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- Gunilla Krantz
Gunilla Krantz
Avd för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsaOm Gunilla Krantz
Gunilla Krantz är anställd som professor i folkhälsovetenskap vid Institutionen för Medicin, avdelningen för Samhällsmedicin och Folkhälsa/socialmedicin och epidemiologi sektionen samt som överläkare i primärvården, knuten till Kompetenscentrum om våld i nära relationer samt folkhälsokommitténs sekretariat. Jag är läkare med specialistkompetens i allmän medicin samt socialmedicin (Uppsala universitet) och har även en masterexamen i folkhälsovetenskap. Jag har varit anställd vid Centre for Health Equity Studies vid Stockholms universitet/Karolinska Institutet under åren 2002-06 och där arbetat med ojämlikhet i hälsa. Min docentur har jag från Karolinska Institutet, 2006 och jag blev professor år 2011 vid Göteborgs universitet.
Forskning Mina aktuella forskningsprojekt handlar främst om våld i nära relationer, mäns våld mot kvinnor men även kvinnors våld emot män. Jag har globala perspektiv i denna forskning och har genomfört studier i Vietnam, Pakistan, Rwanda och Sverige inom våldsområdet och i Pakistan även i fältet sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa.
Två studier pågår i Rwanda, i samarbete med University of Rwanda, med tre doktorander från Rwanda, där jag är huvudhandledare. Det ena projektet är en populationsbaserad epidemiologisk studie som fokuserar på våld i nära relationer, män och kvinnor inkluderade, och det andra projektet undersöker folkmordet som skedde 1994, dess långsiktiga psykiska hälsokonsekvenser samt barriärer till vård för psykisk ohälsa. Den andra studien fokuserar på mödrahälsa där det övergripande syftet är att minska mödradöd och komplikationer genom att göra graviditet och förlossning säkrare. Fyra doktorander från University of Rwanda är engagerade i detta projekt. Alla faser av graviditeten undersöks, från förebyggande mödravård till förlossningen, det normala förloppet samt komplikationer och den postnatala perioden. Kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder används. Forskningen finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet resp. Sida. Dessa projekt avslutas under 2016 respektive 2018.
I ett annat pågående projekt undersöks longitudinellt unga kvinnors psykiska hälsa i Sverige, dess utveckling över tid i olika ålderskohorter. Viktiga frågeställningar är vilka riskfaktorer som finns och en sådan som vi lägger särskild vikt vid är upplevelser av våld från make/partner eller annan person. Endoktorand arbetar i projektet som beräknas avslutas under 2018.
Ytterligare en studie med en doktorand, fokuserar på sjukvårdskonsumtion och relaterade kostnader för män och kvinnor i Sverige. Projektet pågår till 2018. Våra tidigare studier i Vietnam, Pakistan och Sverige i partnervåld, dess riskfaktorer och hälsoeffekter bjuder på intressanta jämförelser.
Undervisning Jag undervisar inom flera områden i ämnet Global Hälsa och Folkhälsvetenskap och har gjort så sedan 1994. Jag ansvarar för ett 2-årigt mastersprogram i Folkhälsovetenskap med hälsoekonomi samt har i samarbete med andra fakulteter utvecklat ett mastersprogram i Global Hälsa som ska starta ht-16, båda programmen har internationell antagning. Jag har utvecklat en kurs i Global hälsa som ges för läkarstudenter samt mastersstudenter i folkhälsoventenskap. Mina specialområden är mäns och kvinnors hälsoutveckling utifrån genusperspektiv, partnervåld och mental ohälsa, våld i kris- och konfliktsituationer, global hälsans principer innehållande bland annat global burden of disease, epidemiologisk transition, ojämlikhet i hälsa. Handleder studenter på mastersnivå.
English Gunilla Krantz is employed as professor in Public Health Science at the Institute of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and Public Health/Epidemiology and Social Medicine Section and also chief medical officer at the Primary Health Care in the West Region. I am a physician, specialized in general medicine and social medicine (Uppsala University) and I also hold a Master's degree in Public Health Science. I have been employed at the Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University / Karolinska Institutet during the years 2002-06 to do research in the field of health inequalities. My professorship is from Karolinska Institutet and I was appointed professor in 2011 at the University of Gothenburg.
Research My current research is focused on domestic violence, violence against women, but also women's violence against men, with global perspectives. I have conducted studies in Vietnam, Pakistan, Rwanda and Sweden in the field of violence; in Pakistan and also in the field of sexual and reproductive health.
