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- Khalil Helou
Khalil Helou
Avd för onkologiOm Khalil Helou
Khalil Helou disputerade i molekylärgenetik vid Göteborgs universitet år 2000. Efter en postdoc vid NIH/NCI Bethesda i USA erhöll han 2003 en forskartjänst som gruppledare vid Avdelning för onkologi vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. Genom rollen som aktiv forskare och gruppledare har han snart 20 års erfarenhet av hur man tar sig an, utvecklar och för i mål ett vetenskapligt projekt och baseras på balanserad vägledning av både mer erfarna forskare och handledning av doktorander. Kombinationen av detta vidsträckta arbete från forskningens egna utmaningar till att introducera och uppmuntra nya kollegor tillför kraft och inspiration ur både vetenskapliga och personliga aspekter.
Idag är han huvudhandledare för fyra doktorander och bihandledare för nio doktorander. Dessförinnan har han varit huvudhandledare för sex doktorander och bihandledare för femton doktorander, vilket resulterat i sex respektive femton doktorsavhandlingar. Förutom en kontinuerlig insats som föreläsare på i ett flertal olika utbildningar riktade till doktorander har han också varit kursansvarig föreläsare för doktorandkurser. Hans publikationslista innehåller mer än 114 vetenskapliga artiklar i internationella, ”peer-review” tidskrifter. Han har för gruppens resultat och fortsatta arbete erhållit nationella och internationella forskningsanslag från Eurostars via Vinnova, Cancerfonden, Kung Gustav V Jubileumskliniken Cancerforskningsstiftelsen och ALF-anslag. Utöver funktionen som granskare av nationella och internationella anslagsansökningar och tidskriftsreferent för flera internationella ”peer-reviewed” tidskrifter, är han ”Associate Editor” för flera cancerrelaterade tidskrifter.
Han har varit anlitad för uppdrag vid vetenskapliga sammanhang i form av rådgivande funktioner såsom opponent, betygsnämndledamot, universitetsanställningar och docenturkompetensbedömningar för andra forskare. För närvarande är viceprefekt för forskarutbildning vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, ordförande i rådet för forskarutbildning vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper och vice-ordförande i forskarutbildningskommittén (FUK) vid Sahlgrenska akademin. År 2019 utsågs han till akademigemensamstudierektor för forskarutbildning vid Sahlgrenska akademin. Privat är han gift och sin fru Mona har han tillsammans fyra barn, Mikael 31 år (Specialistläkare i psykiatri), Daniel 27 år (ST-läkare i internmedicin), samt Gabriella 18 år och Alexandra 15 år.
Forskningsområde: Prognostiska biomarkörer som nya behandlingsredskap mot aggressiv äggstockscancer : translationell forskning.
Forskningsmiljö: Forskningen bedrivs vid Sahlgrenska Center för cancerforskning som består av ett 20 tal olika forskagrupper (forskare, kliniker, doktorander, postdoktorer). Cancercentrum är väl utrustad med moderna gemensamma utrustningar. Djurförsök utförs vid EBM (Laboratoriet för Experimentell Biomedicin). Gruppen består av seniora forskare (Khalil Helou (genetiker), Pernilla Dahm Kähler (gynekolog), Anikó Kovács (patolog), Lars Ny (onkolog), Per Karlsson (onkolog), och Toshima Parris (molekylärbiolog)), doktorander (Lucas Werner, Hugo Swenson, Ella Ittner, Maxim Olsson, Luaay Aziz, och Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman), BMA (Prajakta Hatekar). Gruppen har omfattande samarbete med andra forskare såsom onkologer (Zakaria Einbeigi), biostatistiker (Szilard Nemes vid Astra Zeneca), statistiker (Erik Holmberg). Tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners har vi en bred kunskap och expertis inom kliniken och labbet.
Projekt: Äggstockscancer är den gynekologiska cancersjukdom som har högst dödlighet. De ofta diffusa symtomen leder till diagnos i ett sent skede. Förbättrade kunskap genom centralisering av tumörkirurgin och nyerövrad kunskap om behandlingssvar har medfört viss förbättring av överlevnaden. Fortfarande förknippas dock äggstockscancer med mycket dålig prognos. Trots att både vaksamheten över de svårvärderade symtomen liksom kunskap om tillstånd med ökad benägenhet att insjukna (t ex ärftliga tillstånd och riskfaktorer) har ökat, saknas en väletablerad screeningmetod som möjliggör diagnostik i ett tidigt skede.
Uppskattningsvis 80% av patienterna drabbas av återfall inom 5 år efter diagnos. Bland de som återinsjuknar finns kvinnor vars återfall kommer oväntat tidigt. De har ofta en starkt försämrad prognos. De idag etablerade prognostiska faktorerna vid äggstockscancer är begränsade avseende förmåga att identifiera dessa patienter, som trots uppdaterade terapeutiska riktlinjer riskerar att drabbas av ett försämrat kliniskt utfall.
Projektet avser undersöka tumörvävnad från äggstockscancer genom att kartlägga avvikelser i arvsmassan. På så sätt kan kunskap utvinnas vad gäller tumörers uppkomst och utveckling. Målsättningen är att identifiera nya biomarkörer, som tillsammans med redan utvunnen kunskap och etablerade prognostiska faktorer mer specifikt kan indela patienterna i olika riskgrupper. Då det är känt att tumörtypens utseende kan avslöja faktorer som påverkar behandlingens inriktning kan ett ytterligare bidrag vara att markörernas potential även enklare subklassificerar (indelar) tumörerna i dess respektive histologiska undergrupper. Allt sammantaget kan möjligheter öka att individer med ”högrisksjukdom” diagnosticeras i ett tidigt skede.
