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- Charlotta Kvarnemo
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskapProfessor
Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskapOm Charlotta Kvarnemo
Mer information/for more information about my group and reseach interests, please follow this link to the Kvarnemo Lab Website.
The importance of olfaction for mixed paternity in
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Alice Anderstedt, Maria Strandh, Donald Blomqvist
Ecology and Evolution - 2025 -
Sveriges biologer bör bidra mer till
R. Henrik Nilsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Joacim Näslund, Anders Dahlberg, Ulf Gärdenfors, Bengt-Gunnar Jonsson, Ammie Berglund, Marina Panova, Karin Larsdotter, Maria Bodin, Allison Perrigo
Fauna och flora : populär tidskrift för biologi - 2025 -
Large and interactive pipefish females display ornaments for longer with many males
Anna Waffender, Jonathan M. Henshaw, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Reproductive dysfunction in seawater provides an environmental barrier to the range expansion of the invasive Neogobius melanostomus into the North
Leon Green, Martina Griful-Dones, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biological Invasions - 2024 -
Anthropogenic noise disrupts early-life development in a fish with paternal
Eva-Lotta Blom, Isabelle Dekhla, Michael G. Bertram, Jack L. Manera, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson
Mating competition among females: testing the distinction between natural and sexual selection in an
Varpu Pärssinen, Leigh W. Simmons, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Invader at the edge - Genomic origins and physiological differences of round gobies across a steep urban salinity
Leon Green, Ellika Faust, James Hinchcliffe, Jeroen Brijs, Andrew Holmes, Felix Örn, Ola Svensson, Jonathan Roques, Erica H Leder, Erik Sandblom, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Evolutionary Applications - 2023 -
Molecular, behavioural and morphological comparisons of sperm adaptations in a fish with alternative reproductive
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Leon Green, Ola Svensson, K. Lindstrom, Sofie Schöld, Martina Griful-Dones, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Erica H Leder
Evolutionary Applications - 2023 -
How sexual and natural selection interact and shape the evolution of nests and nesting behaviour in
Ola Svensson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences - 2023 -
Ten years of marine evolutionary biology - challenges and achievements of a multidisciplinary research
Kerstin Johannesson, Erica H Leder, Carl André, Samuel Dupont, Susanne P. Eriksson, Karin C. Harding, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Marlene Jahnke, Per R. Jonsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Henrik Pavia, Marina Rafajlović, Eva Marie Rödström, Michael C. Thorndyke, Anders Blomberg
Evolutionary Applications - 2023 -
Male acoustic display in the sand goby – Essential cue in female choice, but unaffected by supplemental
Eva-Lotta Blom, Joanna R. Wilson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, M. Clara P. Amorim, Ola Svensson
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2022 -
Female mating status has been overlooked in mate choice research: a comment on Richardson and
Varpu Pärssinen, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2022 -
Dark-eyed females: sexually dimorphic prespawning coloration results from sex-specific physiological response to hormone exposure in the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus (Gobiiformes:
K. H. Olsson, H. N. Skold, S. Merilaita, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2022 -
Post-glacial establishment of locally adapted fish populations over a steep salinity
Erica H Leder, Carl André, Alan Le Moan, Mats H. Töpel, Anders Blomberg, Jonathan N. Havenhand, K. Lindstrom, Filip Volckaert, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Kerstin Johannesson, Ola Svensson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2021 -
The definition of sexual
David M. Shuker, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2021 -
The definition of sexual selection: a response to comments on Shuker and
David M. Shuker, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2021 -
Sperm performance limits the reproduction of an invasive fish in novel
Leon Green, Jan Niemax, Jens Peter Herrmann, Axel Temming, Jane W. Behrens, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Erica H Leder, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Diversity and Distributions - 2021 -
