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- Erik Elldér
Erik Elldér
Avdelningen för kulturgeografiOm Erik Elldér
Jag är docent och lektor i kulturgeografi. Min forskning fokuserar mobilitet, geografisk tillgänglighet och vardagens tidsanvändning, främst i relation till olika hållbarhets-, planerings- och välfärdsfrågor. För närvarande är jag involverad i två större forskningsprojekt:
- Urban proximity: to what and for whom? The long-term development and social distribution of sustainable accessibility in selected Swedish urban regions (Formas: Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development)
- Ageing times. Understanding generational changes in elderly’s use of time and space with implications for health and wellbeing. med Bertil Vilhelmson och Eva Thulin (Forte: Swedish Research Council for Health,Working Life and Welfare)
Nyligen avslutade forskningsprojekt:
- The changing acceptance and practice of telework. Analyzing the expansion of flexible work in Sweden 2005 - 2014. (Forte: Swedish Research Council for Health,Working Life and Welfare).
- How does urban densification lead to energy-efficient daily travel? med Katarina Haugen, Bertil Vilhelmson och Anders Larsson (Swedish Energy Agency).
På andra webbplatser
- Mobilitet
- Resvanor
- Geografisk tillgänglighet
- Vardagens tidsanvändning
- GIS och kvantitativa metoder
- Kvantitativa metoder och statistik
- Mobilitets- och transportgeografi
Themes of togetherness. Examining space sharing sociality among older
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
Presentation at the NASSW/FORSA 2024 Conference, Gothenburg, June 17-19, 2024 - 2024 -
Exploring socio-economic inequalities in access to the 15-minute city across 200 Swedish built-up
Erik Elldér
Journal of Transport Geography - 2024 -
The 15-minute city dilemma? Balancing local accessibility and gentrification in Gothenburg,
Erik Elldér
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2024 -
Correlates of perceived accessibility across transport modes and trip purposes: Insights from a Swedish
Evangelos Vafeiadis, Erik Elldér
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice - 2024 -
Built environment and the evolution of the “15-minute city”: A 25-year longitudinal study of 200 Swedish
Erik Elldér
Cities - 2024 -
The 15-minute city in Sweden: exploring local accessibility, built environments, gentrification, and socio-spatial inequalities in the 200 largest Swedish
Erik Elldér
Nordic geographers meeting 24th - 27th of June 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2024 -
When is Perceived Accessibility Over- or Underestimated by Accessibility
Evangelos Vafeiadis, Erik Elldér
Findings - 2024 -
Is a car necessary for active aging? Relationships between aging, car use, and time spent on activities that sustain health and
Erik Elldér, Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives - 2023 -
Are bicycle streets cyclist-friendly? Micro-environmental factors for improving perceived safety when cycling in mixed
Sara Rivera Olsson, Erik Elldér
Accident Analysis and Prevention - 2023 -
Factors influencing experienced accessibility for different modes and trip
Evangelos Vafeiadis, Erik Elldér
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference, August 29 to September 1 2023, London - 2023 -
Chrono urbanism beyond the metropolis? Exploring the 15-minute in 100 Swedish cities over 25
Erik Elldér
9th EUGEO Congress, September 4th -7th 2023, Barcelona - 2023 -
Movers and Stayers: A Study of Emigration from Sweden
Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Yitchak Haberfeld, Erik Elldér
European Journal of Population - 2022 -
Time change in the distribution of physical activity and its correlates among retired older Swedish adults: a repeated cross-sectional study from a national
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
BMC Public Health - 2022 -
Active travel and telework in Sweden: Teleworkers walk more, but cycle
Erik Elldér
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2022 -
Exploring the potential for sustainable accessibility across settlement types. A Swedish
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér, Evangelos Vafeiadis, Carey Curtis, Albert Steiner
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - 2022 -
Is ageing becoming more active? Exploring cohort-wise changes in everyday time use among the older population in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
European Journal of Ageing - 2022 -
When local access matters: A detailed analysis of place, neighbourhood amenities and travel
Erik Elldér, Katarina Haugen, Bertil Vilhelmson
Urban Studies - 2022 -
Vardagens rörlighet i förändring. Hållbara resvanor, omgivningsstruktur
och distansarbete i
Erik Elldér
Forskarkonferens Storstad och periferi efter pandemin, 10–12 oktober 2022, Högbo Bruk, Sverige - 2022 -
Fading togetherness? Exploring generational changes in shared time use among the older population in
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics - 2022 -
