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- Astrid Schubring
Astrid Schubring
Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskapOm Astrid Schubring
Astrid är docent i idrottsvetenskap. I sin forskning är hon intresserad av skol-, ungdoms- och elitidrott, idrottspedagogik, sociala dimensioner av hälsa, ungdomssociologi samt kvalitativa forskningsmetoder. Astrid är medlem i forskargruppen SCoPE och undervisar bland annat i kandidatprogrammet Sports Coaching, i lärarprogrammet Idrott och Hälsa samt i masterprogrammet Sport Science.
- Idrotten riskerar att missa unga talangfulla elitidrottare och morgondagens stjärnor - Riksidrottsförbundet (rf.se)
- Forskningsresultat från studier i svensk fotboll | Göteborgs universitet (gu.se)
- https://www.gu.se/nyheter/carolina-kluft-pa-idrottsforskningens-dag
- Internationellt symposium för elitidrott
Commissions of trust
- Projektledare Riksidrottsuniversitetet (RIU Göteborg)
- Styrelsemedlem Scandinavian Network for Elite Sport
- Kontaktperson Nordplus Idrott
- Medlem i IKI:s institutionsråd
- Coaching
- Dubbla karriärer
- Elitidrott
- Hälsa
- Kroppssociologi
- Lärande och undervisning
- Ungdom och adolescens
- Sociokulturella teorier
Pågående forskningsprojekt
- Schubring, A., Lundberg-Zachrisson, A., Bergentoft, H., Lundvall, S., Grau, S., Hausken-Sutter, S., Grahn, K. (2022-2023). Advancing sustainable youth performance sport (STEPS)
- Schubring, A., Bergentoft, H., Barker, D.: Teaching on body ideals in physical education
- Schubring, A., Grahn, K., Rylander, P. Lundvall, S. (2021-2023) Vägar till världstoppen
Avslutade forskningsprojekt
- Barker-Ruchti, N., Grau, S., Schubring, A., & Hausken-Sand, S. (2017-2023 ) Injury-Free Children and Adolescents (FIT project)
- Schubring, A., Barker-Ruchti, N., Pettersson, S. & Post, A. (2015-2019) 'The Paths to Rio Study'
- Barker-Ruchti, N., Kerr, R., Nunomura, M. & Schubring, A. (2013-2016) ’”Coming of age”: Towards best practice in women’s artistic gymnastics’, a research project funded by the Lincoln University Research Fund, the University of Sao Paulo and the Centrum för Idrottsforskning
- Thiel A., Mayer J., Schubring A., Schnell A., Giel K., Diehl K., Zipfel S., Schneider S. (2009-2014). The German Young Olympic Athletes' Lifestyle and Health Management Study (GOAL Study), a research project funded by the Federal Institute of Sport Science (BISp)
Biographical Mapping
Astrid Schubring
Participatory Research in Sport and Physical Activity, Eds. Kyle A. Rich, Robyn Smith & Audrey R. Giles - 2024 -
Exploring the professionalisation of sports coaching from the athlete’s point of view: a study of professional players from
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Pär Rylander
Sport in Society - 2024 -
Athletes’ experiences of the professionalization of sports coaching: a qualitative study with professional players from
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Pär Rylander
Book of Abstracts. 20th EASS conference 2024: Sport, Democracy, Inequality and Beyond. - 2024 -
Moving towards sustainable development: A case study of Swedish organised
Kristof Jaczina, Astrid Schubring
Book of Abstracts 20th EASS conference 2024: Sport, Democracy, Inequality and Beyond - 2024 -
Zur Ambivalenz biografischer Krisen: sportsoziologische Reflexionen und
Astrid Schubring
Invited keynote at the annual conference of the dvs-Sociology of Sport Section - 2024 -
Policies for sustainable sport development. A case study from
Kristof Jaczina, Astrid Schubring
POLIS workshop. Polity, Politics and Policies of Sport: Picking up where we left. - 2024 -
Världsklassidrottares syn på det svenska
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Karin Grahn
Svensk elitidrott vid ett vägskäl En analys av framtiden för det svenska elitidrottssystemet - 2024 -
Balancing risk-taking and self-care: The ecology of athlete health behaviour during the Olympic qualification
Astrid Schubring, Mathias Halltén, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post
International Review for the Sociology of Sport - 2023 -
Svenska idrottsrörelsens policyarbete för hållbar
Kristof Jaczina, Astrid Schubring
Swedish Association for Behavioural and Social Science Sport Research, 23-24. 11. 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
