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- Donald Blomqvist
Donald Blomqvist
Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap-
The importance of olfaction for mixed paternity in
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Alice Anderstedt, Maria Strandh, Donald Blomqvist
Ecology and Evolution - 2025 -
Survival fluctuation is linked to precipitation variation during staging in a migratory
V Brlík, Veli-Matti Pakanen, T Jaakkonen, H Arppe, J Jokinen, J Lakka, Donald Blomqvist, S Hahn, J Valkama, K Koivula
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Natal dispersal does not entail survival costs but is linked to breeding dispersal in a migratory shorebird, the southern dunlin Calidris alpina
Veli-Matti Pakanen, Kari Koivula, Blandine Doligez, Lars Åke Flodin, Angela Pauliny, Nelli Rönkä, Donald Blomqvist
Oikos - 2022 -
Genetic differentiation in an endangered and strongly philopatric, migrant
Nelli Rönkä, Veli-Matti Pakanen, Angela Pauliny, Robert L. Thomson, Kimmo Nuotio, Hannes Pehlak, Ole Thorup, Petteri Lehikoinen, Antti Rönkä, Donald Blomqvist, Kari Koivula, Laura Kvist
BMC Ecology and Evolution - 2021 -
Survival during the pre-fledging period rather than during post-fledging drives variation in local recruitment of an endangered migratory shorebird, the Southern Dunlin Calidris alpina
Veli-Matti Pakanen, Robin Hagstedt, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist
Journal of Ornithology - 2021 -
Survival probability in a small shorebird decreases with the time an individual carries a tracking
Veli-Matti Pakanen, N. Rönkä, T. R. Leslie, Donald Blomqvist, K. Koivula
Journal of Avian Biology - 2020 -
Questing abundance of adult taiga ticks Ixodes persulcatus and their Borrelia prevalence at the north-western part of their
Veli-Matti Pakanen, J. J. Sormunen, E. Sippola, Donald Blomqvist, E. R. Kallio
Parasites & Vectors - 2020 -
Low frequencies of supernormal clutches in the Southern Dunlin and the Temminck's
V. M. Pakanen, Donald Blomqvist, T. Breiehagen, L. A. Flodin, O. Hilden, D. B. Lank, M. Larsson, T. Lislevand, K. Nuotio, P. Olsson, R. Ottvall, Angela Pauliny, H. Pehlak, A. Ronka, N. Ronka, D. Schamel, M. Soikkeli, R. L. Thomson, O. Thorup, P. Tomkovich, D. Tracy, K. Koivula
Ardea - 2019 -
Near panmixia at the distribution-wide scale but evidence of genetic differentiation in a geographically isolated population of the Terek Sandpiper Xenus
N. Ronka, V. M. Pakanen, Donald Blomqvist, V. Degtyaryev, M. Golovatin, G. Isakov, N. Karlionova, A. Lehikoinen, V. Morozov, S. Paskhalny, Angela Pauliny, P. Pinchuk, P. Rauhala, P. Tomkovich, E. Zakharov, K. Koivula, L. Kvist
Ibis - 2019 -
Population and subspecies differentiation in a high latitude breeding wader, the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius
L. Thies, P. Tomkovich, N. dos Remedios, T. Lislevand, P. Pinchuk, J. Wallander, J. Dänhardt, B. Þórisson, Donald Blomqvist, C. Küpper
Ardea - 2018 -
Effects of male telomeres on probability of paternity in sand
Angela Pauliny, E. Miller, N. Rollings, E. Wapstra, Donald Blomqvist, C. R. Friesen, Mats Olsson
Biology Letters - 2018 -
Polygamy slows down population divergence in
J. D'Urban Jackson, N. dos Remedios, K. H. Maher, S. Zefania, S. Haig, S. Oyler-McCance, Donald Blomqvist, T. Burke, M. W. Bruford, T. Szekely, C. Küpper
Evolution - 2017 -
Polygamy slows down diversification in
J. D'Urban Jackson, N. dos Remedios, K. H. Maher, S. Zefania, S. Haig, S. Oyler-McCance, Donald Blomqvist, T. Burke, M. W. Bruford, T. Székely, C. Küpper
ASAB Winter Meeting 2017 (Abstract), December 7-8, Londont, UK. - 2017 -
Is telomere length associated with mate choice in a songbird with a high rate of extrapair
Arild Johnsen, Angela Pauliny, Jan T. Lifjeld, Donald Blomqvist
PLoS ONE - 2017 -
Between-patch natal dispersal declines with increasing natal patch size and distance to other patches in the endangered Southern Dunlin Calidris alpina
Veli Matti Pakanen, Kari Koivula, Lars Åke Flodin, Antoine Grissot, Robin Hagstedt, Mikael Larsson, Angela Pauliny, Nelli Rönkä, Donald Blomqvist
Ibis - 2017 -
Telomere length covaries with personality in wild brown
B. Adriaenssens, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist, Jörgen I Johnsson
Physiology and Behavior - 2016 -
Panmixia at a distribution-wide scale but indications of genetic differentiation in isolated populations of the Terek Sandpiper (Xenus
N. Rönkä, V.-M. Pakanen, Donald Blomqvist, V. G. Degtyarev, M. Golovatin, G. N. Isakov, N. Karlionova, A. Lehikoinen, V. V. Morozov, S. Paskhalny, Angela Pauliny, P. Pinchuk, P. Rauhala, P. Tomkovich, E. Zakharov, K. Koivula, L. Kvist
International Wader Study Group Conference 2016, 9-12 September 2016, Trabolgan, Cork, Ireland - 2016 -
