Foldager, D. R. Thompson, S. Fredericks, Inger Ekman, J. M. Hendriks
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2023 -
Suffering out of sight but not out of mind - interpreting experiences of sick leave due to chronic pain in a community setting: a qualitative
Åse Lundin, Inger Ekman, Sara Wallström, Paulin Andréll, Mari Lundberg
BMJ Open - 2023 -
Integrating Health Promotion with and for Older People - eHealth (IHOPe) – Evaluating remote integrated person-centred care - Protocol of a randomised controlled trial with effectiveness, health economic, and process
Zahra Ebrahimi, Emmelie Barenfeld, Hanna Gyllensten, Patricia Olaya-Contreras, Andreas Fors, Eva Fredholm, Joanne M. Fuller, Mahboubeh Goudarzi, Birgitta Krantz, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMC Geriatrics - 2023 -
How the current non-significant effects of person-centred care on nurses' outcomes could be abated by the WE-CARE roadmap enablers: A discursive
Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, Monica Bertilsson, M. Axelsson, Inger Ekman, Gunnel Hensing
Nursing Open - 2023 -
A lowered threshold to partnerships: a mixed methods process evaluation of participants' experiences of a person-centred eHealth
Matilda Cederberg, Emmelie Barenfeld, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Anneli Goulding, Andreas Fors
Bmc Health Services Research - 2023 -
Practising the ethics of person-centred care balancing ethical conviction and moral
Inger Ekman
Nursing Philosophy - 2022 -
Meaningful use of a digital platform and structured telephone support to facilitate remote person-centred care - a mixed-method study on patient
Emmelie Barenfeld, Joanne M. Fuller, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman
Bmc Health Services Research - 2022 -
Person-centered care content in medicine, occupational therapy, nursing, and physiotherapy education
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Håkan Billig, Ida Björkman, Inger Ekman, Caroline Feldthusen, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Mari Lundberg
BMC medical education - 2022 -
Having allies—Experiences of support in people with stress-related exhaustion: A qualitative
Sara Alsén, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Andreas Fors
Plos One - 2022 -
Effects of a Person-Centered eHealth Intervention for Patients on Sick Leave Due to Common Mental Disorders (PROMISE Study): Open Randomized Controlled
Matilda Cederberg, Sara Alsén, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, K. Glise, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
Jmir Mental Health - 2022 -
Person-Centred Care, Theory, Operationalisation and
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg
Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Person-Centered Healthcare. Dalia Kriksciuniene, Virgilijus Sakalauskas (red.) - 2022 -
Associations between person-centred care and job strain, stress of conscience, and intent to leave among hospital
Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnel Hensing
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2022 -
Terms of engagement for working with patients in a person-centred partnership: A secondary analysis of qualitative
D. Westlake, Inger Ekman, N. Britten, H. Lloyd
Health & Social Care in the Community - 2022 -
Becoming more of an insider: benefits and challenges of person-centred care delivered at a
Emmelie Barenfeld, Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman
Virtual NKG 25 Nordic Gerontology Congress in June 2 - 4 2021. - 2021 -
Testing cost containment of future healthcare with maintained or improved quality—The COSTCARES
Karl Swedberg, Desmond Cawley, Inger Ekman, Heather L. Rogers, Darijana Antonic, Daiga Behmane, Ida Björkman, Nicky Britten, Sandra C. Buttigieg, Vivienne Byers, Mats Börjesson, Kirsten Corazzini, Andreas Fors, Bradi Granger, Boban Joksimoski, Roman Lewandowski, Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Einav Srulovici, Jan Törnell, Sara Wallström, Axel Wolf, Helen M. Lloyd
Health Science Reports - 2021 -
Effects of person-centred care via telephone on self-efficacy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled
Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
Nursing Open - 2021 -
Person-centred care: looking back, looking
Inger Ekman, Zahra Ebrahimi, Patricia Olaya-Contreras
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2021 -
Effects of person-centred care using digital platform and structured telephone support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure: Randomized controlled
Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Emmelie Barenfeld, Eva Fredholm, Michael Fu, Mahboubeh Goudarzi, Hanna Gyllensten, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Karl Swedberg, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, Inger Ekman
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2021 -
Informal carers in Sweden - striving for
Elin Blanck, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Margareta Brännström, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being - 2021 -
Implementation of Person-Centered Care: A Feasibility Study Using the WE-CARE
R. A. Lewandowski, J. B. Lewandowski, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Jan Törnell, H. L. Rogers
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
The pivotal position(s) of narratives in the practice of person-centred
Matilda Cederberg, Inger Ekman, Andreas Fors
Poster presentation at the 24th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference (IPONS) - 2021 -
Why do patients struggle with their medicines?-A phenomenological hermeneutical study of how patients experience medicines in their everyday
Joanne M. Fuller, Emmelie Barenfeld, Inger Ekman
Plos One - 2021 -
A systematic review on implementation of person-centered care interventions for older people in out-of-hospital
Zahra Ebrahimi, Harshida Patel, Helle Wijk, Inger Ekman, Patricia Olaya-Contreras
Geriatric Nursing - 2020 -
Person-centred care by a combined digital platform and structured telephone support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart failure: study protocol for the PROTECT randomised controlled
Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Emmelie Barenfeld, Andreas Fors, E. Fredholm, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMJ Open - 2020 -
Supporting Innovative Person-Centred Care in Financially Constrained Environments: The WE CARE Exploratory Health Laboratory Evaluation
H. M. Lloyd, Inger Ekman, H. L. Rogers, V. Raposo, P. Melo, V. D. Marinkovic, S. C. Buttigieg, E. Srulovici, R. A. Lewandowski, N. Britten
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2020 -
Dumping adherence: a person-centred response for primary
B. B. Granger, Nicky Britten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Family Practice - 2020 -
Association between person-centred care and healthcare providers’ job satisfaction and work-related health: a scoping
Cornelia van Diepen, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Gunnel Hensing
BMJ Open - 2020 -
Becoming more of an insider: A grounded theory study on patients' experience of a person-centred e-health
Emmelie Barenfeld, Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman
PloS one - 2020 -
Learning from Gothenburg model of person centred
