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- Emma Hansson
Emma Hansson
Professor, adjungerad
Avd för plastikkirurgiOm Emma Hansson
Adj professor och överläkare i plastikkirurgi med ansvar för bröstforskningen på Avd för plastikkirurgi. Forskningen är främst inriktad mot tillstånd som kräver rekonstruktiv bröstkirurgi, med fokus på indikationer, kirurgiska tekniker, livskvalitet och hälsoekonomi.
Ny studie på Sahlgrenska tillsammans med Johanna Göteborg
Nytt i forskningen om bröstrekonstruktion vid cancer, Cancerfonden
Forskaren som vill att kvinnor ska få bestämma mer om sina nya bröst, Cancerfonden
Tio miljoner till studie om återskapande av bröst
Så vanliga är bröstimplantat bland svenska kvinnor i åldern 40-75 år
Läs en artikel om Emma Hansson och hennes forskargrupp i Sahlgrenskaliv
Senior clinical investigator award, Cancerfonden, 2021
Pris till yngre framgångsrik klinisk forskare inom Region Skåne, 2013
Ordförande Svensk Plastikkirurgisk Förening 2018-2022, Vice ordförande 2015-2018, Övrig ledamot 2012-2015
Ledamot utbildningskommittén för plastikkirurgi, 2011-2024
SPUR-samordnare för plastikkirurgi, 2013-2021
ST-studierektor för plastikkirurgi, 2015-2024
Translation and validation of the Swedish version of the Appearance Schemas Inventory-Revised and investigation of the modified three subscale structure in patients undergoing breast
Linn Weick, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2024 -
Gothenburg Breast reconstruction (GoBreast) II protocol: a Swedish partially randomised patient preference, superiority trial comparing autologous and implant-based breast
Emma Hansson, Jonas Löfstrand, Camilla Larsson, Alexandra Uusimaki, Karolina Svensson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mikael Svensson, Anna Paganini
BMJ open - 2024 -
Timing and type of breast reconstruction in SweBRO 3: long-term
Rojda Gümüscü, Fredrik Wärnberg, Jana de Boniface, Malin Sund, Kristina Åhsberg, Emma Hansson, Folke Folkvaljon, Dmytro Unukovych, Maria Mani
British Journal of Surgery - 2024 -
'Normal’ breast dimensions in obese women – reference values and the effect of weight
Jonas Ockell, Christina Biörserud, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Anna Elander, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery - 2024 -
Women’s experiences of health care providers when choosing flat closure after breast cancer: an interview
Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson, Linda Myrin-Westesson, Emma Hansson, Anna Paganini
European Journal of Oncology Nursing - 2024 -
Critical appraisal of the “one-day-per-percent” rule - A register-based observational
Ragnvald Ljones Brekke, Stian Almeland, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Anne Berit Guttormsen, Emma Hansson, Henning Onarheim
Burns - 2024 -
Ethical Challenges for Plastic Surgery in Treating Internationally Adopted Children With Cleft Lip and
Johnna Sahlsten Schölin, Emma Hansson, Sara Rizell, Jenny Lindberg, Lars Sandman
The Journal of craniofacial surgery - 2024 -
Breast volume in non-obese females is related to breast adipose cell hypertrophy, inflammation, and COX2
Silvia Gogg, Annika Nerstedt, Ulf Smith, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2024 -
A systematic review of randomised controlled trials in breast
Emma Hansson, Camilla Larsson, Alexandra Uusimäki, Karolina Svensson, Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Anna Paganini
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2024 -
What constitutes breast-related quality of life? A comparison of normative scores of two BREAST-Q
Anna Paganini, Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Christian Jepsen, Emma Hansson
European journal of plastic surgery - 2024 -
Women's decision process when actively choosing to 'go flat' after breast cancer: a constructivist grounded theory
Anna Paganini, Linda Myrin-Westesson, Emma Hansson, Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson
BMC women's health - 2024 -
National long-term patient-reported outcomes following mastectomy with or without breast reconstruction: The Swedish Breast Reconstruction Outcome Study Part 2 (SweBRO
Rojda Gümüscü, Dmytro Unukovych, Fredrik Wärnberg, Jana de Boniface, Malin Sund, Kristina Åhsberg, Emma Hansson, Folke Folkvaljon, Maria Mani
BJS Open - 2024 -
Systematic review of cost-effectiveness in breast reconstruction: deep inferior epigastric perforator flap vs. implant-based breast