Advancing sustainable (youth) performance sports: Insights in research and
Astrid Schubring, Kristof Jaczina, Jenny Jacobsson, Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Caspers, Solveig E. S. Hausken, Vassilis Sevdalis, Stefan Grau
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens - 2023 -
What can we learn from athletes’ lived
experiences about sustainable career
Astrid Schubring
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens - 2023 -
Interdisciplinary sport injury research and the integration of qualitative and quantitative
Solveig E. Hausken-Sutter, Klara Boije af Gennäs, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau, Jonatan Jungmalm, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2023 -
Body image in physical education: a narrative
Dean Barker, Valeria Varea, Helene Bergentoft, Astrid Schubring
Sport, Education and Society - 2022 -
Vägar till världstoppen. En studie av svenska toppidrottares
Astrid Schubring, Karin Grahn, Pär Rylander, Suzanne Lundvall, Elin Bergström
2022 -
Moving Away: Intra-National Migration Experiences of Brazilian Men Elite Futsal Players During
Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Marchi Júnior Wanderley, Pombo Menezes Rafael, Myrian Nuomura
International Review for the Sociology of Sport - 2022 -
Teaching on body ideals in physical education: a lesson study in Swedish upper secondary
Astrid Schubring, Helene Bergentoft, Dean Barker
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education - 2021 -
From soccer to futsal: Brazilian elite-level men players’ career
Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Myrian Nuomura, Rafael Pombo Menezes
Soccer & Society - 2021 -
Youth sport injury research: a narrative review and the potential of
Solveig E. Hausken-Sutter, Richard Pringle, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
BMJ Open - 2021 -
‘It’s a hard balance’: The ecology of athlete health behaviour in a qualification
Astrid Schubring, Mathias Hultén, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Sports in the face of the global health crisis of COVID 19. Great social challenges - 2021 -
Methodological implications of adapting and applying a web‑based questionnaire on health problems to adolescent football
Solveig E. Hausken-Sutter, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau, Klara Boije af Gennäs, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2021 -
Social perspectives on athlete
Outi Aarresloa, Astrid Schubring, Jari Lämsä
Research Handbook on Sports and Society - 2021 -
Teaching on body ideals in physical education: Didactic possibilities and
Astrid Schubring, Helene Bergentoft, Dean Barker
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) conference 2021 - 2021 -
Gendered violence in women’s artistic gymnastics: a sociological
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Carly Stewart
The Routledge Handbook of Athlete Welfare. Melanie Lang (red.) - 2020 -
The Olympic Games: Dream-come-true or a precarious career
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Idrottsforum.org [Nordic sport science forum] - 2020 -
Riskfylld resa mot OS kräver rätt
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Stefan Pettersson, Anna Post
Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning - 2020 -
Navigating sports medical practice in women’s artistic gymnastics: a socio-cultural
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
Women's Artistic Gymnastics. Socio-cultural Perspectives. Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Carly Stewart, Gretchen Kerr (red.) - 2020 -
Coming of age: coaches transforming the pixie-style model of coaching in women’s artistic
Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Georgia Cervin, Myrian Nunomura
Sports Coaching Review - 2019 -
An elite athlete’s storying of injuries and non-qualification for an Olympic Games: a socio-narratological case
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health - 2019 -
Drawing careers: the value of a biographical mapping method in qualitative health
Astrid Schubring, Jochen Mayer, Ansgar Thiel
International Journal of Qualitative Methods - 2019 -
Researching health behaviour in ‘real time’: methodological insights from a prospective study on Olympic
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Methodological Innovation - 2019 -