Pågående doktorandprojekt
- Lucas Werner
- Hugo Swenson
- Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman
- Luaay Aziz
Biträdande handledare
- Ella Ittner
- Anna Fäldt Beding
- Nishte Dello
- Anja Schroff
- Maxim Olsson
- Amalia Landén
- Amy Hardy
- Ingun Ståhl
- Hana Bakr
Disputerade doktorander
- Elin Karlsson, PhD 2010
- Szilard Nemes, PhD 2012
- Emman Shubbar, PhD 2012
- Toshima Parris, PhD 2014
- Jana Biermann, PhD 2019
- Hanna Engqvist (2020)
Biträdande handledare
- Anna Danielsson, PhD 2005
- Tatjana Adamovic, PhD 2006
- Ahmad Hamta, PhD 2006
- Emil Schuler, PhD 2015
- Nils Rudqvist, PhD 2015
- Britta Langen, PhD 2015
- Johan Spetz, PhD 2017
- Viktor Sandbloms, PhD 2019
- Malin Larsson, PhD 2021
- Jenny Nyqvist. PhD 2021
- Charlotte Andersson PhD 2022
- Axel Stenmark Tullberg PhD 2022
- Arman Romiani PhD 2023
- Peter Larsson PhD 2023
- Mikael Elvborn2023
- A novel targeted treatment against ovarian cancer Eurostars (Vinnova)
- Novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for treatment decisions in breast and ovarian cancer Swedish Cancer Society
- Novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for ovarian cancer treatment decisions Swedish Cancer Society
- Novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for ovarian cancer treatment decisions Jk Cancer Research Foundation
- Prognostiska biomarkörer som nya behandlingsredskap mot aggressiv äggstockscancer ALF-projektmedel
- Novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for ovarian cancer treatment decisions Project-linked doctoral project Sahlgrenska Academy
- Clinical significance of the Lemur Tyrosine Kinase 3 as a potential target for ovarian cancer treatment Swedish Cancer Society
Editor och reviewer uppdrag
- Editorial board member of the BMC Cancer
- Editorial board member of the Biomedicines
- Reviewer for a substantial number of scientific journals
- 114 granskade original artiklar
- 6 manuskript (2 under review)
The prognostic value of changes in Ki67 following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in residual triple-negative breast cancer: a Swedish nationwide registry-based
Jenny Nyqvist-Streng, Mikael Helou, Khalil Helou, Chaido Chamalidou, Anikó Kovács, Toshima Z Parris
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment - 2025 -
Synergistic antitumor effects of Lorlatinib and 177Lu-octreotide combination treatment in a high-risk neuroblastoma xenograft mouse
Arman Romiani, Daniella Pettersson, Klara Simonsson, Hana Bakr, Dan E. Lind, Anikó Kovács, Johan Spetz, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Therapeutics - 2024 -
Effects of recombinant α1-microglobulin on early proteomic response in risk organs after exposure to
Charlotte Ytterbrink, Emman Shubbar, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Malin Druid, Emil Schüler, Sven Erik Strand, Bo Åkerström, Magnus Gram, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2024 -
Lemur tail kinase 3 serves as a predictor of patient outcomes and a target for the treatment of ovarian
Ghassan M. Saed, Nicole M. Fletcher, Harvey Sharma, Axel Stenmark Tullberg, Ella Ittner, Toshima Z Parris, Daniella Pettersson, Aniko Kovacs, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Anna Portela, Pamela D. Garzone, Robert Morris, Khalil Helou
Multi-omics analysis identifies repurposing bortezomib in the treatment of kidney-, nervous system-, and hematological
Peter Larsson, Maxim Olsson, Sithumini Sarathchandra, Anna Fäldt Beding, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
Scientific Reports - 2024 -
Digital RNA sequencing using unique molecular identifiers enables ultrasensitive RNA mutation
Manuel Luna Santa-María, Daniel Andersson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Tobias Österlund, Anders Ståhlberg
Integrated transcriptomics- and structure-based drug repositioning identifies drugs with proteasome inhibitor
Peter Larsson, MC Rosa, Benedetta Righino, Maxim Olsson, Bogdan Iulius Florea, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
Scientific Reports - 2024 -
Comparison of 177Lu-octreotate and 177Lu-octreotide for treatment in human neuroblastoma-bearing
Arman Romiani, Klara Simonsson, Daniella Pettersson, Amin Al-awar, Nishte Rassol, Hana Bakr, Dan E. Lind, Ganesh Umapathy, Johan Spetz, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Heliyon - 2024 -
Late age- and dose-related effects on the proteome of thyroid tissue in rats after 131I
Malin Druid, Emman Shubbar, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Charlotte Ytterbrink, Evelin Berger, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Radiation - 2024 -
Repurposing proteasome inhibitors for improved treatment of triple-negative breast
Peter Larsson, Daniella Pettersson, Maxim Olsson, Sithumini Sarathchandra, Alexandra Abramsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Ella Ittner, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
Cell death discovery - 2024 -
Patient-derived scaffolds representing breast cancer microenvironments influence chemotherapy responses in adapted cancer cells consistent with clinical
Maria Carmen Leiva, Anna Gustafsson, Elena Garre, Anders Ståhlberg, Anikó Kovács, Khalil Helou, Göran Landberg
Journal of translational medicine - 2023 -
Age-related long-term response in rat thyroid tissue and plasma after internal low dose exposure to
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Pan-cancer analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data reveals the prognostic relevance of human proteasome genes in different cancer
Peter Larsson, Daniella Pettersson, Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
BMC cancer - 2022 -
Trefoil factor family proteins as potential diagnostic markers for mucinous invasive ovarian
Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Daniella Pettersson, Szilard Nemes, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou
Frontiers in oncology - 2022 -
Pan-cancer analysis identifies BIRC5 as a prognostic
Anna Fäldt Beding, Peter Larsson, Khalil Helou, Zakaria Einbeigi, Toshima Z Parris
BMC Cancer - 2022 -
Age and sex effects across the blood proteome after ionizing radiation exposure can bias biomarker screening and risk
Britta Langen, Egor Vorontsov, Johan Spetz, J. Swanpalmer, Carina Sihlbom, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Hyper-fractionation of 177Lu-octreotate increases the uptake in human GOT1 tumours in a mouse
Mikael Elvborn, Emman Shubbar, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) 47th Annual Meeting Catania, Italy 2022 - 2022 -
Prognostic Significance of BIRC5/Survivin in Breast Cancer: Results from Three Independent
Nina Oparina, Malin Erlandsson, Anna Fäldt Beding, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Per Karlsson, Zakaria Einbeigi, Maria Bokarewa
Cancers - 2021 -
Genetic alterations associated with multiple primary
Jenny Nyqvist, Anikó Kovács, Zakaria Einbeigi, Per Karlsson, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
Cancer medicine - 2021 -
Effects of rA1M on the regulation of apoptotic related genes in kidney medulla after 177Lu-octreotate injection in
Klara Simonsson, Charlotte Andersson, Emman Shubbar, Britta Langen, Bo Åkerström, Magnus Gram, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
5th European Radiation Protection Week. Book of Abstracts. Vienna, Austria, 2021, 22-25 November. - 2021 -
