
Alpaslan Akay


Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 640
40530 Göteborg

Om Alpaslan Akay

Alpaslan Akay currently holds an Associate Professors position in the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg where he has employed since 2013. 

Alpaslan completed his Ph.D. at University Gothenburg in 2008. Prior to his Ph.D at the University of Gothenburg, he also had another Ph.D position in the Istanbul University for three years. Alpaslan had his undergraduate (on Economics) and Master (on Mathematical Statistics) studies at Istanbul University. His Ph.D is on the immigrant assimilation and applied microeconometrics. His research interests are very diverse and lie in several areas including the behavioral and experimental economics, economics of happiness, economics of migration and applied microeconomics. In recent years, he has focused particularly on happiness research and positional concerns. He is also interested in pedagogy and aiming to apply alternative teaching styles and pedagogical strategies. He has also collaborated actively with other researchers in several other disciplines of economics. 

Alpaslan has served and participated in several workshops and conferences both as participant and organizer. He has organized several large scale conferences and served also as a scientific committee member. He is currently serving as a referee of high ranked scientific journals.