Does telework lead to more walking and cycling? Analyzing the associations between telework and active travel in
Erik Elldér
NECTAR Cluster 4 Workshop: Teleworking, commuting and the housing market in the post COVID19 era, March 17-18, Marne-la-Vallée, France - 2022 -
Realizing proximity in times of deregulation and densification: Evaluating urban change from a welfare regime
Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
Journal of Transport Geography - 2021 -
Stayers and Movers: A study on emigration from Sweden
Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Yitchak Haberfeld, Erik Elldér
2021 -
A multi-modal, multi-activity, multi-scalar analysis for sustainable accessibility
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér, Evangelos Vafeiadis, Carey Curtis, Albert Steiner
World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research 2021, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 9-13, 2021 - 2021 -
Selectivity in emigration: the case of migration from
Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Yitchak Haberfeld, Erik Elldér
ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021 University of Turku, Finland June 2-4 2021 - 2021 -
Is ageing becoming more active? Cohort-wise changes in everyday time use among the older population in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
Presentation at International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) 43rd Annual Conference, Barcelona, 26-29 Oct. 2021 - 2021 -
What Kind of Compact Development Makes People Drive Less? The “Ds of the Built Environment” versus Neighborhood
Erik Elldér
Journal of Planning Education and Research - 2020 -
Telework and daily travel: New evidence from
Erik Elldér
Journal of Transport Geography - 2020 -
Migration across developed countries: German immigrants in Sweden and the
Y. Haberfeld, Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
International Migration - 2020 -
To travel, or not to travel? Telecommuting, teleshopping, and avoiding the need
Erik Elldér
Handbook of Sustainable Transport - 2020 -
Selectivity and internal migration: A study of refugees’ dispersal policy in
Yitchak Haberfeld, Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
Frontiers in Sociology - 2019 -
Who is Eligible for Telework? Exploring the Fast-Growing Acceptance of and Ability to Telework in Sweden, 2005–2006 to
Erik Elldér
Social Sciences - 2019 -
Public Transport Accessibility Tools Matter: A case study of Gothenburg,
Carey Curtis, Erik Elldér, Jan Scheurer
Case Studies on Transport Policy - 2019 -
Usability of Accessibility Instruments in Regional Planning: The Case of Labour Markets and Daily Commuting in the Food Sector in Västra Götaland,
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér, Bertil Vilhelmson
Cecilia Silva, Nuno Pinto, Luca Bertolini Eds. (2019) Designing Accessibility Instruments. Lessons on Their Usability for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Practices, 1st Edition. - 2019 -
Self-Selection and Host Country Context in the Economic Assimilation of Political Refugees in the United States, Sweden, and
Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Yitchak Haberfeld, Erik Elldér
International Migration Review - 2018 -
What did we do when the Internet wasn’t around? Variation in free-time activities among three young-adult cohorts from 1990/1991, 2000/2001, and
Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér, Eva Thulin
New Media and Society - 2018 -
Supply-side and demand-side planning for public transport – is there scope for fruitful
Jan Scheurer, Erik Elldér, Carey Curtis, Allison Barr
AESOP Annual Congress, July 10-14 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden - 2018 -
When does urban densification encourage proximity-oriented mobility
Katarina Haugen, Erik Elldér, Bertil Vilhelmson
AESOP Annual Congress, July 10-14 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden - 2018 -
Leder förtätning till ett minskat
Erik Elldér
Plan - 2018 -
Proximity changes to what and for whom? Investigating sustainable accessibility change in the Gothenburg city region
Erik Elldér, Anders Larsson, Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - 2018 -
Where does time spent on the internet come from? Tracing the influence of information and communications technology use on daily
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
Information, Communication and Society - 2017 -
Självselektion och mottagningskontext: en studie av tyska invandrares ekonomiska integrering i Sverige och
Yitchak Haberfeld, Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
2017 -
Economic assimilation of immigrants arriving from highly developed countries: The case of German immigrants in Sweden and the
Yitchak Haberfeld, Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
2017 -
When are local amenities enough? Sustainable travel and trade-offs between local and regional
Erik Elldér
Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm, June 18th–21st 2017 - 2017 -
Does telework weaken urban structure-travel
Erik Elldér