Sperm adaptation in relation to salinity in three goby
Kai Lindström, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Erica H Leder, Sofie Schöld, Ola Svensson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Journal of Fish Biology - 2021 -
Home range use in the West Australian seahorse Hippocampus subelongatus is influenced by sex and partner's home range but not by body size or paired
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Susanne E. Andersson, Jonas Elisson, G. I. Moore, A. G. Jones
Journal of Ethology - 2021 -
Ancestral Sperm Ecotypes Reveal Multiple Invasions of a Non-Native Fish in Northern
Leon Green, Apostolos Apostolou, Ellika Faust, Kajsa Palmqvist, Jane W. Behrens, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Erica H Leder, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Cells - 2021 -
Alternative reproductive tactics are associated with sperm performance in invasive round goby from two different salinity
Leon Green, Jan Niemax, Jens-Peter Herrmann, Axel Temming, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Ecology and Evolution - 2020 -
Evidence of rapid adaptive trait change to local salinity in the sperm of an invasive
Leon Green, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Evolutionary Applications - 2020 -
Pipefish embryo oxygenation, survival, and development: egg size, male size, and temperature
Malin Nygård, Charlotta Kvarnemo, I. Ahnesjo, I. B. Goncalves
Behavioral Ecology - 2019 -
Endless forms of sexual
Willow Lindsay, Staffan Andersson, Badreddine Bererhi, J. Hoglund, A. Johnsen, Charlotta Kvarnemo, E. H. Leder, J. T. Lifjeld, Calum E. Ninnes, Mats Olsson, G. A. Parker, T. Pizzari, A. Qvarnstrom, R. J. Safran, O. Svensson, S. V. Edwards
PeerJ - 2019 -
Effect of sand texture on nest quality and mating success in a fish with parental
Karin H. Olsson, E. Forsgren, S. Merilaita, Charlotta Kvarnemo, C. St Mary
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2019 -
Sperm-duct gland content increases sperm velocity in the sand
Leon Green, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biology Open - 2019 -
Continuous but not intermittent noise has a negative impact on mating success in a marine fish with paternal
Eva-Lotta Blom, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Isabelle Dekhla, Sofie Schöld, M. H. Andersson, Ola Svensson, M. C. P. Amorim
Scientific Reports - 2019 -
Understanding resource driven female-female competition: ovary and liver size in sand
Aurora García-Berro, J. Yliportimo, Kai Lindström, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Royal Society Open Science - 2019 -
Why do some animals mate with one partner rather than many? A review of causes and consequences of
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society - 2018 -
Sand goby - an ecologically relevant species for behavioural
Davide Asnicar, Giedrė Ašmonaitė, Lina Birgersson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson, Joachim Sturve
Fishes - 2018 -
Lärande för hållbar utveckling i
Susanne Gustavsson, Ingrid Henning Loeb, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2018 -
Nutritional state - a survival kit for brooding pipefish
Gry Sagebakken, Charlotta Kvarnemo, I. Ahnesjo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2017 -
Immigrant reproductive dysfunction facilitates ecological
Ola Svensson, Johanna Gräns, Malin C. Celander, Jonathan N. Havenhand, Erica H Leder, Kai Lindström, Sofie Schöld, Cock van Oosterhout, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Evolution - 2017 -
Dark eyes in female sand gobies indicate readiness to
Karin H. Olsson, Sandra Johansson, Eva-Lotta Blom, K. Lindstrom, Ola Svensson, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Plos One - 2017 -
Hypoxia increases the risk of egg predation in a nest-guarding
Karin H. Olsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Maria Norevik Andrén, Therése Larsson
Royal Society Open Science - 2016 -
Costs and Benefits to Pregnant Male Pipefish Caring for Broods of Different
Gry Sagebakken, I. Ahnesjo, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Plos One - 2016 -
Non-random paternity of offspring in a highly promiscuous marine snail suggests postcopulatory sexual
Kerstin Johannesson, Sara H Saltin, Grégory Charrier, Anna-Karin Ring, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Carl André, Marina Panova
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2016 -
Effects of salinity on nest-building behaviour in a marine