Long-term transcriptomic and proteomic effects in Sprague Dawley rat thyroid and plasma after internal low dose 131I
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emman Shubbar, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
PloS one - 2020 -
Integrative genomics approach identifies molecular features associated with early-stage ovarian carcinoma
Hanna Engqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Jana Biermann, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Peter Larsson, Karin Sundfeldt, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Scientific reports - 2020 -
Optimization of cell viability assays to improve replicability and reproducibility of cancer drug sensitivity
Peter Larsson, Hanna Engqvist, Jana Biermann, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris
Scientific Reports - 2020 -
A 17-marker panel for global genomic instability in breast
Jana Biermann, Szilárd Nemes, Toshima Z Parris, Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Genomics - 2020 -
Male Breast Carcinoma after Irradiation and Long-Term Phenothiazine Exposure: A Case
Ragnar Hultborn, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Åke Borg, Shahin De Lara
Case Reports in Oncology - 2020 -
Previously diagnosed multiple primary malignancies in patients with breast carcinoma in Western Sweden between 2007 and
Jenny Nyqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Zakaria Einbeigi, Per Karlsson, Salmir Nasic, Anikó Kovács
Breast cancer research and treatment - 2020 -
Proteomic expression analysis of rat thyroid tissue 12 months after low-intermediate 131I
Malin Larsson, Emman Shubbar, Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
ERRS 2020 - 2020 -
Coadministration of three antioxidants did not influence the tumour response to radiotherapy in GOT1 neuroendocrine tumour
Charlotte Andersson, Emman Shubbar, Lukas Lundholm, Bo Åkerström, Magnus Gram, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Digital ERRS2020 - 2020 -
The IRI-DICE hypothesis: ionizing radiation-induced DSBs may have a functional role for non-deterministic responses at low
Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - 2020 -
Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) - Case
Slavica Janeva, Ulrika Hansson, Susanne Bram Ednersson, Balázs Márton, Khalil Helou, Toshima Z Parris, Håkan Hallberg, Anikó Kovács
Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports - 2020 -
Radiation-induced genomic instability in breast carcinomas of the Swedish haemangioma
Jana Biermann, Britta Langen, Szilard Nemes, Erik Holmberg, Toshima Z Parris, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Hanna Engqvist, Anikó Kovács, Khalil Helou, Per Karlsson
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2019 -
Immunohistochemical validation of COL3A1, GPR158 and PITHD1 as prognostic biomarkers in early-stage ovarian
Hanna Engqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Anikó Kovács, Szilard Nemes, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Shahin De Lara, Jana Biermann, Karin Sundfeldt, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
BMC Cancer - 2019 -
Transcriptional effects of Lu-177-octreotate therapy using a priming treatment schedule on GOT1 tumor in nude
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emman Shubbar, Johanna Dalmo, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Ejnmmi Research - 2019 -
The prognostic relevance of FOXA1 and Nestin expression in breast cancer metastases: a retrospective study of 164 cases during a 10-year period
Shahin De Lara, Jenny Nyqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Khalil Helou, E. K. Sarenmalm, Zakaria Einbeigi, Per Karlsson, Toshima Z Parris, Anikó Kovács
Bmc Cancer - 2019 -
Tumour clonality in paired invasive breast
Jana Biermann, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Anna Danielsson, Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Cancer Research - 2019 -
Design and creation of a wearable circular ultrasonic device for a soft screening and diagnosis of breast
Amira Godih, Georges Nassar, Toshima Z Parris, Nadine Saad, Elie Helou, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
J Cancer Sci Clin Ther - 2019 -
Long-term effects in thyroid and plasma
after internal low dose exposure with 131I in
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Gothenburg Cancer Meeting - 2019 -
Low-dose exposure of 131I in young rat thyroid tissue and
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European Radiation Protection Week - 2019 -
Radiolabeled somatostatin analogue binding and internalization in human tumor cell
Sofia Saadati, Johan Spetz, Viktor Sandblom, Emil Schüler, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Gothenburg Cancer Meeting 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Transcriptomic and genomic profiling of early-stage ovarian carcinomas associated with histotype and overall
Hanna Engqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Elin Söderberg, Jana Biermann, Constantina Mateoiu, Karin Sundfeldt, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Oncotarget - 2018 -
Genome-wide multi-omics profiling of the 8p11-p12 amplicon in breast
Toshima Z Parris, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Hanna Engqvist, Jana Biermann, Katarina Truvé, Szilard Nemes, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Giovanni Solinas, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Oncotarget - 2018 -
GATA3 as a putative marker of breast cancer metastasis-A retrospective immunohistochemical
Shahin De Lara, Toshima Z Parris, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Khalil Helou, Anikó Kovács
The breast journal - 2018 -
Molecular targeting of various human tumor cell lines with
Sofia Saadati, Johan Spetz, Viktor Sandblom, Emil Schüler, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine October 13 - 17, 2018 Düsseldorf, Germany - 2018 -
Deconvolution of expression microarray data reveals I-131-induced responses otherwise undetected in thyroid
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Plos One - 2018 -
Radiation biomarker screening in blood plasma: the relevance of age and sex
Britta Langen, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Carina Sihlbom, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
64th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Chicago, IL, USA, Sep 23–26, 2018. - 2018 -
Optimization of treatment of neuroendocrine tumors with radiolabeled somatostatin
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Johan Spetz, Viktor Sandblom, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson
Global Academics Programs Conference, Stockholm, May 15-17, 2018. - 2018 -
Clonal relatedness in tumour pairs of breast cancer
Jana Biermann, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Anna Danielsson, Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Breast cancer research : BCR - 2018 -
Time-dependent transcriptional response of GOT1 human small intestine neuroendocrine tumor after 177Lu-octreotate
Johan Spetz, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Johanna Dalmo, Emil Schüler, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Nuclear Medicine and Biology - 2018 -
Mechanical ventilation promotes lung metastasis in experimental 4T1 breast cancer lung-metastasized