“You realise how fast it can be over”: a case study on one young athlete´s career development in
Astrid Schubring
(Idrotts)tendenser i tiden. SVEBI-konferens 21-22 november 2019, Stockholm. - 2019 -
Teaching on body ideals in PE – Pedagogical possibilities and
Helene Bergentoft, Astrid Schubring, Dean Barker, Sara Sadik, Maria Martinsson
(Idrotts)tendenser i tiden. SVEBI conference, 21-22 november 2019, Stockholm - 2019 -
The code of points and the career development in women’s artistic
Myrian Nunomura, Roslyn Kerr, Georgia Cervin, Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
Science of Gymnastics Journal - 2019 -
Springboard: An interactive education tool to prevent gender-based violence against girls in
Claudia Pinheiro, Carly Stewart, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Froujke Smits
Motricidade - 2019 -
Career learning in youth elite biathlon. A case of a male
Astrid Schubring
Athlete learning in elite sport - 2019 -
Maintaining a dual career horizon in women’s artistic gymnastics. A case of a
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr, Georgia Cervin, Myrian Nunomoura
Athlete learning in elite sport - 2019 -
The Role of Setting in the Field: The Positioning of Older Bodies in the Field of Elite Women’s
Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Myrian Nunomura, Georgia Cervin, Astrid Schubring
Sociology - 2018 -
Producing success: A critical analysis of athlete development governance in six
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Outi Aarresola, Roslyn Kerr, Karin Grahn, Jenny McMahon
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics - 2018 -
Challenges and possibilities of prospective research in elite
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) Book of Abstracts - 2018 -
Researching overuse injuries among adolescent soccer players using an interdisciplinary
Klara Boije af Gennäs, Solveig E. S. Hausken, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau, Natalie Barker-Ruchti
Svensk Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforsknings konferens (SVEBI) - 2018 -
Injury-Free Children and Adolescents: Towards Better Practice in Swedish Football (FIT
Solveig E. S. Hausken, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau
Research Ideas and Outcomes - 2018 -
Understanding and researching youth football injuries with an interdisciplinary approach: Current literature and project
Solveig E. S. Hausken, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Stefan Grau
The 2018 annual conference international sociology of sport association (ISSA). Lausanne, Switzerland. - 2018 -
The familial cultural inheritance of Brazilian men elite futsal players: an influential factor on sport
Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Jessica dos Anjos Januário, Rafael Pombo Menezes, Myrian Nunomura
Book of Abstracts Swedish Association for Behavioural and Social Research in Sport (SVEBI) 2018 - 2018 -
Teaching for inclusion: A qualitative study on physical education and health teachers’ experiences of teaching newcomer
Sibongile Malaza-Axunger, Astrid Schubring
Book of Abstracts Swedish Association for Behavioural and Social Research in Sport (SVEBI) 2018 - 2018 -
Coping with weight demands in judo: a qualitative study on young elite athletes’ experiences of making
Johan Berg, Astrid Schubring
Book of Abstracts Swedish Association for Behavioural and Social Research in Sport (SVEBI) 2018 - 2018 -
Older gymnasts in women’s artistic gymnastics: Moving beyond a bodily
Myrian Nunomura, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr, Georgia Cervin, Astrid Schubring
ISSA Book of Abstracts - 2018 -
Let’s talk about gender-based violence in women’s
Carly Stewart, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring
ISSA Book of Abstracts - 2018 -
Growing up and speaking out: Female gymnasts' rights in an ageing
Georgia Cervin, Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Myrian Nunomura
Annals of Leisure Research - 2017 -
Body dissatisfaction in women’s artistic gymnastics: A longitudinal study of psychosocial
Clara Mockdece Neves, Juliana Fernandes Filgueiras Meireles, Pedro Henrique Berbert de Carvalho, Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira
Journal of Sports Sciences - 2017 -