Nicky Britten, Inger Ekman, Öncel Naldemirci, Mikaela Javinger, Håkan Hedman, Axel Wolf
BMJ - 2020 -
Person-centred eHealth intervention for patients on sick leave due to common mental disorders: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial and process evaluation
Matilda Cederberg, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, K. Glise, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
BMJ Open - 2020 -
A national research centre for the evaluation and implementation of person-centred care: Content from the first interventional
Hanna Gyllensten, Ida Björkman, Eva Jakobsson Ung, Inger Ekman, Sofie Jakobsson
Health Expectations - 2020 -
Facing a blind alley - Experiences of stress-related exhaustion: a qualitative
Sara Alsén, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Andreas Fors
BMJ Open - 2020 -
The cost-effectiveness of person-centred care provided to patients with chronic heart failure and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary
Laura Pirhonen, Hanna Gyllensten, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Kristian Bolin
Health Policy OPEN - 2020 -
Registered nurses' experiences of communication with patients when practising person-centred care over the phone: a qualitative interview
E. Bostrom, Lilas Ali, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Annette Erichsen Andersson
Bmc Nursing - 2020 -
Becoming more of an insider: A grounded theory study on patients' experience of a person-centred e-health
Emmelie Barenfeld, Lilas Ali, Sara Wallström, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman
PloS one - 2020 -
Effects of a person-centred telephone support on fatigue in people with chronic heart failure: Subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled
Sara Wallström, Lilas Ali, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Andreas Fors
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2020 -
Cohort study of healthcare use, costs and diagnoses from onset to 6 months after discharge for takotsubo syndrome in
Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Elmir Omerovic, Kerstin Ulin, Hanna Gyllensten
BMJ open - 2019 -
Symtom och
Inger Ekman, Sara Wallström
Omvårdnadens grunder. Anna-Karin Edberg, Helle Wijk (red.) - 2019 -
Person-Centred Care in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Alongside a Randomised Controlled
Laura Pirhonen, Kristian Bolin, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Hanna Gyllensten
PharmacoEconomics - open - 2019 -
Effects of a person-centred telephone-support in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart failure - A randomized controlled
Andreas Fors, Elin Blanck, Lilas Ali, Ann Ekberg-Jansson, Michael Fu, Irma Lindström Kjellberg, Åsa Mäkitalo, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Inger Ekman
Plos One - 2018 -
Inger Ekman
European heart journal - 2018 -
Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on symptoms and signs in chronic heart failure: a feasibilty
Jonna Norman, Michael Fu, Inger Ekman, Lena Björck, Kristin Falk
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2018 -
Person-centred telephone-support is effective in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart failure – six-month follow-up of a randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Elin Blanck, Lilas Ali, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Heart Failure 2018 & World Congress of Acute Heart Failure - 2018 -
Belief in Medication among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart
Lilas Ali, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Vol 17, Issue 1_suppl, 2018. P97 - 2018 -
Being support for patients with CHF and/or COPD – the relative’s
Elin Blanck, Andreas Fors, Lilas Ali, Margareta Brännström, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol 17, Issue 1_suppl, 2018. P329 - 2018 -
Person-centred care in clinical
S. Wallstrom, Inger Ekman
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs - 2018 -
Need of support in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary
Lilas Ali, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman
Journal of clinical nursing - 2018 -
Documentation of person-centred health plans for patients with acute coronary
Inger Jansson, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Kerstin Ulin
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2018 -
Sjuksköterskor bör ges chans till
Ami Homel, Johanna Ulfvarson, BH Rasmussen, IK Hallström, Albert Westergren, P Enarsson, M Silén, Anna Ehrenberg, Anna Forsberg, Joakim Öhlén, Inger Ekman, Anna Strömberg, Helle Wijk, I Wåhlin, K Bölenius, O Dahl , E Andersson
Svenska Dagbladet - 2018 -
Unmet expectations of medications and care providers among patients with heart failure assessed to be poorly adherent: results from the Chronic Heart Failure Intervention to Improve MEdication Adherence (CHIME)
Inger Ekman, Axel Wolf, Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Hayden B Bosworth, Bradi B Granger
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2017 -
Areas for quality improvements in heart failure care: quality of care from the patient's
K. H. Angerud, K. Boman, Inger Ekman, Margareta Brännström
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2017 -
Person-centred health plans for patients with acute coronary
Kerstin Ulin, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Inger Jansson
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Vol 16, Issue 1_suppl, 2017. P130 - 2017 -
Person-centred care is effective after an event of acute coronary syndrome; particularly in patients with low educational level – two-year follow-up of a randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg
European Heart Journal, Volume 38, Issue suppl_1, 1 August 2017, ehx501.P625 - 2017 -
Healthcare utilization and costs after takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Hanna Gyllensten, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare - 2017 -
Hospitalization, costs and diagnosis in patients with takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Kerstin Ulin, Hanna Gyllensten
European Heart Journal, vol. 38, suppl_1, ehx501. P615 - 2017 -
Self-reported residual symptoms and overall health status in people affected by takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Vol 16, S1, s. 46 - 2017 -
Svenskarnas syn på personcentrering i
Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman, Charles Taft
SOM-rapport - 2017 -
Effects of person-centred care on health outcomes—A randomized controlled trial in patients with acute coronary
Laura Pirhonen, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson, Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Kristian Bolin
Health Policy - 2017 -
Effects of person-centred care after an event of acute coronary syndrome: Two-year follow-up of a randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Karl Swedberg, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Cardiology - 2017 -
A person-centred intervention at distance for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or chronic heart
Lilas Ali, Andreas Fors, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, London. - 2017 -
When evidence based medicine cannot keep up with everyday life: The meaning and expectations of medication treatment in patients with poor treatment