Ying-Lai Huang, L. Pan, Khalil Helou, Q. Xia, Toshima Z Parris, H. Li, B. Xu, H. Li
Cancer Management and Research - 2018 -
Transcriptional response to 131I exposure of rat thyroid
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
PLoS ONE - 2017 -
A novel 18-marker panel predicting clinical outcome in breast
Jana Biermann, Szilard Nemes, Toshima Z Parris, Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Gunnar Steineck, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology - 2017 -
Hedgehog inhibitor sonidegib potentiates 177Lu-octreotate therapy of GOT1 human small intestine neuroendocrine tumors in nude
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Ola Nilsson, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
BMC Cancer - 2017 -
Microarray Studies on 211At Administration in BALB/c Nude Mice Indicate Systemic Effects on Transcriptional Regulation in Non-Thyroid
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Journal of Nuclear Medicine - 2017 -
Priming increases the anti-tumor effect and therapeutic window of 177Lu-octreotate in nude mice bearing human small intestine neuroendocrine tumor
Johanna Dalmo, Johan Spetz, Mikael Montelius, Britta Langen, Yvonne Arvidsson, Henrik Johansson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Maria Ljungberg, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI Research - 2017 -
In vitro screening for Lu-177-octreotate uptake in human tumor cell
Johan Spetz, Viktor Sandblom, Emil Schüler, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens Planeringsgrupp för Onkologisk Radionuklidterapi höstmöte 2017 - 2017 -
Internal exposure of 131I – potential biomarkers and functional analysis for long-term effects in
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 44 (Suppl. 2) - 2017 -
Metachronous and Synchronous Occurrence of 5 Primary Malignancies in a Female Patient between 1997 and 2013: A Case Report with Germline and Somatic Genetic
Jenny Nyqvist, Fredrik Persson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Elisabeth Kenne Sarenmalm, Zakaria Einbeigi, Å. Borg, Per Karlsson, Anikó Kovács
Case Reports in Oncology - 2017 -
Age and sex: important variables in biomarker discovery for radiotherapy and risk
Britta Langen, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, John Swanpalmer, Carina Sihlbom, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Swedish Cancer Society planning group for oncological radionuclide therapy - 2017 -
Binding and internalization of 177Lu-octreotate in human tumor cell lines of different
Sofia Saadati, Johan Spetz, Viktor Sandblom, Emil Schüler, Ruth H. Palmer, Bengt Hallberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Cancun, Mexico - 2017 -
Age and sex bias in biomarker discovery for radiotherapy and risk
Britta Langen, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, John Swanpalmer, Carina Sihlbom, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Cancun, Mexico - 2017 -
New insights on risk assessment in thyroid cancer radiotherapy: out-of-field transcriptomic effects can show high similarity with direct
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting - 2016 -
The relevance of non-targeted effects for risk assessment related to thyroid
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Swedish Cancer Fund's planning group for oncological radionuclide therapy - 2016 -
Non-targeted transcriptomic effects upon thyroid irradiation: similarity between in-field and out-of-field responses varies with tissue
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Scientific Reports - 2016 -
Transcriptome and proteome analysis for potential biomarker discovery of long-term effects in rat thyroid and blood tissue after I-131
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 25-26 - 2016 -
Genome-wide multi-omics profiling reveals extensive genetic complexity in 8p11-p12 amplified breast
Toshima Z Parris, Hanna Engqvist, Katarina Truvé, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Jana Biermann, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting - 2016 -
Analysis of genetic abnormalities involved in the development of ovarian
Hanna Engqvist, Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Toshima Z Parris, Elin Söderberg, Jana Biermann, Karin Sundfeldt, Anikó Kovács, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting - 2016 -
Importance of performing av histological reevaluation of ovarian carcinomas according to WHO
Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Hanna Engqvist, Jana Biermann, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Karin Sundfeldt, Per Karlsson, Shahin De Lara, Anikó Kovács, Khalil Helou
8th Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research - 2016 -
Exposure of rats to 131I - potential biomarkers of long-term effects and cancer induction in the
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Swedish Cancer Society autumn meeting, Uppsala, Sweden. - 2016 -
Exposure of rats to 131I - potential biomarkers of long-term effects and cancer induction in the
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting, 7-8 november 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2016 -
Potential biomarkers for long-term effects in thyroid tissue after 131I exposure in
Malin Larsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
62nd Annual International Meeting Radiation Research Society, Waikoloa, HI, USA, October 16-19, 2016 - 2016 -
Importance of performing a histological reevaluation of ovarian carcinomas according to WHO
Elisabeth Werner Rönnerman, Hanna Engqvist, Jana Biermann, Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Karin Sundfeldt, Toshima Z Parris, Per Karlsson, Shahin De Lara, Anikó Kovács, Khalil Helou
4 th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting Gothenburg 2016 - 2016 -
Spatial proteomic analysis of GOT1 human small intestine neuroendocrine tumor in nude mice following 177Lu-octreotate
Johan Spetz, Mikael Montelius, Maria Ljungberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
62nd Annual International Meeting Radiation Research Society, Waikoloa, HI, USA, October 16-19, 2016 - 2016 -
Proteomic analysis reveals spatial differences in response of GOT1 tumors in vivo after 177Lu octreotate
Johan Spetz, Mikael Montelius, Maria Ljungberg, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 25-26 - 2016 -
Thyroid irradiation and non-targeted effects: in-field and out-of-field responses on the transcriptomic level show tissue-specific
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 25-26 - 2016 -
Genome-wide transcriptional response in normal tissues are influenced by time of day of i.v. injection of 131 in
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou
The 14th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), 9-13 May, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa - 2016 -
Transcriptomic analysis of non-targeted effects following thyroid irradiation: similarity between in-field and out-of-field responses shows
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
62nd Annual International Meeting Radiation Research Society, Waikoloa, HI, USA, October 16-19, 2016 - 2016 -
External irradiation of the thyroid results in nontargeted transcriptional response in the kidneys and
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, John Swanpalmer, Khalil Helou