Rapid growth accelerates telomere attrition in a transgenic
Angela Pauliny, R. H. Devlin, Jörgen I Johnsson, Donald Blomqvist
Bmc Evolutionary Biology - 2015 -
Kin selection and polygyny: can relatedness lower the polygyny
Gaute Grønstøl, Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny, Richard H Wagner
Royal Society Open Science - 2015 -
Telomere dynamics in wild brown trout: effects of compensatory growth and early growth
Joacim Näslund, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist, Jörgen I Johnsson
Oecologia - 2015 -
Genetic diversity and dispersal distribution in the endangered Baltic Southern Dunlin Calidris alpina
Nelli Rönkä, Veli-Matti Pakanen, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist, Ole Thorup, Hannes Pehlak, Laura Kvist, Kari Koivula
International Wader Study Group Annual Conference, Haapsalu, Estonia, 26–29 September 2014. Wader Study Group Bulletin 2015, 121(3); 215. - 2014 -
Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle
Angela Pauliny, Kjell Larsson, Donald Blomqvist
BMC Evolutionary Biology - 2012 -
Divorce and breeding dispersal in the dunlin Calidris alpina: support for the better option
Lars-Åke Flodin, Donald Blomqvist
Behaviour - 2012 -
Sex differences in sand lizard telomere inheritance: paternal epigenetic effects increases telomere heritability and offspring
Mats Olsson, Angela Pauliny, Erik Wapstra, Tobias Uller, Tonia Schwartz, Donald Blomqvist
PLoS One - 2011 -
Sexual differences in telomere selection in the
Mats Olsson, Angela Pauliny, Erik Wapstra, Tobias Uller, Tonia Schwartz, Emily Miller, Donald Blomqvist
Molecular Ecology - 2011 -
Factors affecting germline mutations in a hypervariable microsatellite: A comparative analysis of six species of swallows (Aves:
J. A. Anmarkrud, O. Kleven, Jakob Augustin, K. H. Bentz, Donald Blomqvist, K. J. Fernie, M. J. L. Magrath, H. Pärn, J. S. Quinn, R. J. Robertson, T. Szép, S. Tarof, R. H. Wagner, J. T. Lifjeld
Mutation research - Fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis - 2011 -
When evolutionary theory meets reality: Population dynamics and genetic variation in an endangered
Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny, Johanna Borlid
ESEB 2011, 20-25 August 2011, Tuebingen, Germany - 2011 -
Proximate determinants of telomere length in sand lizards (Lacerta
Mats Olsson, Angela Pauliny, Erik Wapstra, Donald Blomqvist
Biology Letters - 2010 -
Trapped in the extinction vortex? Strong genetic effects in a declining vertebrate
Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny, Mikael Larsson, Lars-Åke Flodin
BMC Evolutionary Biology - 2010 -
Identification of novel microsatellite loci in the sand martin, Riparia riparia, and cross-amplification of loci from other bird
Wouter F. D. van Dongen, Gopi K. Munimanda, Jakob Augustin, Donald Blomqvist, Tibor Szép, Richard H. Wagner
Journal of Ornithology - 2010 -
No extra-pair paternity in the common redshank, a monogamous shorebird with female control over copulation
Jakob Augustin, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist
13th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Perth, Australia - 2010 -
Migration and wintering of Baltic Dunlins Calidris alpina schinzii with known breeding
Ole Thorup, Sami Timonen, Donald Blomqvist, Lars-Åke Flodin, Paul Eric Jönsson, Mikael Larsson, Veli-Matti Pakanen, Martti Soikkeli
Ardea - 2009 -
Exploration and ecology in Darwin's
Sabine Tebbich, Birgit Fessl, Donald Blomqvist
Evolutionary Ecology - 2009 -
Nest predation management: Don’t put all your eggs in one
Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist
46th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Pirenópolis, Brazil - 2009 -
Sex allocation within broods linked to extra-pair paternity in polygynous northern lapwings (Vanellus
Jakob Augustin, Gaute Grønstøl, Angela Pauliny, Donald Blomqvist, Richard H. Wagner
12th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Ithaca, New York, USA. - 2008 -
Nest predation management: Effects on reproductive success in endangered
Angela Pauliny, Mikael Larsson, Donald Blomqvist
12th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Ithaca, New York, USA. - 2008 -
Nest predation management: Effects on reproductive success in endangered
Angela Pauliny, Mikael Larsson, Donald Blomqvist
The Journal of Wildlife Management - 2008 -
The benefit of group size in southern lapwings (Vanellus chilensis): Higher hatch success
Eduardo Santos, Donald Blomqvist, Regina H. Macedo
12th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Ithaca, USA. - 2008 -
Helpers at the nest: Influence on breeding performance in the field flicker, Colaptes
Raphael I. Dias, Debora Goedert, Donald Blomqvist, Regina H. Macedo