Topi K. Lehtonen, Bob B. M. Wong, Charlotta Kvarnemo
BMC Ecology - 2016 -
Correction to ‘Hypoxia increases the risk of egg predation in a nest-guarding
Karin H. Olsson, Maria Norevik Andrén, Therése Larsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Royal Society Open Science - 2016 -
Enabling action-oriented and transformative learning for sustainability in vocational teacher education. Example from The University of Gothenburg,
Ingrid Henning Loeb, Charlotta Kvarnemo
AARE Conference, Melbourne. 28/11-1/12, 2016 - 2016 -
Evolutionary ecology of pipefish brooding structures: embryo survival and growth do not improve with a
Inês Braga Gonçalves, I. Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Ecology and Evolution - 2016 -
Density effects on fish egg survival and infections depend on
Topi K. Lehtonen, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2015 -
The evolutionary puzzle of egg size, oxygenation and parental care in aquatic
Inês Braga Gonçalves, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences - 2015 -
Embryo oxygenation in pipefish brood pouches: novel
Inês Braga Gonçalves, I. Ahnesjo, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Journal of Experimental Biology - 2015 -
Odour cues from suitors' nests determine mating success in a
T. K. Lehtonen, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biology Letters - 2015 -
Infections may select for filial cannibalism by impacting egg survival in interaction with water salinity and egg
T. K. Lehtonen, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Oecologia - 2015 -
Effects of female mating order and male size on embryo survival in a
Inês Braga Gonçalves, Kenyon B. Mobley, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Gry Sagebakken, Adam G. Jones, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2015 -
Gravida hanar och konkurrerande
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Gry Sagebakken, Inês Braga Gonçalves, Ingrid Ahnesjö
Havsutsikt - 2014 -
Filial cannibalism in a nest-guarding fish: females prefer to spawn in nests with few eggs over
Maria Norevik Andrén, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2014 -
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Evolutionary Biology - 2014 -
Female mate choice is not affected by mate condition in a fish with male
J. Sundin, Gry Sagebakken, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Acta Ethologica - 2013 -
Polyandry as a mediator of sexual selection before and after
Charlotta Kvarnemo, L. W. Simmons
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2013 -
Mechanisms behind size-assortative nest choice by sand goby males in absence of intrasexual
Johannes R. Björk, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Animal Behaviour - 2012 -
Socially induced tactic change in 2 types of sand goby sneaker
T. Takegaki, Ola Svensson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2012 -
The relationship between female body size and egg size in
Ines Goncalves, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Journal of Fish Biology - 2011 -
Multiply-mated males show higher embryo survival in a paternally caring
Gry Sagebakken, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Ines Goncalves, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2011 -
Evidence of paternal nutrient provisioning to embryos in the pipefish Syngnathus
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Kenyon B. Mobley, Charlyn Partridge, Adam G. Jones, Ingrid Ahnesjö
Journal of Fish Biology - 2011 -
The effect of maternal body size on embryo survivorship in the broods of pregnant male
Kenyon B. Mobley, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Charlyn Partridge, Anders Berglund, Adam G. Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2011 -
Stressed singers and symmetric
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2011 -
Sand goby males trade off between defence against egg predators and sneak
Maria Järvi-Laturi, Kai Lindström, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson
Journal of Zoology - 2011 -
Investment in testes, sperm duct glands and lipid reserves differs between male morphs but not between early and late breeding season in Pomatoschistus
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson, Wesley Manson
Journal of Fish Biology - 2010 -
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology / edited by David F. Westneat, Charles W. Fox. - 2010 -
Brooding fathers, not siblings, take up nutrients from
Gry Sagebakken, I Ahnesjö, K.B. Mobley, Ines Goncalves, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Proceedings of the Royals Society B - 2010 -