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Victoria Vaughan Dickson, Hayden Bosworth, Bradi Granger
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) CONGRESS 2017 - 2017 -
Person-centered nursing home care in the United States, United Kingdom, and Sweden: Why building cross-comparative capacity may help us radically rethink nursing home care and the role of the
K. N. Corazzini, J. Meyer, K. S. McGilton, K. Scales, E. S. McConnell, R. A. Anderson, M. Lepore, Inger Ekman
Nordic journal of nursing research - 2016 -
Impact of long-term stress in Takotsubo syndrome: Experience of
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Sylvia Määttä, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Symptoms in patients with takotsubo syndrome: a qualitative interview
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
BMJ open - 2016 -
Self-reported symptoms 8 weeks after discharge: A comparison of takotsubo syndrome and myocardial
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
Effectiveness of person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome in relation to educational level: Subgroup analysis of a two-armed randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
International journal of cardiology - 2016 -
Person-centred care improves self-efficacy to control symptoms after acute coronary syndrome: a randomized controlled
Andreas Fors, Charles Taft, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2016 -
Person-centred care for patients with chronic heart failure - a cost-utility
Elisabeth K Hansson, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Kerstin Dudas, Lars Ehlers, Lars-Eric Olsson
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Person-centred care- An approach that improves the discharge
Kerstin Ulin, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Discovering untapped relationship potential with patients in telehealth: a qualitative interview
Birgit Heckemann, Axel Wolf, Lilas Ali, Stefan Sonntag, Inger Ekman
BMJ Open - 2016 -
Understanding persons with psychological distress in primary health
Tina Arvidsdotter, Bertil Marklund, S. Kylen, Charles Taft, Inger Ekman
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2016 -
Focus groups – A critical reflection of the method based on an interview study with telehealth
Birgit Heckemann, Inger Ekman
The Nordic Conference in Nursing, Stockholm, Sweden 15–17 June. - 2016 -
Connection between sense of coherence and residual symptoms in takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
16th European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science. 16-17 September 2016, Bern, Switzerland - 2016 -
Health-care improvements in a financially constrained
Inger Ekman, R. Busse, E. van Ginneken, C. Van Hoof, L. van Ittersum, A. Klink, J. A. Kremer, M. Miraldo, A. Olauson, W. De Raedt, M. Rosen-Zvi, V. Strammiello, Jan Törnell, Karl Swedberg
Lancet - 2016 -
Evaluation of person-centred care after hip replacement-A controlled before and after study on the effects of fear of movement and self-efficacy compared to standard
Lars-Eric Olsson, Elisabeth K Hansson, Inger Ekman
BMC Nursing - 2016 -
Achieving The Highest Patient Satisfaction Through Efficient
Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. 12-15 april 2016, Göeborg, Sverige. - 2016 -
An eHealth Diary and Symptom-Tracking Tool Combined With Person-Centered Care for Improving Self-Efficacy After a Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Substudy of a Randomized Controlled
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Thorn, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2016 -
Effects of an eHealth intervention combined with person-centered care throughout the continuum of care for patients diagnosed with acute coronary
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Thorn, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2016 -
Person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome is effective in persons with lower socioeconomic
Andreas Fors, Hanna Gyllensten, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 12-15 April 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2016 -
The nature of telehealth relationships from a nursing perspective. Insights from a qualitative focus group
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Steffen Sonntag, Inger Ekman
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 24–26 August. - 2015 -
Creating supportive care relationships over distance: an exploration from a tele-care nurse
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Steffen Sonntag, Inger Ekman
The 20th international Forum on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, London, UK, 21–24 April. - 2015 -
The nature of telehealth relationships from a nursing perspective. Insights from a qualitative focus group
Birgit Heckemann, Lilas Ali, Axel Wolf, Stefan Sonntag, Inger Ekman
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 24th -26th August 2015.Oral presentation. - 2015 -
Person-centred care improves self-efficacy after acute coronary
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Jörgen Thorn, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 21-24 April 2015, London, UK - 2015 -
Correlations between sense of coherence and symptoms in takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Ulin, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Euro Heart Care Congress 2015, 14 - 15 June 2015 / Croatia, Dubrovnik. - 2015 -
The Cardiac Self-Efficacy Scale, a useful tool with potential to evaluate person-centred
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Ulin, Christina Cliffordson, Inger Ekman, Eva Brink
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2015 -
Symptoms of stress and fatigue in patients with takotsubo
Kerstin Ulin, Sara Wallström, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2015 -
Committed to Life: Adolescents' and Young Adults' Experiences of Living with Fontan
Malin Berghammer, Eva Brink, Rydberg Annika, Mikael Dellborg, Inger Ekman
Congenital Heart Disease - 2015 -
Commentary: Swedish initiative on person centred
Inger Ekman, H. Hedman, Karl Swedberg, Catarina Wallengren Gustafsson
BMJ - 2015 -
Person-centred care after acute coronary syndrome, from hospital to primary care - A randomised controlled
Andreas Fors, Inger Ekman, Charles Taft, Cecilia Björkelund, K. Frid, Maria E H Larsson, Jörgen Thorn, Kerstin Ulin, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg
International Journal of Cardiology - 2015 -
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
International journal of nursing studies - 2015 -
Results of the Chronic Heart Failure Intervention to Improve MEdication Adherence study: A randomized intervention in high-risk
B. B. Granger, Inger Ekman, A. F. Hernandez, T. Sawyer, M. T. Bowers, T. A. DeWald, Y. F. Zhao, J. Levy, H. B. Bosworth
American Heart Journal - 2015 -
Effects of guided deep breathing on breathlessness and the breathing pattern in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A double-blind randomized control
C. R. Borge, A. M. Mengshoel, E. Omenaas, T. Moum, Inger Ekman, M. P. Lein, U. Mack, A. K. Wahl
Patient Education and Counseling - 2015 -
Life is lived forwards and understood backwards - Experiences of being affected by acute coronary syndrome: Commentary on Fors et al.
