
Luca Versteegen


Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Luca Versteegen


Luca Versteegen is a PhD-student at the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg since September 2020. He holds a Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Psychology from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and a Research Master's in Social and Behavioral Sciences (M.Sc.) from Tilburg University, the Netherlands.

Areas of Interest

Political psychology, political behavior and public opinion, identity politics, emotions, radical right, polarization, well-being


I'm interested in how subjective experiences and group membership drive polarization and support for radical right parties. I draw from social psychological theories and emotion research to explain why certain majority members may feel excluded from society, which emotions drive constructive and destructive political behavior, and how polarized groups can find common ground. I use quantitative (experiments, surveys) and qualitative methods (interviews).


- I supervise Bachelor and Master Theses in my field of expertise. Students interested in supervision are more than welcome to reach out.

- Teacher Swedish Politics in a Comparative Perspective (Populist Radical Right Parties and Gender and Welfare).