The 14th Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), Cape Town, South Africa - 2016 -
Circadian rhythm influences genome-wide transcriptional responses to I-131 in a tissue-specific manner in
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI Research - 2015 -
Transcriptional response in normal mouse tissues after i.v. 211At administration - response related to absorbed dose, dose rate, and
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI Research - 2015 -
Biomarker gene discovery for radionuclide exposure and the impact of circadian variation and data
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens planeringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi, Höstmöte, Linköping, Sweden, November 25-27, 2015 - 2015 -
Transcriptional effects of 177Lu-octreotate therapy on GOT1 tumor in nude mice using conventional and priming treatment
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
15th International Congress of Radiation Research, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-29 - 2015 -
Gene expression signature in mouse thyroid tissue after 131I and 211At
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou
Cancerfondens riksplaneringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi, Höstmöte, Linköping, Sweden, November 25-27, 2015 (invited) - 2015 -
Gene expression signature in mouse thyroid tissue after 131I and 211At
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI Research - 2015 -
Transcriptomic effects on GOT2 tumor in nude mice ̶ comparison between 177Lu-octreotate and external beam
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, John Swanpalmer, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens riksplaneringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi. Vintermöte, Umeå, Sverige, Jan 22-23 - 2015 -
Hedgehog inhibitor Sonidegib potentiates 177Lu-octreotate therapy of GOT1 human small intestine neuroendocrine tumors in nude
Johan Spetz, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens riksplaneringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi, Höstmöte, Linköping, Sweden, November 25-27, 2015 - 2015 -
Potential Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced Renal Toxicity following 177Lu-Octreotate Administration in
Emil Schüler, Maria Larsson, Toshima Z Parris, Martin E Johansson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
PloS one - 2015 -
Transcriptional Response in Mouse Thyroid Tissue after 211At Administration: Effects of Absorbed Dose, Initial Dose-Rate and Time after
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
PLoS ONE - 2015 -
Proteomic analysis of normal mouse thyroids after 131I
Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
15th International Congress of Radiation Research, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-29 - 2015 -
Dose-specific transcriptional responses in thyroid tissue in mice after (131)I
Nils Rudqvist, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Nuclear medicine and biology - 2015 -
Identification of Dbp as a candidate biomarker gene of low-level 131I exposure that affects thyroid
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
15th International Congress of Radiation Research, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-29 - 2015 -
Data convolution and circadian rhythm impact identification of biomarker genes for ionizing radiation exposure in vivo: concept study on 131I exposure in mouse
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
15th International Congress of Radiation Research, Kyoto, Japan, May 25-29 - 2015 -
Circadian rhythm affects transcriptome responses in mouse normal tissues to i.v. administered
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
6th International MELODI Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 7-9, 2014. - 2014 -
Relationships between transcriptional regulation profiles of 27 genes commonly regulated in mice after 131I and 211At
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Swedish Radiation Research Association for Young Scientists (Swe-Rays) workshop, Malmoe, Sweden, August 20-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Genetic signatures detected in thyroid tissue in mice after 131I and 211At
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Emil Schüler, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
60th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 20-24, 2014 - 2014 -
Transcriptional Relationships and Biological Functions of 27 Genes Commonly Regulated in Thyroid Tissue in Mice after 131I and 211At
Nils Rudqvist, Johan Spetz, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 18-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Microarray studies on normal tissue response to i.v. administered At-211 in mice indicate systemic effects on transcription in non-thyroid
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 18-22, 2014. - 2014 -
Transcriptional response of kidney tissue after (177)Lu-octreotate administration in
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Nuclear medicine and biology - 2014 -
Optimization of 177Lu-octreotate treatment of neuroendocrine
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Johanna Dalmo, Maria Larsson, Mikael Montelius, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Yvonne Arvidsson, Maria Ljungberg, Khalil Helou, Ola Nilsson, Bo Wängberg
3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2-3, 2014 - 2014 -
Distinct microRNA Expression Profiles in Mouse Renal Cortical Tissue after 177Lu-octreotate
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
PloS one - 2014 -
Time- and dose rate-related effects of internal (177)Lu exposure on gene expression in mouse kidney
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Nuclear medicine and biology - 2014 -
Transcriptional response of GOT1 midgut carcinoid in nude mice following 177Lu-octreotate
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 18-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Transcriptional response in mouse to i.v. administered 131I is affected by time of day in a tissue-specific
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
60th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society (RRS), Las Vegas, USA, Sep 21-24, 2014. - 2014 -
Regulation of the viability of Nf1 deficient cells by PKC
Xiaodong Zhou, Ling Shen, Toshima Z Parris, Junchi Huang, Bo Yi, Khalil Helou, Changyan Chen
Oncotarget - 2014 -
Frequent MYC coamplification and DNA hypomethylation of multiple genes on 8q in 8p11-p12-amplified breast
Toshima Z Parris, Anikó Kovács, Shahin Hajizadeh, Szilard Nemes, May Semaan, Max Levin, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Oncogenesis - 2014 -
Trends in nutritional intakes and nutrition-related cardiovascular disease risk factors in Lebanon: the need for immediate
Lara Nasreddine, Farah A Naja, Abla-Mehio Sibai, Khalil Helou, Nada Adra, Nahla Hwalla
Le Journal médical libanais. The Lebanese medical journal - 2014 -
Combination therapy with hedgehog inhibitor LDE225 increases efficacy of 177Lu-octreotate therapy on GOT1 tumors in nude
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 18-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Transcriptional responses to i.v. administered I-131 underlie diurnal variation in normal mouse tissues - implications for biomarker