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2015 -
Validation of the Swedish cardiac self-efficacy
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Christina Cliffordson, Inger Ekman, Eva Brink
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2014 -
Symptom assessment and management in patients suffering from chronic heart failure (CHF). Compilation of virtual issue for the European Journal of Cardiovascular
Birgit Heckemann, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2014 -
Personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård : från filosofi till praktik / Inger Ekman
Inger Ekman
2014 -
Tillämpning av personcentrering inom hälso- och
Inger Ekman, A Norberg, Karl Swedberg
Personcentrering inom hälso- och sjukvård: från filosofi till praktik. Red. Inger Ekman. - 2014 -
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Reinhard Busse, Ewout van Ginneken
Eurohealth - 2014 -
Person-centred care and
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2014 -
Patients’ narrations of stress-triggers before onset of takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Dudas, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2014 -
The impact of organizational culture on the outcome of hospital care: After the implementation of person-centred
Tariq Alharbi, Lars-Eric Olsson, Inger Ekman, Eric Carlström
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2014 -
Disease-specific health status as a predictor of
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, M. Bohm
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2014 -
Patients Everyday Life Experience of Person-Centred MHealth after Hospital
Axel Wolf, Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
Medicine 2.0, 13-14 november, Maui, Hawaii, USA - 2014 -
Experiences of person-centred care – patients’ perceptions: qualitative
Tariq Alharbi, Eric Carlström, Inger Ekman, Jarneborn Anders, Lars-Eric Olsson
BMC Nursing - 2014 -
Life is lived forwards and understood backwards - Experiences of being affected by acute coronary syndrome: A narrative
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2014 -
Conceptual development of "at-homeness'' despite illness and disease: A
Joakim Öhlén, Inger Ekman, K. Zingmark, I. Bolmsjo, E. Benzein
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2014 -
Patient reported symptoms at onset of takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Elmir Omerovic, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2013 -
The association between self-rated health and impaired glucose tolerance in Swedish adults: A cross-sectional
Susanne Andersson, Inger Ekman, Febe Friberg, Bledar Daka, Ulf Lindblad, Charlotte A. Larsson
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2013 -
Efficacy of person-centred care as an intervention in controlled trials – a systematic
Lars-Eric Olsson, Eva Jakobsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2013 -
The person-centred approach to an ageing
Inger Ekman, Nicky Britten, Jens Bördin, Christiano Codagnone, Staffan Edén, Daniel Forslund, Pam Fredman, Lars Grip, Håkan Hedman, Ted Hesselbom, Iris van Dijk Härd, Olle Larkö, Irma Lindström, Lisa Lindström, Astrid Norberg, Anders Olauson, Henrik Rosén, Akbar Seddig, Alan Lennant, Christoph Westerteichert, Björn Ålsnäs, Karl Swedberg
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare - 2013 -
Self-reported health status (EQ-5D) in adults with congenital heart
Malin Berghammer, Jan Karlsson, Inger Ekman, Peter J Eriksson, Mikael Dellborg
International journal of cardiology - 2013 -
Uncertainty in illness among patients with chronic heart failure is less in person-centred care than in usual
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2013 -
Salt and fluid restriction is effective in patients with chronic heart
Henriette Philipson, Inger Ekman, Helene Berteus Forslund, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2013 -
Older Patients' Experiences of Heart Failure-An Integrative Literature
Hanna Falk, Inger Ekman, R. Anderson, Michael Fu, B. Granger
Journal of Nursing Scholarship - 2013 -
Clinical outcome endpoints in heart failure trials: a European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association consensus
F. Zannad, A. A. Garcia, S. D. Anker, P. W. Armstrong, G. Calvo, J. G. Cleland, J. N. Cohn, K. Dickstein, M. J. Domanski, Inger Ekman, G. S. Filippatos, M. Gheorghiade, A. F. Hernandez, T. Jaarsma, J. Koglin, M. Konstam, S. Kupfer, A. P. Maggioni, A. Mebazaa, M. Metra, C. Nowack, B. Pieske, I. L. Pina, S. J. Pocock, P. Ponikowski, G. Rosano, L. M. Ruilope, F. Ruschitzka, T. Severin, S. Solomon, K. Stein, N. L. Stockbridge, W. G. Stough, Karl Swedberg, L. Tavazzi, A. A. Voors, S. M. Wasserman, H. Woehrle, A. Zalewski, J. J. McMurray
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2013 -
Person-centred e-health in patients with coronary heart
Andreas Fors, Axel Wolf, Kerstin Dudas, Jörgen Thorn, Inger Ekman
Sixth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine. April 29 – May 1, 2013 - 2013 -
Person-centred care inluences the belief in medication in patients with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure. - 2013 -
PCC- Impact at admission and discharge process, among patients with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2013 -
The association between self-reported lack of sleep, low vitality and impaired glucose tolerance: a Swedish cross-sectional
Susanne Andersson, Inger Ekman, Febe Friberg, Erik Bøg-Hansen, Ulf Lindblad
BMC Public Health - 2013 -
The meanings associated with medicines in heart failure
B. B. Granger, K. McBroom, H. B. Bosworth, A. Hernandez, Inger Ekman
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2013 -
Experiences of patients affected by the broken-heart syndrome takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Dudas, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
European journal of heart failure. Supplements - 2012 -
Patients with worsening chronic heart failure who present to a hospital emergency department require hospital
Masoud Shafazand, Harshida Patel, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger
BMC research notes - 2012 -
Person-centered care reduces self-reported uncertainty in illness, among patiens with chronic heart
Kerstin Dudas, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger, Charles Taft, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
Fifth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine - 2012 -
Effects of person-centred care in patients with chronic heart failure: the PCC-HF
Inger Ekman, Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Charles Taft, Kerstin Dudas, Maria Schaufelberger, Karl Swedberg
European Heart Journal - 2012 -
Patients´ experiences in acute coronary
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
Fifth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine. April 30 – May 2, 2012 - 2012 -
Organisational Culture and Change - Implementing person-centered
Eric Carlström, Inger Ekman
Journal of Health Organisation & Management - 2012 -