Emma Hansson, Fredrik Brorson , Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Elander, Mikael Svensson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2024 -
Long-term patient-reported back and shoulder function after delayed breast reconstruction with a latissimus dorsi flap: case-control cohort
Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Paganini, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Mattias Lidén, Emma Hansson
The British journal of surgery - 2024 -
Swedish Normative Scores for the BREAST-Q Reduction/Mastopexy
Salma Tunå Butt , Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Susanne Meyer , Emma Hansson
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - 2023 -
Prevalence of women with breast implants in Sweden: a study based on the population-based mammography screening
Emma Hansson, Sarah Zaya, Susanne Meyer, Alexa Freiin von Wrangel, Fredrik Wärnberg, Sophia Zackrisson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2023 -
Comparison of patient-reported achievements of goals and core outcomes with delayed breast reconstruction in irradiated patients: latissimus dorsi with an implant versus
Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Paganini, Mattias Lidén, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2023 -
Normative BREAST-Q reconstruction scores for satisfaction and well-being of the breasts and potential donor sites: what are Swedish women of the general population satisfied/dissatisfied
Christian Jepsen, Anna Paganini, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2023 -
Donor site satisfaction of DIEP and latissimus dorsi flaps - a comparative cohort
Jonas Löfstrand, Anna Paganini, Mattias Lidén, Emma Hansson
Journal of reconstructive microsurgery - 2023 -
Agreement of clinical assessment of burn size and burn depth between referring hospitals and burn centres: A systematic
Ragnvald Ljones Brekke , Stian Almeland , Karl Ove Hufthammer , Emma Hansson
Burns - 2023 -
The effect of implant loss after immediate breast reconstruction on patient satisfaction with outcome and quality of life after five years - a case-control
Linn Weick, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2023 -
A systematic review of the scientific evidence of venous supercharging in autologous breast reconstruction with abdominally based
Emma Hansson, Venkat Ramakrishnan, Mary Morgan
World journal of surgical oncology - 2023 -
Validation and reliability testing of the BREAST-Q expectations questionnaire in
Linn Weick, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Carolina Lunde, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2023 -
Patient experience of implant loss after immediate breast reconstruction: An interpretative phenomenological
Linn Weick, Alice Ericson, Lars Sandman, Petra Boström, Emma Hansson
Health Care for Women International - 2023 -
Patient reported outcome and quality of life after delayed breast reconstruction - An RCT comparing different reconstructive methods in radiated and non-radiated
Fredrik Brorson , Anna Elander, Andri Thorarinsson, Emma Hansson
Clinical Breast Cancer - 2022 -
Giving meaning to patient reported outcomes in breast reconstruction after mastectomy – A systematic review of available scores and suggestions for further
Linn Weick, Fredrik Brorson , Christian Jepsen, Mattias Lidén, Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Emma Hansson
Breast - 2022 -
ESPRAS Survey on Continuing Education in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in
Nicholas Moellhoff, Tine Arnez, Elias Athanasopoulos, Horacio Costa, Giorgio De Santis, Stephane De Mortillet, Cenk Demirdöver, Giovanni di Benedetto, Boro Dzonov, Anna Elander, Emma Hansson, Mark Henley, Cristian Radu Jecan, Ilkka Kaartinen, Reuf Karabeg, Andrey Kharkov, Brian Kneafsey, Smilja Tudzarova Gjorgova, Drahomir Palencar, Aurelio Portincasa, Georgios Psaras, Hinne Rakhorst, Maria Elena Ruiz Alonso, Michel Rouif, Jacques Saboye, Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo, Stephan Spendel, Nenad Stepic, Olavi Vasar, Rado Zic, Riccardo E Giunta
Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Handchirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefasse : Organ der V... - 2022 -
Are patients most satisfied with a synthetic or a biological mesh in dual-plane immediate breast reconstruction after 5 years? A randomized controlled trial comparing the two meshes in the same
Anna Paganini, S. Meyer, H. Hallberg, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - 2022 -