. 45th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA. - 2008 -
Do helpers affect parental investment and reproductive output in the field flicker Colaptes
Raphael I. Dias, Donald Blomqvist, Regina H. Macedo
12th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Ithaca, USA. - 2008 -
Genetic parentage and variable social structure in breeding southern
Valeria Saracura, Regina H. Macedo, Donald Blomqvist
The Condor - 2008 -
Ambient temperature effects on photo induced gonadal cycles and hormonal secretion patterns in great tits from three different breeding
Bengt Silverin, John Wingfield, Karl-Arne Stokkan, Renato Massa, Antero Järvinen, Nils-Åke Andersson, Marcel Lambrechts, Alberto Sorace, Donald Blomqvist
Hormones and Behavior - 2008 -
No evidence of genetic benefits from extra-pair fertilisations in female sand martins (Riparia
Jakob Augustin, Donald Blomqvist, Tibor Szép, Zoltán D. Szabó, Richard H. Wagner
Journal of Ornithology - 2007 -
Inavel och förlust av genetisk variation hos sydlig kärrsnäppa (Calidris alpina schinzii) på svenska
Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny
2007 -
Miljögifter i ägg av sydlig kärrsnäppa (Calidris alpina schinzii) från Båtafjorden,
Donald Blomqvist, Mikael Larsson
2007 -
Female despotism mediates harem size in lapwings.
Gaute Grønstøl, Donald Blomqvist, Jakob Augustin, Richard H. Wagner
11th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Tours, France - 2006 -
High paternal investment, and its impact on social and genetic mating systems in woodpeckers.
Peter Pechacek, Klaus G. Michalek, Hans Winkler, Donald Blomqvist
24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany. - 2006 -
Mating patterns and
Donald Blomqvist, Herbert Hoi
Acta Zoologica Sinica - 2006 -
To see or not to see: the role of habitat density on the occurrence of extra-pair paternity and paternity assurance
Donald Blomqvist, Herbert Hoi, Ingrid Weinberger
Acta Zoologica Sinica - 2006 -
High paternal investment, and its impact on social and genetic mating systems in
Peter Pechacek, Klaus G. Michalek, Hans Winkler, Donald Blomqvist
Journal of Ornithology - 2006 -
The importance of genetic evidence for identifying intra-specific brood
Gaute Grønstøl, Donald Blomqvist, Richard H. Wagner
Journal of Avian Biology - 2006 -
Age-independent telomere length as a molecular marker for individual quality in a
Angela Pauliny, Richard H. Wagner, Jakob Augustin, Tibor Szép, Donald Blomqvist
International Wader Study Group Annual Conference (Workshop “Meadow Birds”), Falsterbo, Sweden. - 2006 -
Age-independent telomere length predicts fitness in two bird
Angela Pauliny, Richard H. Wagner, Jakob Augustin, Tibor Szép, Donald Blomqvist
Molecular Ecology - 2006 -
Classical polyandry found in the three-toed woodpecker Picoides
Peter Pechacek, Klaus G. Michalek, Hans Winkler, Donald Blomqvist
Journal of Ornithology - 2006 -
Caught in the extinction vortex? Environmental, demographic and genetic processes determine population persistence in the dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii).
Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny
1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, Eger, Hungary. - 2006 -
Caught in the extinction vortex? Population dynamics and genetics in a metapopulation of southern dunlins.
Donald Blomqvist, Angela Pauliny
International Wader Study Group Annual Conference (Workshop “Meadow Birds”), Falsterbo, Sweden - 2006 -
Kinship and parental care in the Kentish
Clemens Küpper, András Kosztolányi, Donald Blomqvist, Richard ffrench-Constant, Tamás Székely
10th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Krakow, Poland. - 2005 -
Must harem size always predict male quality? Because in lapwings it
Gaute Grønstøl, Donald Blomqvist, Richard H. Wagner
10th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Krakow, Poland. - 2005 -
Alternative reproductive strategies in sand martins: Do brood parasites target high quality
Jakob Augustin, Donald Blomqvist, Tibor Szép, Zoltán D. Szabó, Richard H. Wagner
10th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Krakow, Poland. - 2005 -
The importance of tail length for habitat use in the bearded tit Panurus biarmicus: an experimental
Mariló Romero-Pujante, Herbert Hoi, Donald Blomqvist
Ibis - 2005 -
Monogamy with exceptions: Social and genetic mating system in a bird species with high paternal
Peter Pechacek, Klaus G. Michalek, Hans Winkler, Donald Blomqvist
Behaviour - 2005 -
High frequency of extra-pair fertilisations in the moustached warbler, a songbird with a variable breeding
Donald Blomqvist, Birgit Fessl, Herbert Hoi, Sonia Kleindorfer
Behaviour - 2005 -
Hekkedynamik og produksjon hos viper på Öland - resultater fra våren
Gaute Grønstøl, Donald Blomqvist, Richard H. Wagner
Calidris - 2005