Organizational culture and the implementation of person centered care: Results from a change process in Swedish hospital
Tariq Alharbi, Inger Ekman, Lars-Eric Olsson, Kerstin Dudas, Eric Carlström
Health Policy - 2012 -
Experiences of being in no mans land - a qualitative follow-up study in patients with acute coronary
Andreas Fors, Kerstin Dudas, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2012 -
Self-efficacy and personal resources among patients with worsening
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements ( 2012 ) 11 ( S1 ), - 2012 -
Use of Smartphones in person-centred eHealth diaries in patients above 75
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure Supplements - 2012 -
Rituals of Medicalisation – Everyday Practice at a Medical Ward. A 16-Month Ethnographic Field
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
The American Academy of Nursing 2012 Annual Meeting & Conference. 2012. Washington, DC - 2012 -
Experiences of patients affected by the "broken-heart syndrome" - Takotsubo
Sara Wallström, Kerstin Dudas, Elmir Omerovic, Inger Ekman
Fifth Geneva conference on person-centered medicine - 2012 -
Impacts of patient characteristics on hospital care experience in 34,000 Swedish
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Charles Taft, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
BMC Nursing - 2012 -
Everyday practices at the medical ward: a 16-month ethnographic field
Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
BMC Health Serv Res - 2012 -
Adherence, shared decision-making and patient
Lars Sandman, Bradi B Granger, Inger Ekman, Christian Munthe
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - 2012 -
Person-centered care - Ready for prime
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Charles Taft, Anders lindseth, Astrid Norberg, Eva Brink, Jane Carlsson, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Inga-Lill Johansson, Karin I Kjellgren, Eva Lidén, Joakim Öhlén, Lars-Eric Olsson, Henrik Rosén, Martin Rydmark, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2011 -
Dependency, subjective health and care experience among patients hospitalised in internal
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2011 -
Patients with worsening chronic heart failure require hospital care - listen to the
Harshida Patel, Masoud Shafazand, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2011 -
Measuring shortness of breath in heart failure (SOB-HF): development and validation of a new dyspnoea assessment
Inger Ekman, B. Granger, Karl Swedberg, H. Stenlund, K. Boman
European journal of heart failure - 2011 -
Impact of device-guided slow breathing on symptoms of chronic heart failure: a randomized, controlled feasibility
Inger Ekman, B. Kjellstrom, Kristin Falk, Jonna Norman, Karl Swedberg
European journal of heart failure - 2011 -
Medication adherence: a call for
H. B. Bosworth, B. B. Granger, P. Mendys, R. Brindis, R. Burkholder, S. M. Czajkowski, J. G. Daniel, Inger Ekman, M. Ho, M. Johnson, S. E. Kimmel, L. Z. Liu, J. Musaus, W. H. Shrank, E. Whalley Buono, K. Weiss, C. B. Granger
American heart journal - 2011 -
Telemonitoring in patients with heart
Karl Swedberg, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
New England Journal of Medicine - 2011 -
Heart rate reduction with ivabradine and health related quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure: results from the SHIFT
Inger Ekman, O. Chassany, M. Komajda, M. Bohm, J. S. Borer, I. Ford, L. Tavazzi, Karl Swedberg
European heart journal - 2011 -
Perceived symptoms in people living with impaired glucose
Susanne Andersson, Inger Ekman, Ulf Lindblad, Febe Friberg
Nursing Research and Practice - 2011 -
European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association Standards for delivering heart failure
T. A. McDonagh, L. Blue, A. L. Clark, Ulf Dahlström, Inger Ekman, M. Lainscak, K. McDonald, M. Ryder, A. Stromberg, T. Jaarsma
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2011 -
Self-care management of heart failure: practical recommendations from the Patient Care Committee of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of
M. Lainscak, L. Blue, A. L. Clark, U. Dahlstrom, K. Dickstein, Inger Ekman, T. McDonagh, J. J. McMurray, M. Ryder, S. Stewart, A. Stromberg, T. Jaarsma
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2011 -
Severe symtomps of fatigue are associated with IGT but not with
Susanne Andersson, Erik Bog Hansen, Febe Friberg, Inger Ekman, Ulf Lindblad
4th International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome scheduled, Madrid, Spain, April 6-9, 2011. - 2011 -
Population impact of heart failure and the most common forms of cancer: a study of 1 162 309 hospital cases in Sweden (1988 to
Simon Stewart, Inger Ekman, Tor Ekman, Anders Odén, Annika Rosengren
Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes - 2010 -
Enlisting the help of the largest health care
J. G. Cleland, Inger Ekman
Journal of the American Medical Association: JAMA - 2010 -
Reported adherence and social support among immigrants compared to native
Azar Hedemalm, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health - 2010 -
A comparison of the concept of patient participation and patients' descriptions as related to healthcare
A. C. Eldh, Inger Ekman, M. Ehnfors
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications - 2010 -
A pilot study of salt and water restriction in patients with chronic heart
Henriette Philipson, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger
Scandinavian cardiovascular journal : SCJ - 2010 -
Gender specific variations in the description, intensity and location of Angina Pectoris: A cross-sectional
T. N. Ghezeljeh, M. Momtahen, M. K. Tessma, M. Y. Nikravesh, Inger Ekman, A. Emami
International Journal of Nursing Studies - 2010 -
Individual rights and autonomy in clinical
L. H. Lund, Inger Ekman
The European Journal of Heart Failure - 2010 -
Effect of device-guided slow breathing in long-term treatment of
Lennart Nord, Inger Ekman, Karin I Kjellgren
ESC Congress, Stockholm - 2010 -
Adherence to medication according to sex and age in the CHARM
B. B. Granger, Inger Ekman, C. B. Granger, J. Ostergren, B. Olofsson, E. Michelson, J. J. McMurray, S. Yusuf, M. A. Pfeffer, Karl Swedberg
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2009 -
A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Work of Adherence to a Chronic Heart Failure Regimen Patient and Physician
Bradi B. Granger, Margarete Sandelowski, Hera Tahshjain, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
The Iranian version of Angina Pectoris characteristics questionnaire: reliability
T. Najafi-Ghezeljeh, M. Kassaye Tessama, M. Yadavar-Nikravesh, Inger Ekman, A. Emami
J Clin Nurs - 2009 -
Relationship between blood pressure levels and adherence to medication in patients with chronic heart failure: how
M. Mohammadi, Inger Ekman, Maria Schaufelberger
Vasc Health Risk Manag - 2009 -
Does self-care behaviour have positive effect on survival in patients with chronic heart
