- Hem
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- Hitta person
- Vonintsoa Rafaly
Vonintsoa Rafaly
Juridiska institutionen-
Noise pollution from Arctic expedition cruise vessels: understanding causes, consequences and governance
Fabienne Mannherz, Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Vonintsoa Rafaly, Heidi Ahonen, Bjørn Ivar Kruke
NPJ Ocean Sustainability - 2024 -
Governing the ocean in the anthropocene era: Area-based management as a tool to promote the socialisation of the law of the
Vonintsoa Rafaly
The Future of Environmental Law: Ambition and Reality - 2023 -
Science diplomacy and Asian states: Transforming the governance landscape in the
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly
Polar Record - 2023 -
The Concept of Marine Living Resources: Navigating a Grey Zone in the Law of the
Vonintsoa Rafaly
Canadian Yearbook of International Law - 2022 -
Rights of nature and the legal architecture of the
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly, Nkeiru Scotcher
Act! Sustainable Research Conference 2022 - 2022 -
Asian States and the (Global) Arctic
Consequences for the environmental governance of the Arctic
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly
NESS - Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference: Emergency and transformation - 2022 -
The Law of the Sea in the Age of Building an Appropriate Arctic Ocean Governance Addressing Climate Change
Vonintsoa Rafaly
The Yearbook of Polar Law - 2022 -
L'Arctique et les problèmes environnementaux: recherche d'une gouvernance dans la conservation et l'utilisation durable des ressources biologiques
Vonintsoa Rafaly
La contribución de la Unión europea a la protección de los recrsos biológicos en espacios marinos de interés internacional - 2021 -
Coastal States Jurisdiction in the EEZ under UNCLOS: Focus on Marine Pollution from Ships
Vonintsoa Rafaly
Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique - 2021 -
Réflexions sur le rôle du TIDM dans le contentieux
Vonintsoa Rafaly
Revue Africaine de la Pratique du Droit International - 2021 -
Un panorama juridique sur le statut des Îles Eparses du Canal du
Vonintsoa Rafaly
Revue juridique de l'Océan Indien - 2020