Understanding elite sport risk behaviour from a career perspective: A prospective case study with Olympic
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Nordic Sport Science Conference, November 22–23 - 2017 -
People in
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring
Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies - 2017 -
“Gymnasts Are Like Wine, They Get Better With Age”: Becoming and Developing Adult Women’s Artistic
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr, Astrid Schubring, Georgia Cervin, Myrian Nunomura
Quest - 2017 -
Centralising, Negotiating or Delegating? An International Comparison of Athlete Development
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Outi Aarresola, Karin Grahn, Roslyn Kerr, Jennifer McMahon
ISSA 2016 Book of Abstracts - 2016 -
Towards a Pedagogy of Athlete Development in Women’s Artistic
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr, Astrid Schubring, Myrian Nunomura, Georgia Cervin
2016 AIESEP International Conference Program - 2016 -
‘It has always been my dream’: Elite athletes’ experiences of the pre-competition
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Anna Post, Stefan Pettersson
Sport in the City – Mobility, Urbanity and Social Change. Book of Abstract EASS 2016 - 2016 -
Health-related gender boundary crossing in youth elite
Astrid Schubring, Ansgar Thiel
Sport in Society - 2016 -
Moving into and out of high-performance sport: the cultural learning of an artistic
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2016 -
Growing up and speaking out: Female gymnasts’ rights in an ageing
Georgia Cervin, Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Myrian Nunomura
12th Biennial Australia New Zealand Association For Leisure Studies Conference.University of South Australia, Adelaide. - 2015 -
Health in Elite Sports – a “Bio-Psycho-Social”
Ansgar Thiel, Astrid Schubring, Schneider Sven, Zipfel Stephan, Jochen Mayer
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin (German Journal of Sports Medicine) - 2015 -
''How Much Is Too Much?'' The Social Construction of Elite Youth Athlete Exercise Tolerances From the Coaches'
Astrid Schubring, Eva-Maria Bub, Ansgar Thiel
Journal of Sport and Social Issues - 2015 -
Coming of Age: The interaction of factors that prolong high-performance gymnastics
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr
ISSA 2015 World Congress of Sociology of Sport, 9-12 June 2015, Paris - 2015 -
Coming of Age in Women Artistic Gymnastics: The influence of rules on career
Myrian Nunomura, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Roslyn Kerr, Georgia Cervin, Renato Francisco Rodrigues Marques
12th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, 10-13 Juni, 2015, Dublin, Ireland - 2015 -
Moving into and out of high-performance sport: The cultural learning of an artistic
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring
ISSA World Congress of Sociology of Sport, 9-12 June 2015, Paris - 2015 -
Wachstum als Herausforderung. Soziologische Analysen des Wachstumsmanagements jugendlicher Spitzenathleten und
Astrid Schubring
2014 -
Roslyn Kerr, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Myrian Nunomura, Astrid Schubring
AIESEP World Congress, 10-13 February 2014, Auckland, New Zealand - 2014 -
Older Gymnasts and the Culture of Women’s Artistic
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Roslyn Kerr, Myrian Nunomura
Conference Abstract Book – ‘Transnational Body and Movement Cultures from a Gender Perspective’ - 2014 -
Coping With Growth in Adolescent Elite
Astrid Schubring, Ansgar Thiel
Sociology of Sport Journal - 2014 -
Growth problems in youth elite sports. Social conditions, athletes’ experiences, and sustainability
Astrid Schubring, Ansgar Thiel
Reflective Practice - 2014 -
Individuelles Gesundheitsmanagement im Olympischen Nachwuchssport
Ansgar Thiel, Jochen Mayer, Astrid Schubring, Alexia Schnell, Stephan Zipfel, Katrin Giel, Anne Werner, Sven Schneider, Katharina Diehl
BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2012/13 - 2014 -
Mapping critical experiences in athletes’ life. The use of a graphic data collection tool in qualitative
Astrid Schubring
Changing Landscapes in Sport: dynamics, hybridities and resistance. Book of Abstracts. 11th Conference of the European Association for Sociology of Sport - 2014