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Swedish Radiation Research Association for Young Scientists (Swe-Rays) workshop, Malmoe, Sweden, August 20-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Effects of internal irradiation from 177Lu-octreotate on transcriptional expression in GOT1 midgut carcinoid in nude
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Malmö, Sweden, Aug 20-22 - 2014 -
Hedgehog inhibitor LDE225 increases efficacy of 177Lu-octreotate therapy on GOT1 tumors in nude
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
60th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Las Vegas, USA, September 20-24, 2014 - 2014 -
Fractionated 177Lu-octreotate therapy of human GOT1 tumors in nude mice increases treatment efficacy, possibly via SSTR
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Johanna Dalmo, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2-3, 2014 - 2014 -
Association of nuclear-localized nemo-like kinase with heat-shock protein 27 inhibits apoptosis in human breast cancer
Gina Shaw-Hallgren, Katarzyna Chmielarska Masoumi, Reihaneh Zarrizi, Ulf Hellman, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou, Ramin Massoumi
PloS one - 2014 -
Priming administration before the main administration of 177Lu-octreotate increases the therapeutic effect in nude mice bearing human carcinoid tumor
Johanna Dalmo, Johan Spetz, Mikael Montelius, Britta Langen, Yvonne Arvidsson, Henrik Johansson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Maria Ljungberg, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 18-22, 2014 - 2014 -
Clinical relevance of breast cancer-related genes as potential biomarkers for oral squamous cell
Toshima Z Parris, Luaay Aziz, Anikó Kovács, Shahin Hajizadeh, Szilard Nemes, May Semaan, Chang Yan Chen, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
BMC Cancer - 2014 -
Time of day affects transcriptional response to i.v. administered I-131 in mouse normal tissues – implications for biomarker
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
27th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 18-22, 2014. - 2014 -
Additive effect of the AZGP1, PIP, S100A8, and UBE2C molecular biomarkers improves outcome prediction in breast
Toshima Z Parris, Anikó Kovács, Luaay Aziz, Shahin Hajizadeh, Szilard Nemes, May Semaan, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
International Journal of Cancer - 2014 -
Radiobiological effects on gene expression levels in mouse thyroid after irradiation with
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Targeting Alpha-Particle Emitting Radionuclides to Combat Cancer (TARCC) congress: Advances in targeted radionuclide therapy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 1-2, 2010 - 2013 -
Differential gene expression in human fibroblasts after alpha-particle emitter (211)At compared with (60)Co
Anna Danielsson, Kristina Claesson, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Szilard Nemes, Kerstin Elmroth, Jörgen Elgqvist, Holger Jensen, Ragnar Hultborn
International journal of radiation biology - 2013 -
Comparative Analysis of Transcriptional Gene Regulation Indicates Similar Physiologic Response in Mouse Tissues at Low Absorbed Doses from Intravenously Administered
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Journal of Nuclear Medicine - 2013 -
Radiation-induced transcriptional response in mouse thyroid and systemic effects on liver, lungs, kidney and
Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Uppsala, Aug 21-23. - 2013 -
Elevated cyclin B2 expression in invasive breast carcinoma is associated with unfavorable clinical
Emman Shubbar, Anikó Kovács, Shahin Hajizadeh, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Katrin Gunnarsdóttir, Zakaria Einbeigi, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
BMC cancer - 2013 -
High levels of γ-glutamyl hydrolase (GGH) are associated with poor prognosis and unfavorable clinical outcomes in invasive breast
Emman Shubbar, Khalil Helou, Anikó Kovács, Szilard Nemes, Shahin Hajizadeh, Charlotta Enerbäck, Zakaria Einbeigi
BMC Cancer - 2013 -
Increased therapeutic response from fractionated 177 Lu-octreotate therapy of GOT1 tumors in nude
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens planeringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi. Höstmöte, Göteborg, Sverige, Nov 13-15. - 2013 -
Combination therapy of GOT 1 tumours in nude mice using 177 Lu-octreotate and the hedgehog inhibitor
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, Aug 21-25, 2013. - 2013 -
Fractionated 177Lu-octreotate therapy of GOT1 tumors in nude mice increases treatment efficacy, possibly via SSTR
Johan Spetz, Johanna Dalmo, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Bo Wängberg, Ola Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
59th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, New Orleans, USA, September 15-19, 2013 - 2013 -
Transcriptional effects on normal tissues after administration of 211At in
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou
8th International Symposium on Target Alpha Therapy. Oak Ridge, USA. - 2013 -
Early transcriptional regulation following low-activity 211 At exposure in mouse and related systemic physiological
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SWERays Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, Aug 21-23. - 2013 -
Short-term study of transcriptional regulation following low-dose astatine -211 exposure in
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Johan Spetz, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SNMMI , Vancouver , Canada. - 2013 -
Micro-RNA signature of 177Lu-octreotate treatment effects in renal cortical
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens planeringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi, Göteborg, Sverige, Nov 13-15. - 2013 -
Relevance of systemic physiological aspects in radionuclide therapy. System Biology
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
2013 CSHL Meeting on Systems Biology: Networks. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA - 2013 -
Dose-rate effects in radionuclide therapy: global transcriptional regulation in kidney tissue in vivo after 177LuCl3
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
SweRays Workshop, Uppsala, Aug 21-23. - 2013 -
Radiation-induced transcriptional response in thyroid change with time in mice exposed to 211
Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Cancerfondens planeringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi, Göteborg, Sverige, Nov 13-15. - 2013 -
Radiation-induced transcriptional response in kidneys, liver, spleen, and thyroid in mice exposed to 211
Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
59th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, New Orleans, USA, September, 15-19. - 2013 -
Radiation-induced transcriptional response in kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen and thyroid in mice exposed to 211
Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Workshop: Radiobiology Applied to oncology, Lesponne, France - 2013 -
Relevance of systemic physiological aspects in radionuclide
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Meeting with VR planning group on NE tumors, Göteborg, Sweden - 2013 -