Two studies proceed in Rwanda, in collaboration with the University of Rwanda, with three doctoral candidates from Rwanda under my supervision. One of the projects is a population-based, epidemiological study that focuses on domestic violence, men and women included, and the second project explores the genocide that took place in 1994, its long-term mental health consequences as well as barriers to treatment and care for common mental disorders. The second study focuses on maternal health where the overall objective is to reduce maternal mortality and pregnancy complications by making pregnancy and childbirth safer. Four doctoral candidates from the University of Rwanda are registered at our university to work in this project. All phases of pregnancy are examined, from preventive prenatal care to childbirth, the normal course of events and possible complications including the postnatal period. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used. The research is funded by The Swedish Research Council and Sida respectively. These projects are planned to be completed during 2016 and 2018 respectively.
Another ongoing project examine longitudinally, young women's mental health in Sweden, its development over time in different age cohorts. Important research questions are how risk factors have evolved over time with special emphasis on the experiences of violence perpetrated by the husband /partner. A doctoral candidate is engaged in this project, planned to be finalized in 2018.
A further study is focused on health care utilization and related costs for men and women in Sweden. The project runs until 2018. Our previous studies in Vietnam, Pakistan and Sweden in partner violence, its risk factors and health effects, offers interesting comparisons.
Education I teach in several areas within the field of Global Health and Public Health Science and have done so since 1994. I am responsible for a 2-year Master's program in Public Health with Health Economics at our department and in collaboration with other faculties I have developed a master's program in Global Health planned to start in the autumn 2016. Both programs have international admissions. I have developed a course on global health given for medical students and masters students in public health. My teaching embraces specifically men's and women's health development based on gender perspectives, partner violence and mental illness, violence in crisis and conflict, principles of Global Health including topics such as Global Burden of Disease, the epidemiological transition, health inequalities. I regularly supervise students at Masters level.
Health care utilization, mental disorders and
behavioural disorders among perpetrators of
intimate partner homicide in 2000–2016: A
registry-based case-control study
Solveig Lövestad, Karin Örmon, Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Women's exposure to intimate partner violence and its association with child stunting: findings from a population-based study in rural
Jean Nepo Utumatwishima, Ingrid Mogren, Kristina Elfving, Aline Umubyeyi, Ali Mansourian, Gunilla Krantz
Bereaved by Intimate Partner Homicide: Consequences and Experiences of
Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Solveig Lövestad, Karin Örmon
Sage Open - 2024 -
How do household living conditions and gender-related decision-making influence child stunting in Rwanda? A population-based
Jean Nepo Utumatwishima, Ingrid Mogren, Aline Umubyeyi, Ali Mansourian, Gunilla Krantz
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
The killing and thereafter: intimate partner homicide in a process perspective, part
Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Solveig Lövestad, Karin Örmon
Journal of Gender-Based Violence - 2022 -
Dödligt våld i nära relationer: Ett pågående
Monika Larsson, Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Karin Örmon, Solveig Lövestad
2022 -
Socio-demographic and psychosocial characteristics of male and female perpetrators in intimate partner homicide: A case-control study from Region Västra Götaland,
Linnea Carlsson, H. Lysell, Viveka Enander, K. Örmon, Solveig Lövestad, Gunilla Krantz
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
Before the killing: Intimate partner homicides in a process perspective, part
Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Henrik Lysell, Karin Örmon
Journal of Gender-Based Violence - 2021 -
Intimate partner violence, associations with perceived need for help and health care utilization: a population-based sample of women in
Solveig Lövestad, M. Vaez, Jesper Löve, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2021 -
A qualitative study of healthcare professionals' perceptions of men and women's mental healthcare seeking in
Lawrence Rugema, M. Persson, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Journal of Community Psychology - 2020 -
"Not taken seriously"-A qualitative interview study of postpartum Rwandan women who have experienced pregnancy-related
J. P. S. Semasaka, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, C. Munyanshongore, K. Edvardsson, I. Mogren