Kristin Falk, Ingrid Bergh, Eva Jakobsson, Inger Ekman
Posterpresentation vid 9th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing. Dublin, Irland 24-25 April 2009. - 2009 -
A cost-effectiveness study of a patient-centred integrated care
Lars-Eric Olsson, Elisabeth K Hansson, Jón Karlsson, Inger Ekman
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 2009 -
What patients tell us and what we choose to
Lars-Eric Olsson, Axel Wolf, Inger Ekman
The European Society of Cardiology congress 2009 in Nice - 2009 -
System för uppföljning av kroniskt sjuka i
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Ants Silberberg, Inger Ekman
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2009 - 2009 -
Palliative care in heart failure: a position statement from the palliative care workshop of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of
Tiny Jaarsma, James M Beattie, Mary Ryder, Frans H Rutten, Theresa McDonagh, Paul Mohacsi, Scott A Murray, Thomas Grodzicki, Ingrid Bergh, Marco Metra, Inger Ekman, Christiane Angermann, Marcia Leventhal, Antonis Pitsis, Stefan D Anker, Antonello Gavazzi, Piotr Ponikowski, Kenneth Dickstein, Etienne Delacretaz, Lynda Blue, Florian Strasser, John McMurray, ESC HFA
European journal of heart failure : journal of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology - 2009 -
Fatigue in patients with chronic heart failure - a burden associated with emotional and symptom
Kristin Falk, Harshida Patel, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2009 -
Symtom och tecken på
Inger Ekman
Omvårdnadens grunder: hälsa och ohälsa, Edberg, A-K & Wijk, H (red.) - 2009 -
Tashi Wangyal, Inger Ekman
Prehospital akutsjukvård, Björn-Ove Suserud och Leif Svensson (red.) - 2009 -
Psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire — A method to detect symptoms in a chronic heart failure
Harshida Patel, Inger Ekman, John A Spertus, Scott M Wasserman, Lars-Olof Persson
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2008 -
It's up to me! Experiences of living with pre-diabetes and the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Susanne Andersson, Inger Ekman, Ulf Lindblad, Febe Friberg
Primary Care Diabetes - 2008 -
Adaptation and validation of the Iranian version of Angina Pectoris characteristics
T. Najafi-Ghezeljeh, Inger Ekman, M. Y. Nikravesh, A. Emami
International Journal of Nursing Practice - 2008 -
Equality in the care and treatment of immigrants and native Swedes--a comparative study of patients hospitalised for heart
Azar Hedemalm, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2008 -
Considering patient non-participation in health
A. C. Eldh, Inger Ekman, M. Ehnfors
Health Expectations - 2008 -
Home care as an option in worsening chronic heart failure -- a pilot study to evaluate feasibility, quality adjusted life years and
Harshida Patel, Masoud Shafazand, Inger Ekman, S. Hojgard, Karl Swedberg, Maria Schaufelberger
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2008 -
Symptom recognition and health care seeking among immigrants and native Swedish patients with heart
Azar Hedemalm, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
BMC Nursing - 2008 -
Worsening CHF and the link to frequent hospital admissions and need of specialist
Harshida Patel, Masoud Shafazand, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg, Sören Höjgård
Int J Integrated care - 2008 -
Heart failure, still more malignant than cancer? A population-based study of 770,485 hospital cases in
S Baker, Annika Rosengren, Eva Jakobsson, Anders Odén, Inger Ekman
Muntlig presentation vid ESC Congress 2008. Augusti-september, 2008, Munchen, Tyskland. - 2008 -
A meeting point for innovative clinical patient related research – a facilitator for critical utilization of diverse research
Joakim Öhlén, Cecilia Björkelund, Inger Ekman, Gunnel Hensing, Annika Jakobsson, Mats Wahlqvist, Anna Westerståhl
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2008 -
Utvärdering av system för uppföljning av hjärtsviktspatienter i
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2008. Annual conference of Svensk Förening för Medicinsk Teknik och Fysik. Oct, 2008. Göteborg - 2008 -
Design Evaluation of a Home-Based Telecare System for Chronic Heart Failure
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman, Eva Lina Staaf, Niklas Thornesköld
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. EMBS 2008. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE - 2008 -
Psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire in a Chronic Heart Failure
Harshida Patel, Inger Ekman, John A Spertus, Scott M Wasserman, Lars-Olof Persson
European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology - 2008 -
Device-guided breathing exercises in the treatment of hypertension – perceptions and
Senada Pandic, Inger Ekman, Lennart Nord, Karin I Kjellgren
CVD Prevention and Control - 2008 -
Evaluation of a Disease Management System for Chronic Heart Failure
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Tromsø Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, 9-11 June, 2008, Tromsø, Norway - 2008 -
Narratives of a man with severe chronic heart failure and his wife in palliative advanced home care over a 4.5-year
Margareta Brännström, Inger Ekman, Kurt Boman, Gunilla Strandberg
Reasons for seeking acute care in chronic heart
Harshida Patel, Masoud Shafazand, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
European journal of cardiovascular nursing - 2007 -
Effects of nursing interventions within an integrated care pathway for patients with hip
Lars-Eric Olsson, Jón Karlsson, Inger Ekman
Journal of advanced nursing - 2007 -
Admitted with a hip fracture: patient perceptions of
Lars-Eric Olsson, A. E. Nystrom, Jón Karlsson, Inger Ekman
Journal of clinical nursing - 2007 -
Sänkt kostnad vid
Lars-Eric Olsson, E Hansson, Inger Ekman, Jón Karlsson
Incitament - 2007 -
Intestinal paracellular permeability is not affected in chronic congestive heart
Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman, Einar Björnsson, Evangelos Kalaitzakis, Tor Ekman
Eur J Heart Fail - 2007 -
Self-assessed symptoms in chronic heart failure--important information for clinical
Inger Ekman, E. Kjork, Bert Andersson
Eur J Heart Fail - 2007 -
Can yoga-breathing relief breathlessness in patients with chronic heart
Inger Ekman
Skandinavisk forskningsseminar om komplementær og alternativ behandling, Tromsø, Norge, 25-26/9 2007 - 2007 -
Breaking the vicious circle of fatigue in patients with chronic heart
Kristin Falk, B. B. Granger, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Qualitative health research - 2007 -
Views of patients with heart failure about their role in the decision to start implantable cardioverter defibrillator treatment: prescription rather than
Anders Ågård, Rurik Löfmark, Nils Edvardsson, Inger Ekman
Journal of medical ethics - 2007 -
Fatigue is a prevalent and severe symptom associated with uncertainty and sense of coherence in patients with chronic heart