Transcriptional effects on normal tissues after administration of 211At in
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou
Fifth International MELODI (Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative) Workshop, Brussels, Oct 7-10, 2013 - 2013 -
Dose-rate effects in radionuclide therapy:global transcriptional regulation in kidney tissue in vivo after 177LuCl3
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
59th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, New Orleans, USA, September, 15-19. - 2013 -
Prognostic value of a four marker panel associated with breast cancer-specific
Toshima Z Parris, A Kovacs, Shahin Hajizadeh, Szilard Nemes, M Semann, Eva Forssell-Aronsson, P Karlsson, Khalil Helou
The 5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference, Brussels, Belgium - 2013 -
Integrative genomics with mediation analysis in a survival
Szilard Nemes, Toshima Z Parris, Anna Danielsson, Zakaria Einbeigi, Gunnar Steineck, Junmei Miao Jonasson, Khalil Helou
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine - 2013 -
Radiobiologiska effekter på thyroidea efter exponering för 211At och
Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Nils Rudqvist, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou
Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens forskningsdagar, Oct 24-25, 2013, Stockholm - 2013 -
A diagnostic algorithm to identify paired tumors with clonal
Szilard Nemes, Anna Danielsson, Toshima Z Parris, Junmei Miao Jonasson, Erik Bülow, Per Karlsson, Gunnar Steineck, Khalil Helou
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2013 -
Retinoic acid receptor alpha is associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast
Henrik J Johansson, Betzabe C Sanchez, Filip Mundt, Jenny Forshed, Anikó Kovács, Elena Panizza, Lina Hultin-Rosenberg, Bo Lundgren, Ulf Martens, Gyöngyvér Máthé, Zohar Yakhini, Khalil Helou, Kamilla Krawiec, Lena Kanter, Anders Hjerpe, Olle Stål, Barbro Linderholm, Janne Lehtiö
Nature communications - 2013 -
Inversion upstream of FOXF1 in a case of lethal alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary
Toshima Z Parris, Ali Moussavi Nik, Sailesh Kotecha, Claire Langston, Khalil Helou, Craig Platt, Peter Carlsson
American journal of medical genetics. Part A - 2013 -
Segmented regression, a versatile tool to analyze mRNA levels in relation to DNA copy number
Szilard Nemes, Toshima Z Parris, Anna Danielsson, Marie Kannius-Janson, Junmei Miao Jonasson, Gunnar Steineck, Khalil Helou
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2012 -
Distinct gene expression response in kidney tissue after injection with
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Congress, Miami June 9-13, 2012 - 2012 -
Kidney toxicity in mice treated with
Maria Larsson, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Håkan Ahlman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
25th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 27-31, 2012 . (European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging) - 2012 -
Dose-rate related effects on gene expression in kidney tissue after intravenous injection of 177LuCl3 in
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EANM'12 Annual Congress of the European association of nuclear medicine. Milan, Italy, October 27 - 31, 2012 - 2012 -
Common threshold response of transcriptional gene regulation after i.v. 211At exposure in abdominal organs and the
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
25th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 27-31, 2012 - 2012 -
Regulation of gene expression in GOT1 midgut carcinoid in nude mice following injection with
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Ola Nilsson, Håkan Ahlman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
25th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 27-31, 2012 - 2012 -
Effects of internal irradiation from 177Lu-octreotate on gene expression in GOT1 midgut carcinoid in nude
Johan Spetz, Britta Langen, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Ola Nilsson, Håkan Ahlman, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, September 30 - October 3, 2012 - 2012 -
Transcriptional gene regulation in abdominal organs and the lung after i.v. injection of 211At in
Britta Langen, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Radiation research society. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2012 - 2012 -
Astatine-211 exposure of Balb/c mice in vivo resulted in distinct effets on thyroid at 1, 6 hours and 7 days after
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico, September 30 - October 3, 2012 - 2012 -
Biological effects of 177Lu-octreotate therapy in mouse: in vivo normal kidney tissue response evaluated with gene expression
Emil Schüler, Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2012 - 2012 -
Balb/c mice thyroids revealed distinct effects on gene expression at 1, 6 hours and 7 days after injection of exposure to
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Britta Langen, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
25th Annual Congress on European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Milano, Italy, October 27-31, 2012 - 2012 -
Transcriptional response of BALB/c mouse thyroids following in vivo astatine-211 exposure reveals distinct gene expression
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI research - 2012 -
Effects of internal low-dose irradiation from 131I on gene expression in normal tissues in Balb/c
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
EJNMMI research - 2011 -
In vivo iodine-131 exposure reveals distinct absorbed dose-dependent gene expression profiles in mouse thyroid
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Conference: From dosimetry to biological effect: radiobiology as guide to clinical practice in nuclear medicine. Sorrento - 2011 -
Effects on gene expression in normal mouse tissues following low dose 131I
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress. Birmingham - 2011 -
Biological effects on normal tissues following low dose 131I irradiation; microarray and gene expression
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Conference: From dosimetry to biological effect: radiobiology as guide to clinical practice in nuclear medicine. Sorrento - 2011 -
Effects of low dose 131I irradiation on gene expression in normal mouse
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European association of nuclear medicine, Birmingham 2011 - 2011 -
The transcriptional response to in vivo astatine-211 exposure of mouse thyroids reveals distinct absorbed dose-dependent
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Conference: From dosimetry to biological effect: radiobiology as guide to clinical practice in nuclear medicine. Sorrento - 2011 -
Transcriptional response of mouse thyroids following in vivo astatine-211 exposure reveals distinct gene expression
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress. Birmingham - 2011 -
Effects on gene expression in normal mouse tissues following low dose 131I
Emil Schüler, Toshima Z Parris, Nils Rudqvist, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
14th International Congress of Radiation Research. Warsaw, Poland - 2011 -
In vivo astatine-211 exposure reveals distinct dose dependent gene expression profiles in mouse thyroid