Journal of Transport and Land Use - 2017 -
Selectivity and internal migration: A study of refugees’ dispersal policy in
Debora Pricila Birgier, Yitchak Haberfeld, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
18th Nordic Migration Conference – “Migration and social inequality: Global perspectives – new boundaries”. 11-12 August 2016 Oslo, Norway - 2016 -
Selectivity and internal migration: A study of refugees’ dispersal policy in
Debora Pricila Birgier, Yitchak Haberfeld, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
ISA- RC 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility- “Economic inequalities, deprivation, and poverty.” 29-31 August, Bern - 2016 -
Economic assimilation of immigrants arriving from highly developed countries: The case of German immigrants in Sweden and the
Yitchak Haberfeld, Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Erik Elldér
Paper presented to the IFAU seminar, Uppsala, 9 Nov. 2016 - 2016 -
Changes in young people’s use of time and space due to increased virtual
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
2nd International Time-Geography Conference, Linköping, September 21-24, 2016 - 2016 -
The changing role and importance of the built environment for daily travel in
Erik Elldér
2015 -
Self-selection and economic assimilation of immigrants from Argentina and Chile to the US, Sweden and Israel,
Debora Pricila Birgier, Christer Lundh, Yitchak Haberfeld, Erik Elldér
RC 28, Social Inequality, Cohesion and Solidarity" 28-30 May, Tilburg - 2015 -
Is there such a thing as an intra-regional brain drain? A study of firm closure and individual’s movement in the manufacturing sector in Region Västra
Anders Larsson, Martin Henning, Erik Elldér
5:th NoRSA Conference, 15-6 January, Grimstad, Norway - 2015 -
Leder distansarbete till försvagade samband mellan bebyggelsestruktur och resor i
Erik Elldér
Nationell konferens i transportforskning, Karlstad, 21 oktober 2015 - 2015 -
Accessibility Atlas to Analyse Regional Acessibility to Labour in the Food
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér, Bertil Vilhelmson
COST Action TU1002 – Assessing Usability of Accessibility Instruments - 2014 -
Commuting choices and residential built environments in Sweden, 1990–2010: a multilevel
Erik Elldér
Urban Geography - 2014 -
Does telework weaken urban structure-travel
Erik Elldér
NECTAR Cluster 4 Commuting, Migration, Housing and Labour Market Meeting, June 12-13, 2014, Sigtuna - 2014 -
Accessibility Tool for Road and Public Transport Travel Time Analysis in Västra
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér
COST Action TU1002: Collecting accessibility instruments and improving their usability for planning practices (http://www.accessibilityplanning.eu/) - 2014 -
Tillgänglighet, mobilitet och IT baserade tillgänglighetsverktyg för
Residential location and daily travel distances: the influence of trip
Erik Elldér
Journal of Transport Geography - 2014 -
Learning Benefits of Using 2D Versus 3D Maps: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled
Thomas Niedomsyl, Erik Elldér, Anders Larsson, Mikael Thelin, Bodil Jansund
Journal of geography - 2013 -
Trends in the Relative Significance of Residential Location and Individual Characteristics on the Distance Between Home and Work in Sweden 1990 - 2010: A Multilevel Modelling
Erik Elldér
Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 9 to April 13, 2013 - 2013 -
Learning benefits of using 2D versus 3D maps: evidence from a randomized controlled
Erik Elldér, Bodil Jansund, Anders Larsson, Thomas Niedomysl, Mikael Thelin
Association of American Geographers, Annual Conference, New York, USA, Feb 25-29, 2012 - 2012 -
Featured graphic: Spatial inequality and workplace accessibility: the case of a major hospital in Göteborg,
Erik Elldér, Ana Gil Sola, Anders Larsson
Environment and Planning A - 2012 -
Analysverktyg för tillgänglighetsberäkning med bil och kollektivtrafik i Västra Götaland.
Anders Larsson, Ulf Ernstson, Erik Elldér, Urban Fransson
2012 -
Workplace accessibility and spatial inequality: The case of Östra Sjukhuset,
Erik Elldér, Ana Gil Sola, Anders Larsson
Nordic Geographers Meeting, 24-27 May 2011, Roskilde, Denmark - 2011 -
The impact of accessibility on the spatial location of housing and jobs: A GIS-based approach with evidence from Swedish labor market region
Erik Elldér
17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Athens, 2th-5th September 2011 - 2011 -
The impact of accessibility on the spatial form of functional urban
Erik Elldér
24th ERSA Summer School 2011: Modelling Cities and Urban Dynamics, 2011, 4 – 13 July, University of Luxembourg - 2011 -
Improving Regional Transport Accessibility Planning: A GIS-based methodology based on micro-level register
Anders Larsson, Erik Elldér
Paper presented at the Regional Studies International Conference, 18-20 April 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. - 2011 -
Tillgänglighetsatlas över Västra
Anders Larsson, Ulf Ernstson, Erik Elldér, Urban Fransson
2011 -
Visualizing Transport Flows. A GIS based