A systematic review of direct preference measurements in health states treated with plastic
Emma Hansson, Lars Sandman, Thomas Davidson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2022 -
Validation and reliability testing of the Breast-Q latissimus dorsi questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties in a Swedish
Lynne Kamya , Emma Hansson, Linn Weick
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2021 -
A systematic review and meta-analysis of risks and benefits with breast reduction in the public healthcare system: priorities for further
Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Susanne Bernhardsson, Maud Eriksson, Håkan Hallberg, Christian Jepsen, Lennart Jivegård, Ann Liljegren, Max Petzold, Mikael Svensson, Fredrik Wärnberg, Emma Hansson
BMC Surgery - 2021 -
ESPRAS Survey on Breast Reconstruction in
Riccardo E Giunta, Emma Hansson, Carolina Andresen, Elias Athanasopoulos, Giovanni di Benedetto, Aleksandra Bozovic Celebic, Robert Caulfield, Horacio Costa, Cenk Demirdöver, Alexandru Georgescu, Thierry van Hemelryck, Mark Henley, Elisabeth A Kappos, Reuf Karabeg, Ulla Karhunen-Enckell, Christian Korvald, Stephane de Mortillet, Dylan J Murray, Drahomír Palenčár, Andrzej Piatkowski, Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo, Georgios Psaras, Hinne Rakhorst, Klemen Rogelj, Lisbet Rosenkrantz Hölmich, Dirk J Schaefer, Stephan Spendel, Nenad Stepic, Marc Vandevoort, Olavi Vasar, Ruth Waters, Rado Zic, Nicholas Moellhoff, Anna Elander
Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Handchirurgie : Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefasse : Organ der V... - 2021 -
First‐year complications after immediate breast reconstruction with a biological and a synthetic mesh in the same patient: A randomized controlled
Emma Hansson, Ann-Chatrin Edvinsson, Anna Elander, Lars Kölby, Håkan Hallberg
World Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2021 -
Effectiveness and safety of breast reduction surgery, compared with no surgery, in women with symptomatic breast
Emma Hansson, Maud Eriksson , Håkan Hallberg, Christian Jepsen , Lennart Jivegård, Ann Liljegren, Max Petzold, Mikael Svensson, Emmelie Widmark Jensen, Fredrik Wärnberg, Susanne Bernhardsson
2021 -
Tydliggör »adekvat kompetens« i nya lagen om estetiska
Emma Hansson, Anna Elander, Titti Mattsson
Läkartidningen - 2021 -
Early complications in delayed breast reconstruction: A prospective, randomized study comparing different reconstructive methods in radiated and non-radiated
Fredrik Brorson , Andri Thorarinsson, Lars Kölby, Anna Elander, Emma Hansson
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2020 -
The Cellular Architectures of
Ann Nozohoor Ekmark, Diane Grelaud, Emma Hansson, Henry Svensson, Einar Arnbjörnsson, David Gisselsson
Pediatric and Developmental Pathology - 2020 -
Drain secretion and seroma formation after immediate breast reconstruction with a biological and a synthetic mesh, respectively: A randomized controlled
Emma Hansson, Ann-Chatrin Edvinsson, Håkan Hallberg
The Breast Journal - 2020 -
An ethics analysis of the rationale for publicly funded plastic
Lars Sandman, Emma Hansson
BMC Medical Ethics - 2020 -
Comparison of inflammatory response and synovial metaplasia in immediate breast reconstruction with a synthetic and a biological mesh: a randomized controlled clinical
Emma Hansson, Pawel Burian, Håkan Hallberg
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2020 -
The effect of microsurgical training on novice medical students’ basic surgical skills—a randomized controlled
Stian Almeland, Andrew Lindford, Henriette Sundhagen, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Eivind Strandenes, Henrik Svendsen, Anne Berit Guttormsen, Emma Hansson
European journal of plastic surgery - 2020 -
Should immediate breast reconstruction be performed in the setting of radiotherapy? An ethical
Emma Hansson, Anna Elander, Håkan Hallberg, Lars Sandman
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2020 -
A biological or a synthetic mesh in immediate breast reconstruction? A cohort-study of long-term Health related Quality of Life
Håkan Hallberg, Anna Elander, Lars Kölby, Emma Hansson
European Journal of Surgical Oncology - 2019 -
Prospective Evaluation of Health After Breast Reduction Surgery Using the Breast-Q, Short-Form 36, Breast-Related Symptoms Questionnaire, and Modified Breast Evaluation
Richard Lewin, Mattias Lidén, Jonas Lundberg, Emma Hansson, Gennaro Selvaggi, Andri Thorarinsson, Anna Elander