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Incremental cost and health gains of the 2016 WHO antenatal care recommendations for Rwanda: results from expert
R. Hitimana, L. Lindholm, I. Mogren, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, J. P. S. Sengoma, A. M. Pulkki-Brannstrom
Health Research Policy and Systems - 2019 -
Suicidal ideation and attempts in population-based samples of women: temporal changes between 1989 and
Solveig Lövestad, Jesper Löve, Marjan Vaez, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz
BMC public health - 2019 -
Intimate partner homicides in a process
Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Henrik Lysell, Karin Örmon
3rd European Conference on Domestic Violence. Oslo 2-4 september 2019 - 2019 -
Patients' perceptions and factors affecting dialysis modality
Ingrid Osika Friberg, Lena Mårtensson, Börje Haraldsson, Gunilla Krantz, S. Maatta, K. Jarbrink
Peritoneal Dialysis International - 2018 -
Health-related quality of life determinants among Rwandan women after delivery: does antenatal care utilization matter? A cross-sectional
R. Hitimana, L. Lindholm, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, J. Condo, J. P. S. Sengoma, A. M. Pulkki-Brannstrom
Journal of Health Population and Nutrition - 2018 -
Quality of antenatal care services in Rwanda: Assessing practices of health care providers 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health
Akashi Andrew Rurangirwa, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, K. Govender, Gunilla Krantz
Bmc Health Services Research - 2018 -
Intimate partner homicide in West Sweden
Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz, Henrik Lysell, Karin Örmon
Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens: Stockholm - 2018 -
Cost of antenatal care for the health sector and for households in
R. Hitimana, L. Lindholm, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, A. M. Pulkki-Brännström
BMC Health Services Research - 2018 -
Collaboration or renunciation? The role of traditional medicine in mental health care in Rwanda and Eastern Cape Province, South
Isabell Schierenbeck, Peter Johansson, Lena Andersson, Gunilla Krantz, Joseph Ntaganira
Global Public Health - 2018 -
Prevalence of intimate partner violence and its association with symptoms of depression; A cross-sectional study based on a female population sample in
Solveig Lövestad, Jesper Löve, Marjan Vaez, Gunilla Krantz
BMC Public Health - 2017 -
Determinants of poor utilization of antenatal care services among recently delivered women in Rwanda; a population based
Akashi Andrew Rurangirwa, I. Mogren, L. Nyirazinyoye, J. Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2017 -
Intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Rwanda, its associated risk factors and relationship to ANC services attendance: a population-based
Akashi Andrew Rurangirwa, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Bmj Open - 2017 -
Prevalence of pregnancy-related complications and course of labour of surviving women who gave birth in selected health facilities in Rwanda: a health facility-based, cross-sectional
J. P. S. Sengoma, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, C. Munyanshongore, K. Edvardsson, I. Mogren
Bmj Open - 2017 -
Self-reported pregnancy-related health problems and self-rated health status in Rwandan women postpartum: A population-based cross-sectional
J. P. S. Semasaka, Gunilla Krantz, M. Nzayirambaho, C. Munyanshongore, K. Edvardsson, I. Mogren
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2016 -
Gender Inequality Prevents Abused Women from Seeking Care Despite Protection Given in Gender-Based Violence Legislation: A Qualitative Study from
Aline Umubyeyi, M. Persson, I. Mogren, Gunilla Krantz
Plos One - 2016 -
Sex differences in health care consumption in Sweden: A register-based cross-sectional
Ingrid Osika Friberg, Gunilla Krantz, S. Maatta, Krister Järbrink
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2016 -
Theoretical Considerations on Men's Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence: An Interview-Based
Lotta Nybergh, Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz
Journal of Family Violence - 2016 -
Intimate partner homicide in West Sweden
Viveka Enander, Karin Örmon, Gunilla Krantz
Fighting Femicide Conference: Queen Mary University of London - 2015 -
"A constant struggle to receive mental health care": health care professionals' acquired experience of barriers to mental health care services in
Lawrence Rugema, Gunilla Krantz, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, M. Persson
Bmc Psychiatry - 2015 -
Traumatic episodes and mental health effects in young men and women in Rwanda, 17 years after the
Lawrence Rugema, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Bmj Open - 2015 -
Global health education in Swedish medical
S. Ehn, A. Agardh, H. Holmer, Gunilla Krantz, L. Hagander
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2015 -
Intimate partner violence and its contribution to mental disorders in men and women in the post genocide Rwanda: findings from a population based
Aline Umubyeyi, Ingrid Mogren, Joseph Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