Reproductive compensation in broad-nosed pipefish
Ines Goncalves, K.B. Mobley, I Ahnesjö, Gry Sagebakken, Adam G Jones, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Proceedings of the Royal Society B - 2010 -
The effect of perceived female parasite load on post-copulatory male choice in a sex-role-reversed
C. Partridge, I Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo, K.B. Mobley, A. Berglund, Adam G Jones
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2009 -
Relative costs of courtship behaviours in nest-building sand
Karin H. Olsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson
Animal Behaviour - 2009 -
Gender perspectives on the development of sexual selection
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Patrik Lindenfors, Malin Ah-King, I Ahnesjö
ISBE newsletter - 2009 -
Sex hos
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Djuren och människan - Om den moderna biologin och dess världsbild - 2009 -
Variation in sexual selection in
I Ahnesjö, Elisabet Forsgren, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Fish Behaviour (Eds. Magnhagen, C., Braithwaite, V. A., Forsgren, E. & B. G. Kapoor) - 2008 -
Syngnathus typhle females strategically allocate resources to
Ines Goncalves, K.B. Mobley, Charlotta Kvarnemo, I Ahnesjö, Gry Sagebakken, Adam G Jones
Evolution of Parental Effects: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Patterns, Wollongong, 2008 - 2008 -
Effects of egg size and moderate hypoxia on the development and survival of Syngnathus typhle
Ines Goncalves, I Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo
International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Ithaca, USA, 2008 - 2008 -
Ines Goncalves, K.B. Mobley, Charlotta Kvarnemo, I Ahnesjö, Gry Sagebakken
European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, 2007 - 2007 -
Parasitic spawning in sand gobies: an experimental assessment of nest-opening size, sneaker male cues, paternity, and filial
Ola Svensson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2007 -
Sexually selected females in the monogamous Western Australian
Charlotta Kvarnemo, Glenn I Moore, Adam G Jones
Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society - 2007 -
Sexual conflict and life
N. Wedell, Charlotta Kvarnemo, C. K. M. Lessells, T. Tregenza
Animal Behaviour - 2006 -
Mating distribution and its temporal dynamics affect operational sex ratio: a simulation
Charlotta Kvarnemo, S. Merilaita
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2006 -
Evolution and maintenance of male care: is increased paternity a neglected benefit of
Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2006 -
Ventilation or nest defense—parental care trade-offs in a fish with male
Maria Lissåker, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2006 -
Costs of breeding and their effects on the direction of sexual
L. W. Simmons, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences - 2006 -
Why is there no sperm competition in a pipefish with externally brooding males? Insights from sperm activation and
M. Ah-King, H. Elofsson, Charlotta Kvarnemo, G. Rosenqvist, A. Berglund
Journal of Fish Biology - 2006 -
The capacity for additional matings does not affect male mating competition in the sand
A. Nyman, Charlotta Kvarnemo, Ola Svensson
Animal Behaviour - 2006 -
Genetic mating patterns studied in pools with manipulated nest site availability in two populations of Pomatoschistus
A. Singer, Charlotta Kvarnemo, K. Lindström, Ola Svensson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2006 -
The influence of territoriality and mating system on the evolution of male care: a phylogenetic study on
M. Ah-King, Charlotta Kvarnemo, B.S. Tullberg
Journal of Evolutionary Biology - 2005 -
Effects of territorial damselfish on cryptic bioeroding organisms on dead Acropora
H Strömberg, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2005 -
The importance of sperm competition risk and nest appearance for male behaviour and female choice in Pomatoschistus
Ola Svensson, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Behavioral Ecology - 2005 -
Costly courtship or dishonest display? Intensely displaying sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) males have lower lipid
Ola Svensson, A. Nyman, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Journal of Fish Biology - 2004 -
Testes investment and spawning mode in pipefishes and seahorses
Charlotta Kvarnemo, L. W. Simmons
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society - 2004