Annals of plastic surgery - 2019 -
Complications, patient-reported outcomes, and aesthetic results in immediate breast reconstruction with a dermal sling: A systematic review and
Christian Jepsen, Håkan Hallberg, Aldina Pivodic, Anna Elander, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS - 2019 -
Kvalitetsindikatorer bör granskas
Emma Hansson, Anna Elander, Lars Sandman
Dagens medicin - 2019 -
Lagförslag kan bana väg för en efterfrågestyrd
Lars Sandman, Erik Gustavsson, Emma Hansson
Läkartidningen - 2019 -
Writing for the medical
Emma Hansson, Carolin Freccero
2019 -
Breast reconstruction with a dermal sling: a systematic review of surgical
Emma Hansson, Christian Jepsen
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2019 -
Complications, long-term outcome and quality of life following Surgisis® and muscle-covered implants in immediate breast reconstruction: a case-control study with a 6-year
Håkan Hallberg, Richard Lewin, Madiha Bhatti Söfteland, Emmelie Widmark-Jensen, Ulrika Kogler, Jonas Lundberg, Emma Hansson
European Journal of Plastic Surgery - 2019 -
In search of a single standardised system for reporting complications in craniofacial surgery: a comparison of three different
Anna Paganini, Madiha Bhatti Söfteland, Sara Fischer, David Kölby, Emma Hansson, Justine O'Hara , Giovanni Maltese, Peter Tarnow, Lars Kölby
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2019 -
TIGR (R) matrix surgical mesh - a two-year follow-up study and complication analysis in 65 immediate breast
Håkan Hallberg, Richard Lewin, Anna Elander, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2018 -
Objective evaluation of nipple position after 336 breast
Richard Lewin, Emmelie Widmark-Jensen, Nikolina Plate, Emma Hansson
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2018 -
Immediate breast reconstruction with a wise pattern mastectomy and NAC-sparing McKissock vertical bipedicle dermal
Richard Lewin, Christian Jepsen, Håkan Hallberg, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS - 2018 -
Development and validation of a new assessment tool for suturing skills in medical
Henriette Pisani Sundhagen, Stian Kreken Almeland, Emma Hansson
European journal of plastic surgery - 2018 -
Benefits and risks with acellular dermal matrix (ADM) and mesh support in immediate breast reconstruction: a systematic review and
Håkan Hallberg, Svanheidur Rafnsdottir, Gennaro Selvaggi, Annika Strandell, Ola Samuelsson, Ida Stadig, Therese Svanberg, Emma Hansson, Richard Lewin
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery - 2018 -
Liposuction Gives Complete Reduction of Arm Lymphedema following Breast Cancer Treatment-A 5-year Prospective Study in 105 Patients without
Mattias Hoffner, Karin Ohlin, Barbro Svensson, Jonas Manjer, Emma Hansson, Thomas Troëng, Håkan Brorson
Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open - 2018 -
A core undergraduate curriculum in plastic surgery - a Delphi consensus study in
Stian K Almeland, Andrew Lindford, Jais Oliver Berg, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2018 -
A systematic review of risks and benefits with
Camilla Morken Kristoffersen, Håvard Seland, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2017 -
Patient-reported long-term outcome after primary hypospadias
Ann Nozohoor Ekmark, Einar Arnbjörnsson, Henry Svensson, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2017 -
SF-36 Shows Increased Quality of Life Following Complete Reduction of Postmastectomy Lymphedema with
Mattias Hoffner, Shirin Bagheri, Emma Hansson, Jonas Manjer, Thomas Troëng, Håkan Brorson
Lymphatic research and biology - 2017 -
Plastic surgery in the Norwegian undergraduate medical curriculum: students' knowledge and attitudes. A nationwide case-control
Stian K Almeland, Anne Berit Guttormsen, Louis de Weerd, Håvard B Nordgaard, Carolin Freccero, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery - 2017 -
Vascular lesions, part 2: Treatment, complications and associated
Emma Hansson, Agneta Troilius Rubin, Carolin Freccero
Lakartidningen - 2015 -
Failed hypospadias repair: An algorithm for secondary reconstruction using remaining local
Ann Nozohoor Ekmark, Henry Svensson, Einar Arnbjörnsson, Emma Hansson
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS - 2015 -
Plasticien : parlez-vous franglais ? Étude sur les emprunts à l'anglais en chirurgie
Emma Hansson, Elisabeth Tegelberg
Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique - 2014