BMC Psychiatry - 2014 -
Women are considerably more exposed to intimate partner violence than men in Rwanda: results from a population-based, cross-sectional
Aline Umubyeyi, I. Mogren, J. Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Bmc Womens Health - 2014 -
General Self-efficacy and Its Relationship to Self-reported Mental Illness and Barriers to Care: A General Population
Lena Andersson, Chrystal Dea Moore, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz, Carin Staland Nyman
Community mental health journal - 2014 -
Possibilities and Hindrances for Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence: Perceptions Among Professionals and Decision Makers in a Swedish Medium-Sized
Annika Jakobsson, Chris von Borgstede, Gunilla Krantz, Fredrik Spak, Gunnel Hensing
International journal of behavioral medicine - 2013 -
Psychometric properties of the WHO Violence Against Women instrument in a female population-based sample in Sweden: a cross-sectional
Lotta Nybergh, Charles Taft, Gunilla Krantz
Bmj Open - 2013 -
Traumatic episodes experienced during the genocide period in Rwanda influence life circumstances in young men and women 17 years
Lawrence Rugema, Ingrid Mogren, Joseph Ntaganira, Gunilla Krantz
Bmc Public Health - 2013 -
Self-reported exposure to intimate partner violence among women and men in Sweden: results from a population-based
Lotta Nybergh, Charles Taft, Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz
BMC Public Health - 2013 -
Help-seeking behaviour, barriers to care and experiences of care among persons with depression in Eastern Cape, South
Lena Andersson, Isabell Schierenbeck, Johanita Strumpher, Gunilla Krantz, Kegan Topper, Gunilla Backman, Esmeralda Ricks, Dalena van Rooyen
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2013 -
Pregnant women's perception on signs and symptoms during pregnancy and maternal health care in a rural low-resource
S. Graner, M. Klingberg-Allvin, L. Q. Duong, Gunilla Krantz, I. Mogren
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 2013 -
Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health Effects: A Population-Based Study among Married Women in Karachi,
T. S. Ali, I. Mogren, Gunilla Krantz
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine - 2013 -
Violence: Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2012. Chapter
K. Leander, M. Berlin, A. Eriksson, K. G. Gadin, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz, K. Swahnberg, M. Danielsson
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - 2012 -
Violence permeating daily life: a qualitative study investigating perspectives on violence among women in Karachi,
T. S. Ali, Gunilla Krantz, I. Mogren
International journal of women's health - 2012 -
Young adults' perceptions on life prospects and gender roles as important factors to influence health behaviour: a qualitative study from Karachi,
Syed Farid-ul Hasnain, Eva Johansson, Ingrid Mogren, Gunilla Krantz
Global journal of health science - 2012 -
Psychometric properties of the WHO Violence Against Women instrument in a male population-based sample in
Lotta Nybergh, Charles Taft, Gunilla Krantz
BMJ open - 2012 -
Men's and women's exposure and perpetration of partner violence: an epidemiological study from
Solveig Lövestad, Gunilla Krantz
BMC public health - 2012 -
Assessing Reasons for School/College Dropout Among Young Adults and Implications for Awareness about STDs and HIV/AIDS: Findings from a Population-Based Study in Karachi,
S. Farid-ul-Hasnain, Gunilla Krantz
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine - 2011 -
Gender roles and their influence on life prospects for women in urban Karachi, Pakistan: a qualitative
TS Ali, Gunilla Krantz, R Gul, N Asad, E Johansson, I Mogren
Intimate partner violence in urban Pakistan: prevalence, frequency and risk
Ali Tazeen S, Nargis Asad, Inger Mogren, Gunilla Krantz
International Journal of Women's Health - 2011 -
Associations between general self efficacy, barriers to care and self reported mental illness-a population-based
L. Andersson, Carin Staland Nyman, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz
European Journal of Public Health - 2010 -
Associations between general self efficacy, barriers to care and self-reported mental illness-a population-based
L. Andersson, Carin Staland Nyman, Gunilla Krantz
European Journal of Public Health - 2010 -
Maternal health care professionals´ perspectives on the provision and use of antenatal and delivery care: a qualitative descriptive study in rural
Sophie Graner, Inger Mogren, Le Q Duong, Gunilla Krantz, Marie Klingberg-Allvin
BMC Public Health - 2010 -
Adverse perinatal and neonatal outcomes and their determinants in rural Vietnam
Sophie Graner, Marie Klingberg-Allvin, Ho Dang Phuc, Dao Lan Huong, Gunilla Krantz, Ingrid Mogren
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology - 2010 -
Intimate partner violence against women, health effects and health care seeking in rural
Nguyen Dang Vung, Per-Olof Ostergren, Gunilla Krantz
European journal of public health - 2009 -
The panorama and outcomes of pregnancies within a well-defined population in rural Vietnam