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Emil Schüler, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
14th International Congress of Radiation Research. Warsaw, Poland - 2011 -
Radiobiological effects (changes in gene expression) on mouse thyroid after irradiation with 211At or
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
10th Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-23, 2010 - 2010 -
Radiobiological effects on transcriptome in mouse thyroid after irradiation with
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
Workshop on biology of ionizing radiation, Berder Island, France, September 22-25, 2010 - 2010 -
Radiobiological effects on gene expression levels in mouse thyroids after irradiation with
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
38th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, Stockholm, Sweden, September 5-9, 2010 - 2010 -
Radiobiological effects on gene expression levels in normal mouse thyroid after I-131
Nils Rudqvist, Toshima Z Parris, Szilard Nemes, Khalil Helou, Eva Forssell-Aronsson
38th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, Stockholm, Sweden, September 5-9, 2010 - 2010 -
Nuclear Janus-activated kinase 2/nuclear factor 1-C2 suppresses tumorigenesis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by repressing Forkhead box
Jeanette Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Anikó Kovács, Pär-Ola Bendahl, Gunnar Bjursell, Mårten Fernö, Peter Carlsson, Marie Kannius-Janson
Cancer research - 2010 -
High-resolution genomic profiling to predict 10-year overall survival in node-negative breast
Elin Möllerström, Ulla Delle, Anna Danielsson, Toshima Z Parris, Björn Olsson, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics - 2010 -
Up-regulation of cell cycle arrest protein BTG2 correlates with increased overall survival in breast cancer, as detected by immunohistochemistry using tissue
Elin Möllerström, Anikó Kovács, Kristina Lövgren, Szilard Nemes, Ulla Delle, Anna Danielsson, Toshima Z Parris, Donal J Brennan, Karin Jirstrom, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
BMC cancer - 2010 -
Clinical implications of gene dosage and gene expression patterns in diploid breast
Toshima Z Parris, Anna Danielsson, Szilard Nemes, Anikó Kovács, Ulla Delle, Ghita Fallenius, Elin Möllerström, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research - 2010 -
Rearrangement and allelic imbalance on chromosome 5 leads to homozygous deletions in the CDKN2A/2B tumor suppressor gene region in rat endometrial
Tatjana Adamovic, Ahmad Hamta, Leyla Roshani, Xuchun Lü, Dan Röhme, Khalil Helou, Karin Klinga-Levan, Göran Levan
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics - 2008 -
Gene expression variation to predict 10-year survival in lymph-node-negative breast
Elin Karlsson, Ulla Delle, Anna Danielsson, Björn Olsson, Frida Abel, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
BMC cancer - 2008 -
Chromosomal changes associated with clinical outcome in lymph node-negative breast
Elin Karlsson, Anna Danielsson, Ulla Delle, Björn Olsson, Per Karlsson, Khalil Helou
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics - 2007 -
Nonrandom pattern of chromosome aberrations in 17beta-estradiol-induced rat mammary tumors: indications of distinct pathways for tumor
Tatjana Adamovic, Leyla Roshani, Lei Chen, Beverly S Schaffer, Khalil Helou, Göran Levan, Björn Olsson, James D Shull
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2007 -
Comparative genome hybridization reveals specific genomic imbalances during the genesis from benign through borderline to malignant ovarian
Khalil Helou, Hesed Padilla-Nash, Danny Wangsa, Elin Karlsson, Lovisa Österberg, Per Karlsson, Thomas Ried, Turid Knutsen
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics - 2006 -
Chromosome ideograms of the laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) based on high-resolution banding, and anchoring of the cytogenetic map to the DNA sequence by FISH in sample
Ahmad Hamta, Tatjana Adamovic, Emma Samuelson, Khalil Helou, Afrouz Behboudi, Göran Levan
Cytogenetic and genome research - 2006 -
Chromosomal alterations in 98 endometrioid adenocarcinomas analyzed with comparative genomic
Kristina Levan, Karolina Partheen, Lovisa Österberg, Khalil Helou, György Horvath
Cytogenetic and genome research - 2006 -
Oncogene amplification in the proximal part of chromosome 6 in rat endometrial adenocarcinoma as revealed by combined BAC/PAC FISH, chromosome painting, zoo-FISH, and
Tatjana Adamovic, Fredrik Trossö, Leyla Roshani, Lars Andersson, Greta Petersen, Saideh Rajaei, Khalil Helou, Göran Levan
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2005 -
The biological effect of pentoxifylline on the survival of human head and neck cancer cells treated with continuous low and high dose-rate
Anna Danielsson, Eva Karlsson, Ulla Delle, Khalil Helou, Claes Mercke
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol - 2005 -
Cytogenetic analysis of carboplatin resistance in early-stage epithelial ovarian
Lovisa Österberg, Kristina Levan, Karolina Partheen, Khalil Helou, György Horvath
Cancer genetics and cytogenetics - 2005 -
Cytogenetic aberrations in spontaneous endometrial adenocarcinomas in the BDII rat model as revealed by chromosome banding and comparative genome
Ahmad Hamta, Tatjana Adamovic, Khalil Helou, Göran Levan
Cancer Genet Cytogenet - 2005 -
Analysis of cytogenetic alterations in stage III serous ovarian adenocarcinoma reveals a heterogeneous group regarding survival, surgical outcome, and
Karolina Partheen, Kristina Levan, Lovisa Österberg, Khalil Helou, György Horvath
Genes Chromosomes Cancer - 2004 -
Predictions based on the rat-mouse comparative map provide mapping information on over 6000 new rat
Pedro M Gómez-Fabre, Khalil Helou, Fredrik Ståhl
Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society - 2002 -
Function of the exon 7 deletion variant estrogen receptor alpha protein in an estradiol-resistant, tamoxifen-sensitive human endometrial adenocarcinoma grown in nude
György Horvath, Gunilla Leser, Khalil Helou, Malin Henriksson
Gynecologic oncology - 2002 -
Chromosome assignment of Cd36 transgenes in two rat SHR lines by FISH and linkage mapping of transgenic insert in the SHR-TG19
F Liska, G Levan, Khalil Helou, M Sladká, M Pravenec, V Zídek, V Landa, V Kren
Folia biologica - 2002 -
Independent amplification of two gene clusters on chromosome 4 in rat endometrial cancer: identification and molecular
A Walentinsson, Khalil Helou, Ville Wallenius, H J Hedrich, C Szpirer, G Levan
Cancer research - 2001 -
Rat–Mouse and Rat–Human Comparative Maps Based on Gene Homology and High-Resolution
Sven Nilsson, Khalil Helou, Anna Walentinsson, Claude Szpirer, Olle Nerman, Fredrik Ståhl
Genomics - 2001 -
Mouse chromosome 19 and distal rat chromosome 1: a chromosome segment conserved in
Y Yamasaki, Khalil Helou, T K Watanabe, Åsa Sjöling, M Suzuki, S Okuno, T Ono, T Takagi, Y Nakamura, Fredrik Ståhl, A Tanigami
Hereditas - 2001 -
Genomewide assessment of genetic alterations in DMBA-induced rat sarcomas: cytogenetic, CGH, and allelotype analyses reveal recurrent DNA copy number changes in rat chromosomes 1, 2, 4, and
A Walentinsson, Åsa Sjöling, Khalil Helou, Karin Klinga-Levan, G Levan
Genes, chromosomes & cancer - 2000