Kristin Falk, Karl Swedberg, Fannie Gaston-Johansson, Inger Ekman
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs - 2007 -
Reasons for seeking acute care in chronic heart
Harshida Patel, Masoud Shafazand, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
Eur J Heart Fail - 2007 -
Care@Distance - Home Monitoring System for CHF
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Tromsø Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, 11-13 June, 2007, Tromsø, Norway - 2007 -
Care@Distance – Disease Management för hjärtsviktspatienter i
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Medicinteknikdagarna, 2-3 October 2007, Örebro, Sweden - 2007 -
Being a close relative of a person with severe, chronic heart failure in palliative advanced home care -- a comfort but also a
M. Brannstrom, Inger Ekman, K. Boman, G. Strandberg
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2007 -
[Diastolic heart failure--symptoms and
I. Hagerman, L. A. Brodin, U. Dahlstrom, Inger Ekman, R. Willenheimer, K. Boman
Lakartidningen - 2007 -
Patients' persistence of evidence-based treatment of chronic heart failure: a treatment
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg
Circulation - 2007 -
A practical use of theory to study
B. B. Granger, D. Moser, J. Harrell, M. Sandelowski, Inger Ekman
Progress in cardiovascular nursing - 2007 -
Pulmonary oedema - A life threatening
Inger Ekman, L. Ekstrand, Maria Schaufelberger
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs - 2007 -
A review of records from follow-up visits for immigrant and Swedish patients at a heart failure
Azar Hedemalm, Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman
Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs - 2007 -
Standard medication information is not enough: poor concordance of patient and nurse
Inger Ekman, Maria Schaufelberger, Karin I Kjellgren, Karl Swedberg, B. B. Granger
J Adv Nurs - 2007 -
The integrated care pathway reduced the number of hospital days by half: a prospective comparative study of patients with acute hip
Lars-Eric Olsson, Jón Karlsson, Inger Ekman
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research - 2006 -
Living with severe chronic heart failure in palliative advanced home
Mats Brännström, Inger Ekman, A Norberg, K Boman, G Strandberg
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2006 -
Patientundervisning - utvärdering av
Inger Ekman, Evelyn Hermansson
Patientundervisning och patienters lärande - 2006 -
Symtom vid kronisk
Inger Ekman
Information från Läkemedelsverket - 2006 -
Young adults experiences of living with congenitala heart
Malin Berghammer, Mikael Dellborg, Inger Ekman
International Journal of Cardiology - 2006 -
Providing for patient participation and preventing non-participation – two sides of the same
A Eldh, Inger Ekman, M Ehnfors
Oral presentation. International Human Science Research Conference, IHSRC. 3-6 August 2006, Pleasant Hill, California, USA - 2006 -
Intestinal Paracellular Permeability is Not Affected in Chronic Congestive Heart
Maria Schaufelberger, Inger Ekman, E. Björnsson, E. Kalaitzakis, Tor Ekman
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) world conference. 3-7 September 2006 - 2006 -
Caring for patients with chronic heart failure: The trajectory
BB Granger, D Moser, B Germino, J Harrell, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2006 -
Fatigue and anemia in patients with chronic heart
Kristin Falk, Karl Swedberg, Fannie Gaston-Johansson, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2006 -
Conditions for Patient Participation and Non-Participation in Health
Ann Cathrine Eldh, Inger Ekman, Margareta Ehnfors
Nursing Ethics - 2006 -
The meaning of patient participation for patients and nurses at a nurse-led clinic for chronic heart
A Eldh, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2006 -
Adherence and perception of medication in patients with chronic heart failure during a five year randomised
Inger Ekman, G Andersson, K Boman, A Charlesworth, JGF Cleland, P Poole-Wilson, Karl Swedberg
Patient Education and Counseling - 2006 -
Care@Distance – IT-baserad hemvård av
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämman, 29 November - 1 December, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2006 -
Care@Distance, Home Monitoring System for Patients with Congestive Heart
Anna Gund, Bengt Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz, Inger Ekman
Medicinteknikdagarna, 3-4 October 2006, Uppsala, Sweden - 2006 -
Exploring symptoms in chronic heart
Inger Ekman, JG Cleland, Bert Andersson, Karl Swedberg
European Journal of Heart Failure - 2005 -
Inconsistent meanings to ‘patient participation’ impacts conditions for
A. C. Eldh, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
Poster at 5th Annual Spring Meeting of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing. 11-12 March 2005, Basel, Schweiz - 2005 -
Patientdelaktighet i vården - hur patienters och sjuksköterskors uppfattningar kan inverka på dialog och möte i
A. C. Eldh, Inger Ekman, M Ehnfors
Oral presentation of paper at Vårdstämman. 22 April 2005, Stockholm - 2005 -
Women (Especially Younger Women) with Chronic Heart Failure Are Less Adherent to Medication: Results From the CHARM
B Granger, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman, J Ostergren, S Yusuf, C. B. Granger, M. A. Pfeffer
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) world conference. 3-7 September 2005, Stockholm. - 2005 -
Symptoms predict mortality in patients with chronic heart
Inger Ekman
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. HEART FAILURE UPDATE, 10-14 June 2005 - 2005 -
Adherence and perception of medication in patients with chronic heart failure during a five year randomised
Inger Ekman
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology . HEART FAILURE UPDATE, 10-14 June 2005, Lissabon - 2005 -
Patient education needs to be evidence
Inger Ekman
Congress of the European Society of Cardiology . HEART FAILURE UPDATE, 10-14 June 2005, Lissabon - 2005 -
Patients adherence to and perception of studymedication and regular heart medication in the COMET
Inger Ekman, A. Alexandersson, K Boman, A Charlesworth, JGF Cleland, P Poole-Wilson, Karl Swedberg
Nordic Congress of cardiology. 28-29 April 2005 - 2005 -
Intrusion and confusion – the impact of medication and health professionals after acute myocardial
MF Attebring, Johan Herlitz, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2005 -
Trötthet och kognitiv
Inger Ekman
Vård vid hjärtsvikt, Anna Strömberg (red.) - 2005 -
Hemsjukvård och palliativ
Inger Ekman
Vård vid hjärtsvikt, Anna Strömberg (red.) - 2005 -
Integrating heart failure guidelines into clinical
Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Symptoms in patients with heart failure are prognostic predictors. Insights from
Inger Ekman, JCF Cleland, Karl Swedberg, A Charlesworth, M Metra, PA Poole-Wilson
Journal of Cardiac Failure - 2005 -
Gender makes a difference in the description of dyspnoea in patients with chronic heart