Sophie Graner, Marie Klingberg-Allvin, Ho Dang Phuc, Gunilla Krantz, Ingrid Mogren
International journal of behavioral medicine - 2009 -
What do young adults know about the HIV/AIDS epidemic? Findings from a population based study in Karachi,
Syed Farid-ul-Hasnain, Eva Johansson, Gunilla Krantz
BMC infectious diseases - 2009 -
Childhood experiences of interparental violence as a risk factor for intimate partner violence: a population-based study from northern
N D Vung, Gunilla Krantz
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2009 -
The role of controlling behaviour in intimate partner violence and its health effects: a population based study from rural
Gunilla Krantz, Dang Vung Nguyen
BMC public health - 2009 -
Intimate partner violence against women in rural Vietnam - different socio-demographic factors are associated with different forms of violence: Need for new intervention
Nguyen Dang Vung, Per-Olof Ostergren, Gunilla Krantz
BMC Public Health - 2008 -
The role of men's controlling behaviour in intimate partner violence and its health
Gunilla Krantz, N. D. Vung, P. O. Ostergren
European Journal of Public Health - 2007 -
Violence against women in intimate relationships: Explanations and suggestions for interventions as perceived by healthcare workers, local leaders, and trusted community members in a northern district of
Robert Jonzon, Nguyen Dang Vung, Karin C. Ringsberg, Gunilla Krantz
Coping with patients with medically unexplained symptoms: work-related strategies of physicians in primary health
Karin C. Ringsberg, Gunilla Krantz
Journal of health psychology - 2006 -
Changing gender differences in musculoskeletal pain and psychological
Örjan Hemström, Gunilla Krantz, Eva Roos
Fritzell J, Lundberg O (eds). Health inequalities and welfare resources. London: Policy Press, 2006. - 2006 -
Gender differences in work-home interplay and symptom perception among Swedish white-collar
Leeni Berntsson, U Lundberg, Gunilla Krantz
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2006 -
Workload, work stress, and sickness absence in Swedish male and female white-collar
Gunilla Krantz, Ulf Lundberg
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2006 -
Symptom reporting and self-rated health among women in mid-life: the role of work characteristics and family
Christin Mellner, Gunilla Krantz, Ulf Lundberg
International journal of behavioral medicine - 2006 -
Intimate partner violence: forms, consequences and preparedness to act as perceived by healthcare staff and district and community leaders in a rural district in northern
Gunilla Krantz, T Van Phuong, V Larsson, N Thi Bich Thuan, Karin C. Ringsberg
Public health - 2005 -
Total workload, work stress and perceived symptoms in Swedish male and female white-collar
Gunilla Krantz, L. Berntsson, U. Lundberg
European Journal of Public Health - 2005 -
Medically unexplained symptoms in women as related to physiological stress
Christin Mellner, Gunilla Krantz, Ulf Lundberg
Stress and Health - 2005 -
Violence against
Gunilla Krantz, Claudia Garcia-Moreno
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2005 -
Total workload, stress and perceived symptoms in Swedish male and female white-collar
Gunilla Krantz, Leeni Berntsson, Ulf Lundberg
Medically unexplained symptoms: perceptions of physicians in primary health
Tora Woivalin, Gunilla Krantz, Taina Mäntyranta, Karin C. Ringsberg
Family practice - 2004 -
Gunilla Krantz
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2004. - 2004 -
Does it make sense in a coherent way? Determinants of sense of coherence in Swedish women 40 to 50 years of
Gunilla Krantz, Per-Olof Ostergren
International journal of behavioral medicine - 2004 -
Consistency in physiological stress responses and electromyographic activity during induced stress exposure in women and
Gunilla Krantz, Mikael Forsman, Ulf Lundberg
Integrative physiological and behavioral science : the official journal of the Pavlovian Society - 2004 -
Violence against women: a global public health
Gunilla Krantz
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2002 -
Do common symptoms in women predict long spells of sickness absence? A prospective community-based study on Swedish women 40 to 50 years of
Gunilla Krantz, Per-Olof Ostergren
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2002 -
Double exposure. The combined impact of domestic responsibilities and job strain on common symptoms in employed Swedish
Gunilla Krantz, P O Ostergren
European journal of public health - 2001 -
Common symptoms in middle aged women: their relation to employment status, psychosocial work conditions and social support in a Swedish
Gunilla Krantz, P O Ostergren
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2000 -
The association between violence victimisation and common symptoms in Swedish
Gunilla Krantz, P O Ostergren
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2000 -
Women's health: do common symptoms in women mirror general distress or specific disease
Gunilla Krantz, P O Ostergren
Scandinavian journal of public health - 1999 -
[Health developments for Scandinavian
Gunilla Krantz
Nordisk medicin - 1994