Inger Ekman, M Olofsson, K Boman, N Aires, Karl Swedberg
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2005 -
Thirty years of experience living with a continent
Ina Berndtsson, Elisabet Lindholm, Inger Ekman
Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing - 2005 -
Adherence to candesartan and placebo and outcomes in chronic heart failure in the CHARM programme: double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical
B. B. Granger, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman, C. B. Granger, B. Olofsson, J. J. McMurray, S. Yusuf, E. L. Michelson, M. A. Pfeffer
Lancet - 2005 -
Developing clinical knowledge through a narrative-based method of
Inger Ekman, Carola Skott
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2005 -
Prognostic Impact of Symptoms in Chronic Heart Failure – Results from
Karl Swedberg, A Charlesworth, J. Cleland, Inger Ekman, B Lutiger, M Metra, P Poole-Wilson, C Torp-Pedersen
European Heart Journal - 2004 -
Symptoms in acute coronary syndromes: does sex make a
Harshida Patel, Annika Rosengren, Inger Ekman
Am Heart J - 2004 -
The right to participate in my own health care. - How patients attending a nurse-led clinic for chronic heart failure experience the meaning of
A Eldh, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
4th Annual Spring Meeting Cardiovascular Nursing. Amsterdam 2-3 April 2004. - 2004 -
Acute Myocardial Infarction – Is there age and gender differences in pain intensity, size, symptom location and analgetic
Harshida Patel, T Eliasson, Inger Ekman
Kardiologiskt vårmöte 2004, posterpresentation - 2004 -
Patients' perception of and adherence to medication in a randomised
Inger Ekman, G Andersson, K Boman, A Charlesworth, JGF Cleland, P Lutiger, P Poole-Wilson, Karl Swedberg
ESC Congress. 28 August – 1 September 2004 - 2004 -
Hjärtats oro – att förklara och
Inger Ekman, Carola Skott
Berättelsens praktik och teori - narrativ forskning i ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, Carola Skott (red.) - 2004 -
Livsberättelser och
Inger Ekman
Berättelsens praktik och teori - narrativ forskning i ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, Carola Skott (red.) - 2004 -
Maintaining normality and support are central issues when receiving chemotherapy for ovarian
Inger Ekman, Ingegerd Bergbom, Tor Ekman, Harrieth Berthold, Sawsan Majali Mahsneh
Cancer nursing - 2004 -
The phenomena of participation and non-participation in health care – experiences of patients attending a nurse-led clinic for chronic heart
A Eldh, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2004 -
Older patients with chronic heart failure within Swedish community health care: A record review of nursing assessments and
A Ehrenberg, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2004 -
Acute Coronary Syndromes - gender
Harshida Patel, Annika Rosengren, Inger Ekman
Vårdalinstitutet - abstract book - 2003 -
Can treatment with ACE-inhibitors in elderly patients with moderate to severe heart failure be improved by a nurse-monitored structured care
Inger Ekman, Björn Andersson, M Ehnfors, Göran Matejka, Bengt Persson, Björn Fagerberg
Heart & Lung - 2003 -
Patient participation – the patients
A Eldh, M Ehnfors, Inger Ekman
22nd International Human Science Research Conference. 13-16 August 2003, Stockholm - 2003 -
Is there a relationship between descriptors of dyspnea and echocardiographic measures of structure and function in patients with chronic heart
M Olofsson, K Boman, Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg
Föredrag vid Läkarstämman i Stockholm, 2003 - 2003 -
Fatigued elderly patients with chronic heart failure: Do patient reports and nursing documentation
Inger Ekman, A Ehrenberg
3rd Annual Spring meeting Cardiovascular Nursing. 3-4 April 2003, Dublin. - 2003 -
Health-related quality of life and sense of coherence among elderly patients with severe chronic heart failure in comparison with healthy
Inger Ekman, Björn Fagerberg, B Lundman
Heart & Lung - 2002 -
The interpretation of narratives in a
Inger Ekman
“The International conference on qualitative methods”, 2002, Göteborg. - 2002 -
Home-based management of patients with chronic heart failure – focus on content not just
Inger Ekman, Karl Swedberg
European Heart Journal - 2002 -
Fatigued elderly patients with chronic heart failure: Do patient reports and nursing documentation
Inger Ekman, A Ehrenberg
International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications - 2002 -
Fatigue in chronic heart failure, does gender make a
Inger Ekman, A Ehrenberg
The European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2002 -
The clinical implications of cognitive impairment in elderly
Inger Ekman, Björn Fagerberg, Ingmar Skoog
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - 2001 -
A place of one's own. The lived experience as narrated by an elderly woman with severe chronic heart failure. A case
Inger Ekman, Carola Skott, A Norberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2001 -
Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis Fatigue among persons with heart
Inger Ekman, A Ehrenberg
Third European Conference on Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions, 22-24 March 2001, Berlin. - 2001 -
Meanings of at-homeness for people with severe
Joakim Öhlén, Inger Ekman
“The International Interdisciplinary Home Health Care Conference. 25-27 oktober 2001. Göteborg - 2001 -
Health related quality of life and sense of coherence in elderly people with moderate to severe chronic heart
Inger Ekman, Björn Fagerberg, B Lundman
WENR (Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers). Island, 25-27 May 2000. - 2000 -
The meaning of living with severe chronic heart failure as narrated by elderly
Inger Ekman, M Ehnfors, A Norberg
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2000 -
An intervention aimed at reducing uncertainty in elderly people with chronic heart
Inger Ekman, A Norberg, B Lundman
International Journal for Human Caring - 2000 -
Being old and living with severe chronic heart failure : patients' experiences and evaluation of a caring
Inger Ekman
1999 -
Cognitive impairment in elderly patients with chronic heart failure; occurrence and clinical implications
Björn Fagerberg, Inger Ekman, Ingmar Skoog
Circulation - 1999 -
The meaning of hospital care as narrated by elderly patients with chronic heart
Inger Ekman, B Lundman, A Norberg
Heart & Lung - 1999 -
Feasibility of a nurse-monitored outpatient-care programme for elderly patients with moderate-to-severe, chronic heart
Inger Ekman, Björn Andersson, M Ehnfors, Göran Matejka, Björn Persson, Björn Fagerberg
European Heart Journal - 1998 -
Development of a care program for patients suffering from chronic heart
Inger Ekman, M Ehnfors, Astrid Norberg
Second European Conference on Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions. 18-20 May 1995. - 1995 -
Deputed power of medical control: the hidden message in the ritual of oral shift
Inger Ekman, K Segesten
Journal of Advanced Nursing - 1995